• 从根本上讲,地质学石油地质学,仍然特别依赖基于经验数值判断和对现有资料有效性评估

    Geology, in general, and petroleum geology, in particular, still rely on value judgements based on experience and an assessment of validity among the data presented.


  • py(请参阅 参考资料中的链接保持了对最低最高权重追踪权重显示中显示颜色数值一个

    Net.py (see Resources for a link) keeps track of the lowest and greatest weights, and it will display a key to the numerical values of the colors in the weight display.


  • 如果需要了解Web服务器每秒可以提供页面数目参考资料部分中相应的软件链接可以帮助确定数值

    If you need to know the number of pages per second your Web server can handle, the Resources section has links to software that can help you determine this.


  • 数值试验结果说明方法正确性实际资料处理结果说明了该方法的有效性

    The result of the numerical test illustrates this method's correctness. The result of the practical data illustrates this method's effectiveness.


  • 通过参考区域土层物理力学性质资料,结合工程经验获取,预测结果精度得不到保证

    Meanwhile the accuracy of results can not be guaranteed, if the value of parameters is determined through referencing regional soil's physical mechanical information.


  • 基于没入硬层时有限元数值模拟对比分析和持力层不同时同场地现场对比试验资料分析,对直径超长灌注桩承载潜力问题进行了探讨

    Based on the field loading tests and FEM numerical simulation analysis, the paper probes into the potential bearing capacity of large diameter and super-long bored-cast-place piles.


  • 各种资料综合同一个层定量化数值模型之中,目前储层建模趋势

    To integrate multiple disciplines data in a numerical reservoir model is a tendency of reservoir modeling at present day.


  • 给出两个计算实例计算结果实测资料基本吻合从而射流泵内部场的数值模拟研究提供了一种方法

    Numerical results of two examples given in this paper agree with the experimental data, and thus, a new numerical method for studying flow in jet pumps is proposed.


  • 利用矿场试验资料数值模拟研究结果评价了其试验效果研究聚合物驱油特征

    Using field test information and numerical simulation result, this paper evaluates the effectiveness and the characteristics of polymer flooding.


  • 利用实时资料数值预报产品建立多种数据库为支撑西北地区东部重要天气预报业务系统

    By using of actual data and numerical forecast products, the significant weather forecast system in east north west China, based on various data base, is built.


  • 数值模型野外资料反演结果表明,方法可靠稳定收敛性好,层析成像结果的精度较高

    Inversions on numerical model and real data showed that the method is reliable, stable and convergent, and the inverted results are of high precision.


  • 实际估测区域降水量不仅进行洪水监测、发布洪水警报起指导作用,而且是各种水文大气数值模式用到的重要的实测原始资料之一

    Precipitation is not only a kind of essential data to a hydrological or atmospheric numerical model, but also a sort of key information for flood monitoring and warning.


  • 资料重复出现次数最多那个数值

    The mode is that value that is repeated most often in the data set.


  • 通过各种动态监测资料综合分析网络大规模精细数值模拟研究搞清剩余油分布状况

    Through a comprehensive analysis on various dynamic monitoring data and a large amount of fine numerical simulation study of dense grid, it makes clear the residual oil distribution.


  • 地下数值模拟资料调研基础上,建立了储气库动态注采模型

    Dynamic injection and production model of injection and production gas well of gas storage is built on the base of studying numerical simulation data of underground gas storage.


  • 介绍了我国数值预报资料及其日常天气预报业务中的应用

    In this paper, the GRID Form of NWP products and its major application for operational weather forecasting are described.


  • 近年来卫星辐射资料数值天气预报(NWP系统中的直接同化研究取得了长足进展

    Recently, much progress has been made in the direct assimilation of satellite radiance measurements in numerical weather-prediction(NWP) system.


  • 数值模拟结果实测资料物理模型试验结果验证比较表明方法可以定性分析漂浮物堆积形态

    Comparison between numerical simulation and measured results of the physical model test shows that this model can qualitatively simulate the floating-debris' accumulation form.


  • 利用将水体中的污染物作为保守物质水质模型通过数值模拟计算得出的博斯腾湖湖水矿化度实测资料基本吻合。

    A water quality model considering pollutants as conservative materials is presented, and the numerical simulation results of salinity in Bosten Lake are found agreeable with the measured results.


  • 由于杂凑大量资料表示成较小数值因此杂凑值用于数位签章

    Hash values represent large amounts of data as much smaller numeric values, so they are used with digital signatures.


  • 地表比辐射率计算不确定性直接影响到卫星资料数值预报同化应用效果

    The uncertainty of surface emissivity influences directly the efficiency of satellite radiance assimilation in numerical weather prediction model.


  • 第二类型的一储存格包含资料数值

    The second kind of information that a cell can contain is a numeric value .


  • 然而许多简单数值方法合理、直观地了解这种滤波器地震资料中的作用

    However, the effects of the filter can still be analyzed via many straightforward numerical means.


  • 然后,从日本气象厅发布的数值预告传真图资料中,通过相关普查,筛选出物理意义清楚效果好的四个预报因子。

    Seconely, using Japanis facsimile data, and through correlation ana lysis, four predictors are sifted out with clear physical meaing and fairly good effect .


  • 标准阻值标准摩擦阻力作为矿井通风技术管理基本资料对矿井通风管理具有重要意义。

    The standard value of ventilation resistance and coefficient of frictional resistance is very significant to the ventilation management of the mine as the basic data.


  • 计量资料数值变量组成通过测定观察指标数值大小获得的资料

    Measurement data, which is obtained by measuring the size of numeric value, is consisted of numerical variables.


  • 基本原理根据研究地区控制资料求得区域网格化后各节点处的,经过数字-字符转换处理,打印机实现绘图

    Given the data of control Wells in a given area, the drawing will be done on the printer by calculation of the parameters at the netted nodes and digit-character conversion.


  • 本文利用已得的数据资料以及数值模拟数据资料进行了回强度的预算,据此对航道疏浚后每年的清淤提出了合理建议。

    This thesis estimates siltation intensity of Guangli channel by the obtained data and the data of numerical simulation, and suggests the dredged sand volume from the channel every year.


  • 利用多种观测资料中尺度数值模式输出资料分析了次中尺度对流系统造成的鄂东地区突发性大暴雨天气过程。

    With several observational data and mesoscale numerical model output data, it is analyzed an abrupt heavy rain in eastern Hubei resulted from mesoscale convective system.


  • 利用多种观测资料中尺度数值模式输出资料分析了次中尺度对流系统造成的鄂东地区突发性大暴雨天气过程。

    With several observational data and mesoscale numerical model output data, it is analyzed an abrupt heavy rain in eastern Hubei resulted from mesoscale convective system.


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