• 此项研究2100女性身上获得资料为依据。

    The study was based on data from 2,100 women.


  • 还没有收集这么多的资料,”46岁库克第一次触及领域是1994年,她写了《非常战士》一书(牛津大学出版社),内战士兵的书信集。

    "No one has accumulated this much data," says Cook, 46, who first tilled this turf in her 1994 An Uncommon soldier (Oxford University Press), a compilation of letters from a female Civil War soldier.


  • 男性女性摄入更多资料75MB使用女性约53个万

    Males are consuming more data than females with 75 MB used vs. 53 MB for females.


  • 其中一阅读困难消防员花钱请人将学习资料录音并且每天花小时复习备考

    One, who is dyslexic, had paid to have audio recordings made of his study materials and had spent several hours a day revising for the test.


  • 认识缓冲区重要一点发生潜在地修改碰巧指派缓冲区附近任何资料

    The important thing to realize about buffer overflows is that any data that happen to be allocated near the buffer can potentially be modified when the overflow occurs.


  • 缓冲区并且,覆写了哪些资料(如果有的话)!

    What data (if any) are overwritten when the buffer gets full and spills over!


  • 如此,理论上应该会使太平洋化,不过根据观测站另一研究员,凯文(KevinAnchukaitis)珊瑚礁研究资料,实际上太平洋并没有暖化。

    That should have corresponded with a warmer Pacific but according to Kevin Anchukaitis, another of the observatory's researchers, data from coral suggest it did not.


  • 为了篇文章收集一些资料同事询问他们以及在将来如何影响我们使用技术方式

    To gather material for this article, I asked four of my colleagues to tell me what they were working on and how it will affect the way we use technology in the future.


  • 个人资料自己描述瑜伽老师私人教练

    On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.


  • 福布斯搜寻了每年美国劳工部下属劳工统计局收集资料,发现15个令人惊奇年薪数的工作

    Forbes combed through data gathered annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the Labor Department, to find the 15 most surprising six-figure jobs.


  • 过去几年中的一些报告(参考资料)揭示了服务器利用率增长仅有数的服务器虚拟化和不断增长的ROI这样一个喜忧参半结果

    A couple of reports (see Resources) over the past few years show mixed results for server virtualization with only single digit increases in server utilization and mixed results in improving ROI.


  • 由于缓冲区问题近年安全性领域受到瞩目,这一资料相当令人灰心的。

    The data are extremely discouraging since the buffer overflow problem has been widely known in security circles for years.


  • 并且资料显示这一问题正在扩大,而不是缩减;请参阅缓冲区土重来」。

    And the data show that the problem is growing instead of shrinking; see "Buffer overflow: Dejavu all over again".


  • 资料记载第一访问小岛人是欧洲探险家,时间为十六世纪

    The first recorded visit to the island by a European explorer occurred in the sixteenth century.


  • 同样地缓冲区额外资料摧残程序将来可能存取其它有用的资料

    Likewise, when a buffer overflows, the excess data may trample on other meaningful data that the program might wish to access in the future.


  • 莱斯大学资料显示,这些材料出自苏格兰·l·摩尔之手,是休斯顿州立精神病学研究所门诊病人。

    The Rice University article reveals that these materials were created by Scotland L. Moore, an outpatient from the Houston State Psychiatric Institute.


  • 背景资料,知道其实生活导师多年来一直激励他人

    I was reading about your background. And you actually worked as a life coach, inspiring others for so many years.


  • 发言人表示,此次紧急会议目的获取紧急情况发生时应急预案第一手资料

    A spokesman said the aim of the hastily organised meeting was to get first-hand information about what contingency plans were in place should an emergency occur.


  • 野外研究中心内蒙接壤陕西省玉林地区发现了大量资料甚至揭秘了近期去世名叫吴磊的萨满僧人

    She discovered plenty, and in the center of her fieldwork research, in the Yulin region of northern Shaanxi, bordering Inner Mongolia, even uncovered an only recently deceased shaman called Lei Wu.


  • 人们注意到有神秘的衣冠楚楚绅士休斯敦校区散发有关颗地立方体行星资料

    A mysterious, well-dressed gentleman had been observed hanging out around the Houston-area campus, distributing literature about an alien, cubical planet.


  • 资料还称找了三布鲁克林区的朋友埋伏录音室楼下大厅中。

    He had enlisted a trio of his friends from Brooklyn to ambush Shakur in the lobby of the Quad, the sources said.


  • 这些接受邀请的眼科医师均收到一份数据收集用于记录连续100即将接受白内障手术患者人口统计学资料临床资料

    Those who complied received a data collection form for recording demographic and clinical data on 100 consecutive patients about to undergo cataract surgery.


  • 上述数据是阿拉斯加大学地球物理学瓦伦蒂娜·拉迪克丽金·霍克通过电脑模型计算出的,该电脑模型来自1961至2004年期间300多个冰川资料记载

    Geophysicists Valentina Radic and Regine Hock of the University of Alaska base these calculations on a computer model derived from records for more than 300 glaciers between 1961 and 2004.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 针对任何一猎头搜索,公司都会浏览上百候选人资料

    For any given search assignment, my firm reviews hundreds of candidates.


  • 有胆识年轻英国科学家尼喀黑猩猩生活一起,发现了猩猩的一些行为详细资料,而这些迄今为止都鲜为人知。

    A courageous young British scientist lives among these great apes in Tanganyika and learns hitherto unknown details of their behavior.


  • 尔就听到过电影制片人帮助制作两部关于黑猩猩资料片时表达这样意见

    Hare had heard filmmakers express this opinion while helping with two television documentaries about chimpanzees.


  • 程序是否试图读取期间被覆资料

    Whether the program attempts to read data that are overwritten during the overflow.


  • 雅梅·法雷尔身材娇小拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料

    Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.


  • 雅梅·法雷尔身材娇小拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料

    Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.


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