• 银行资本充足性管制必要主要需求决定的。

    The necessity of bank capital adequacy regulations is mainly due to demand.


  • 中央银行商业银行资本充足性管理其监管核心

    To management the adequacy rate of capital on the state owned commercial bank is the core task for the center bank to supervise.


  • 我国来说,实施严格资本充足性管制必然面临一个管制效率问题

    To our country, we need to analyze the efficiency of capital regulation.


  • 我们必须研究商业银行具体特点通过监管资本充足性防止危机

    We must study the micro feature of the commercial bank, through the supervising and management to the capital sufficiency to be on guard with the crisis.


  • 客体法律关系主体权利义务共同指向对象,资本充足监管行为

    The object of such legal relationship is the regulatory conduct, which is the target both for rights and obligations during the course of regulating and being regulated.


  • 金融管制各项措施中,没有任何一项措施像资本充足监管这样令人关注

    In the various measure of the financial regulation, there is no any other measure but the capital adequacy regulation could call attention.


  • 资本充足监管法律渊源大体来自于国际惯例、区域国际制定和国内成文法;

    This is the major content of legal relationship adjusted by laws on capital adequacy.


  • 如何判断资本充足需要一种标准,因此资本充足性判断标准引起人们的重视

    It needs a standard on how to judge the capital sufficiency, which is taken very attach importance.


  • 随着银行业经营环境变化资本充足性管理已成为当今银行业监管重要手段银行内部控制的重要内容

    Following the change of banking environment, the capital adequacy management becomes the important means of banking supervision and important contents of banking internal control.


  • 银行资本充足国际管制存在的,它们趋向于促进经济循环[9],只要求银行问题发生后才收融更多资本

    International regulations on the capital adequacy of Banks do exist, but they tend to be procyclical too, requiring lenders to raise more capital only when the problems have already occurred.


  • 各国证券公司资本充足规定基本可以分为两个部分:一一般规定,即资本占风险总资产的比重,目前各国已经基本统一为8%。

    There are two parts that each country prescribes to the capital adequacy of the stock companies: one is the basic provision-capital-to-total capital ratio— is 8%;


  • 按照存在破产成本税收情况下的MM理论分析只有管理当局确定资本比率银行最佳资本结构一致时资本充足性管制才是完全有效的。

    According to MM theory with bankruptcy cost and tax, capital adequacy regulations are fully effective only if the capital ratio stipulated by management and optimal capital structure is consistent.


  • 监管主要目的通过确保银行资本必须足以应付突发损失保证银行的充足性

    The main thrust of regulation is to keep Banks solvent by ensuring that their capital is sufficient to cover expected losses.


  • 因此只有充足计提资产损失准备前提下资本充足计算才真实可信,各行相应指标之间才具有可比

    So only on the premise of adequate allocation of assets impairment can the capital adequacy rate be reliable and the index is comparable among different Banks.


  • 然后通过这些研究方法结论扩展影响资本充足监管有效制约因素的分析

    Additionally, the paper researches on the impact of capital requirement on bank efficiency and macro-economy, to analyses the validity of capital adequacy supervision.


  • 必要时,银行业监督管理机构可以提高银行资本充足比例要求保证整个银行集团稳健

    Where necessary, the banking regulatory authority may increase the requirements in respect of the parent bank's capital adequacy ratio so as to ensure the soundness of the entire banking Group.


  • 现实竞争力银行竞争力现实表现通常所财务评价包括盈利能力资产质量资本充足流动

    Current competitiveness is the actual performance of bank competitiveness, that is to say, financial evaluation, which consists of profitability, asset quality, capital adequacy and asset liquidity.


  • 本文银行资本充足主线,对银行盈利、增长充足性三者之间的内在联系进行了理论上实证系统分析

    Based on the bank's capital adequacy ratio for the main line, this paper made theoretical and empirical analysis in the the internal linkages of profitability and growth and adequacy of Banks.


  • 国有商业银行现状资本充足,不容乐观的流动比例,低的资产收益率高的不良贷款率

    Four large state-owned commercial Banks are involve in the problems as follows low capital adequacy ratio, low liquidity ratio, low assets revenue ratio and high bad loans.


  • 总的逻辑思路是,通过金融监管有效理论研究,提炼出资本充足监管有效分析基础、框架和方法。

    Firstly, by means of applying the theory about validity of financial supervision, the paper constructs the analysis framework of the validity of capital adequacy supervision.


  • 因此采取积极有效措施,提高资本充足保证商业银行清偿能力抑制倒闭风险

    So we must find the effective ways to increase the adequacy rate of capital in order to guarantee the ability lifting of commercial bank and restrain the risk of bankrupt.


  • 资本充足衡量单个银行乃至整个银行体系稳健重要指标

    Capital adequacy ratio is the most important indicator evaluating the stability of the banking industry.


  • 资本充足衡量银行抵御风险能力稳健重要指标,我国国有商业银行资本充足率状况不容乐观。

    Sufficient rate of capital is an important index to measure the risk-resistant ability and stability of a bank.


  • 资产利率影响因素进行进一步分析。 且通过对于资本充足、不良贷款率、拨备覆盖进行研究,能够具体分析七家银行的持续盈利情况。

    There will be futher analysis on the net interest rate of the total assets and the influence factors of it. the net interest rate of the total assets and the influence factors for further analysis.


  • 资产利率影响因素进行进一步分析。 且通过对于资本充足、不良贷款率、拨备覆盖进行研究,能够具体分析七家银行的持续盈利情况。

    There will be futher analysis on the net interest rate of the total assets and the influence factors of it. the net interest rate of the total assets and the influence factors for further analysis.


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