• 最好大学往往忽视职业资格证书然而这种资格拥有者2004年的15,000人飞速增长2010年的575,000人。

    Vocational certificates are routinely ignored by the best universities, yet the number of such qualifications jumped from 15,000 in 2004 to 575,000 in 2010.


  • 考试拿到证书国家承认的从业资格证书也就是资格从事行业如果没有证书没有资格

    Examination to get the certificate is recognized by the state qualification certificate, that you are qualified to engage in this industry, if there is no certificate is not eligible.


  • 他们不仅菲律宾本国承认教师资格证书还有全球通用的教师资格证书

    Not only do they have a nationally recognized teacher qualification certificate in Philippines, but also a global teacher qualification certificate.


  • 推行国家职业资格证书制度,实行职业资格证书与学历证书相互沟通与衔接,不仅时势所需也是国外经济发达国家通行做法

    This article states that it is not only the need of the time but also the common thing in the advanced countries to carry out the policy of Vocational qualification certificate.


  • 得到学历资格,从而鼠工作经验能够换到对应的资格证书

    Is it to gain an academic qualification to formalise your years of work experience?


  • 职业资格考评国家职业资格证书制度重要组成部分人力资源开发的重要途径

    Vocational qualification assessment is an important part of the national vocational qualification system and a tool of human resource development.


  • 职业技能鉴定推行职业资格证书制度重要环节,鉴定质量直接关系职业资格证书真实性权威性

    This certification is a very important step to implement professional certificate system, the quality certificated directly relates the truth and authority of the professional certificate.


  • 我国法律服务市场实行资格制度,只有取得主管部门颁发的资格证书才能进行法律服务。

    There is a qualification system in Chinese legal service market, people who want to practice legal service affairs must carry on their license.


  • 如果不是英语熟练程度方面是否资格证书?如果您没有任何资格证书解释原因

    If not, what qualifications do you have in English proficiency? If you have no such qualifications, please explain why not.


  • 北美地区,额外危重病护理医学资格在其有了基本专科证书- - -儿科内科外科麻醉科等专科资格证书- - -获得的。

    In North America, added qualifications in critical care medicine are obtained after board certification in a primary specialty such as pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, or anesthesiology.


  • 他们多年来辛勤工作使LCCI会计类国际资格证书成为塞浦路斯雇主们青睐财务资格证书

    Their hard work over the years has helped to establish LCCI IQ as the preferred financial qualifications by employers in Cyprus.


  • 我们已经文本产生资格进行了修改,目前正在对音频转录资格进行修改,确保这些资格证书满足现代商业环境

    We have recently revised the Text Production and are currently revising the Audio Transcription qualifications to ensure that they remain relevant to the demands of the modern business environment.


  • 第四部分总结英国职业资格证书制度特点经验提出了借鉴英国的成功经验,完善我国职业资格证书制度的几点建议。

    The fourth part summarizes the characteristic and the experience of the system in UK, and puts forward some advice on improving the system of vocational qualifications certificates in China.


  • 第十六申请专利代理人资格人员本人申请,专利代理人考核委员会考核合格的,由中国专利局发给《专利代理人资格证书》。

    Article 16. Persons who apply to be patent agents will obtain CAP "patent agent Qualification Certificate" after a panel of examination judges deem him or her qualified.


  • 职业资格证书制度国际惟一通用的从业资格证明,是为提高劳动者素质,学历制度基础采取一种制度。

    The Professional Credentials system is the only worldwide job certification, which can improve labors qualification and was built on the educational degree system.


  • 获得工程师资格证书。我获得了会计师资格证书

    I have received an Engineer's Qualification Certificate. I have received an Accountant? S Qualification Certificate.


  • 公司具备自营进出口业务资格相关资格证书专业人员

    The company has qualification to import and export by itself and has related qualification certificates and professionals.


  • 所以招聘外教时还要外教是否有教师资格证书。(附:外教资格证书的种类)

    Therefore, the recruitment of foreign teachers also depends on whether the teacher qualification certificate. (foreign teacher qualification certificate)


  • 网站资格证书页面中的信息概括新旧资格证书两者之间的不同。

    The information sheets on the qualification pages of the website outline the differences between the new and current qualifications.


  • 工作踏实求知好学熟悉国家省市安全法律法规标准取得化工行业安全执业资格证书考取注册安全工程师执业资格证。

    I'm hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake and familiar with safety laws, rules and standards. I got the qualification of certified safety engineers in China on Sep, 2008.


  • 全面推行职业资格证书制度建立初级高级技师的职业资格体系

    The vocational qualification credentials system is being introduced, and a vocational qualification system has been set up covering workers at all levels, from basic workers to senior technicians.


  • 记者商店主人资格证书:“需要资格证书?”

    When a reporter asked her to go shop there masters qualification certificate, she said: "It is also necessary qualification certificates?"


  • 健全资格证书质量控制体系,提高职业资格证书的质量社会认可度

    Complete the quality controlling system of NVQ so that NVQ can be more recognized socially and be more high qualified.


  • 持有工程勘察综合类甲级资质证书;甲级测绘资格证书;甲级工程咨询资格证书

    It is still qualified to undertake railway transportation as well as civil construction projects in consultation, exploration, monitoring, supervision and risk assessments of geological hazard.


  • 获得工程师资格证书会计师资格证书计算机操作证书导游证书

    I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate, an Accountant Qualification Certificate, a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate and a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate.


  • 获得工程师资格证书会计师资格证书计算机操作证书导游证书

    I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate, an Accountant Qualification Certificate, a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate and a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate.


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