• 越多顾客使用这个产品就能产生越多的价值转移成本会变得高,一点处,它会达到使用限制用户想要突破这一限制就必须付出一定的费用

    The more a customer uses the product, the more value she derives, the higher the switching costs are, and at some point she’ll hit a usage limit and convert to a paying customer.


  • 要不如何计算零部件成本增长了多少或者自动价值客户提供限时折扣,或者计算追溯费用变更的影响?

    How else are you going to calculate how much your parts costs have gone up, or automatically give a limited-time discount to a valued customer, or calculate the effect of a retroactive rate change?


  • 这份成本固定费用任务订单合同价值上限为4600万美元,为期包括基本年限年的选择期权

    The Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) Task Order contract has a ceiling of $46 million over five years, consisting of two base years and three option years.


  • 其他种类汽车一样,你必须考虑原始购买成本,再出售价值燃料费用维护费用保险费用

    You'll need to consider initial purchase price, resale value and the costs of fuel, maintenance and insurance -- as you would when buying any other car.


  • 蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)移动分组数据技术,具有较低建网运营成本业务费用,因此具有广泛推广价值

    Cellular Digital packet data (CDPD) network is one of the mobile packet data technologies, with rather lower cost of network laying, operation and lower service fees and worthy of popularization.


  • 墨盒测试系统满足使用要求前提下,控制成本维护费用这样的测试系统具有很高实用价值

    Cartridges test system when meeting the requirements can control the total cost and maintenance costs, such the test system has high practical value.


  • 成本费用控制常用方法PDCA管理循环价值工程法。

    The commonly used methods of cost control are the PDCA management cycling method and the value engineering method.


  • 破产成本企业破产发生费用,从而降低了企业资产价值

    Research on valuation of corporate risky debt is given when bankruptcy costs are taken into account.


  • 航空公司成本主要因素来自于航材成本,航材支出包括航材本身价值,航材占用资金成本以及仓储费用采购费用等。

    The cost of airlines mainly involves inventory management that includes the value of inventory itself, the cost of fund it occupies, warehouse cost and purchasing cost.


  • 消费者互联网各种行为能为自己带来巨大价值由于其中大部分成本都是通过广告来抵销的,因此,对于消费者来说,上网并不涉及需要立即支付的成本

    Consumers derive significant value from all they do on the Web, and since advertising pays for much of this, it involves no immediate out-of-pocket cost.


  • 实践意义在于,研究发现会计准则变迁除了导致增大资本成本,降低会计盈余价值相关性等间接暂时性成本外,也提高审计费用这一直接成本

    The further results shows that the absolute value of adjustment item between the two accounting regimes has significant positive effect on the increase of audit fees.


  • 货物商品保险中,保险价值保险财产成本价格上海运费与海运有关的费用全部海运过程中的保险费用

    In insurance on goods or merchandise, the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured, plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole;


  • 货物商品保险中,保险价值保险财产成本价格上海运费与海运有关的费用全部海运过程中的保险费用

    In insurance on goods or merchandise, the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured, plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole;


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