• 现在他们已经面临旅行禁令资产冻结区域武力干涉威胁

    They are already facing travel bans, asset freezes and the threat of a regional military intervention.


  • 阶段财政损失资产冻结以及突发性困难是非常有意义常见的。

    At this time, financial losses, frozen assets and sudden difficulties are quite significant and normal.


  • 本月初,尤科海外子公司尤科斯资本Rosneft告上英国法庭,导致该公司当地资产冻结

    Earlier this month an English court froze Rosneft's local assets in a case brought by Yukos Capital, an offshore affiliate of Yukos.


  • 知道欧洲旅行者申请中国的签证时是否需要提交他们银行账户证明,是否需要将他们部分资产冻结

    I don't know if European tourists have to submit their bank accounts' certificates and have a percentage of their deposits frozen for a certain period to get a visa to China.


  • 这家公司资产冻结

    The company's assets have been frozen.


  • 美国国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特表示撤销影响组织的美国签证,冻结美国金融资产

    US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says the affected groups will have their US visas revoked and US financial assets frozen.


  • 措施包括旅行限制冻结资产

    The new steps include travel restrictions and freezing assets.


  • 富士康控告他们诽谤请求法院冻结他们个人资产,这一诉讼苹果惠普要求下被解除。

    Foxconn sued them personally for libel and secured a court order freezing their assets, backing off only at the behest of Apple and HP.


  • 华盛顿欧洲可以马上冻结利比亚美国欧洲银行资产堵住利比亚国际金融系统的联系。

    Washington and Europe can immediately freeze Libyan assets in American and European Banks and work to block Libya's access to the international financial system.


  • 穆巴拉克儿子及其妻子们已经禁止离开埃及。他们资产业已冻结

    Mr Mubarak, his sons and their wives have been banned from leaving the country and their assets have been frozen.


  • 美国经济制裁——周四得以延期,包括冻结所有美国叙利亚资产禁止进口叙利亚的石油——收效甚微。

    American economic sanctions, which were extended on Thursday to include the freezing of all Syrian assets in America and banning the import of Syrian oil, will have little effect.


  • 我们不久后能够解冻属于利比亚人民冻结资产

    We will soon be able to release the frozen assets that belong to the Libyan people.


  • 罗斯福相应采取强硬政策如果日本无法满足要求,罗斯福切断石油输出以及最终冻结日本美的资产

    Roosevelt accordingly adopted an intransigent policy toward the Japanese; when they would not meet his terms, he cut off oil exports to Japan and eventually froze Japanese assets in the United States.


  • 上周美国参议员麦凯恩访问班加西呼吁卡扎菲上校海外冻结资产转给反对派

    Last week, the US Senator John McCain visited Benghazi and called for Colonel Gaddafi's frozen assets abroad to be released to the opposition.


  • 不过卡扎菲大部分资产冻结了——吸引力也随之下降了。

    But much of the colonel's assets are frozen-and with that, his attractiveness.


  • 制裁措施包括冻结10个伊朗公司个人资产

    The sanctions also include a freeze on the assets of 10 Iranian companies and individuals.


  • 由于资产伊朗冻结我家经济拮据因此顶替妹妹学习以避免浪费学费

    Money was tight for my family, with our assets locked up in Iran, so I took my sister's place rather than waste the investment.


  • 瑞典媒体报道,瑞典税务机关日前盯上居住在斯德哥尔摩居民、著名华裔流行歌星韦唯,并打算冻结韦唯5000万瑞典克朗(650万美元)资产

    Chinese pop singer and Stockholm resident Wei Wei has been targeted by Swedish tax authorities, who recently attempted to freeze 50m kronor ($6.5m) of the singer's assets, Swedish media reported.


  • 主持本案法官可能发布禁令,并且更坏的情况是冻结所有LimeWire的资产

    The judge presiding over the case will likely grant the injunction, and worse, grant the motion to have LimeWire's assets frozen. Ouch.


  • 大多数西方国家禁止Laurent Gbagbo本人周遭人士前往旅行冻结他们资产

    He and his circle have been banned from travelling to most Western countries and their assets there frozen.


  • 委内瑞拉有关官员指责埃克森美孚石油公司进行经济骚扰。 此前,埃克森美孚欧洲获得一项法庭令,冻结委内瑞拉在海外价值120亿美元的资产

    Venezuelan officials accuse the firm of economic harassment after Exxon won a court order in Europe freezing $12 billion in Venezuelan assets abroad.


  • 随后沙特阿拉伯央行冻结了大量戈萨比家族成员包括Sanea个人账户资产

    Later that month Saudi Arabia's central bank froze the personal accounts and property holdings of a number of members of the Gosaibi family, including Mr Sanea.


  • 为了能提供这些服务,他们需要使石油工业重新运转,修复其余受损基础设施着手处理世界各地冻结利比亚资产——并不起来的那样简单

    In order to do so they will need to get the oil industry running again, repair other damaged infrastructure and get their hands on frozen Libyan assets around the world - not as easy as it sounds.


  • 他们匆忙离去显然是因为一份证券交易委员会有关法庭指令,声称公司涉嫌诈骗要被冻结资产

    The abrupt departure was apparently precipitated by a Securities and Exchange Commission court order freezing the firm's assets because of allegations of fraud.


  • 他们匆忙离去显然是因为一份证券交易委员会有关法庭指令,声称公司涉嫌诈骗要被冻结资产

    The abrupt departure was apparently precipitated by a Securities and Exchange Commission court order freezing the firm's assets because of allegations of fraud.


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