• 这场比赛中,费德50发球直接得分107个球,38个受迫性失误。

    For the match, Federer had 50 aces and 107 winners, compared with 38 unforced errors.


  • 这场比赛13号球场最早开始比赛,几乎今天被安排在爱舍球场第三场比赛的杰·费德同时结束比赛。

    The match was first on Court 13 but finished around the same time as Roger Federer completed his match, which was the third of the day on Ashe.


  • 迪克也许费德带来一定压力,但是最终获得胜利费德勒——有史以来伟大的球员

    I think Roddick will push Federer and give him a match, but at the end of the day you have to go with the greatest player of all-time.


  • 8月18日纳达尔正式成为世界排名第一网球选手终结了杰·费德保持长达世界第一历史。

    Nadal will be officially named the number one tennis player in the world on August 18, ending Swiss Roger Federer's four-year stay at the top of the world rankings.


  • 最近对阵费德时,迪克是个1胜9负失败者,算起整个职业生涯,拿就是2胜18负,其中大满贯赛事0胜6负。

    Roddick was a 9-1 underdog in some quarters, a reflection of his 2-18 record, and 0-6 in Grand Slams, against Federer.


  • 纳达尔2007年网被费德击败之后,到现在为止没有在温网场比赛

    That was probably one of the turning points of the match," said Nadal, who has not lost a match at Wimbledon since Roger Federer defeated him in the 2007 final.


  • 今年的男单比赛将会非常精彩,认为最终的形式很可能三强鼎立——拉法·纳达尔·费德以及安迪·穆雷

    I think there are three men that have a chance to win - Rafael Nadal. Roger Federer and Andy Murray.


  • 杰·费德直落三盘击败瑞典选手,问鼎法网新王者,并以此完成全满贯的伟业

    Roger Federer has finally won the only grand slam tournament to elude him after beating Sweden's Robin Soderling in straight sets to claim the French Open title at Roland Garros.


  • 纳达尔杰·费德安迪·穆雷确认参赛。

    Nadal, Roger Federer and Andy Murray are among those scheduled to play in Monte Carlo.


  • 这本书的评论员,他妻子喜欢杰·费德

    THIS reviewer's wife loves Roger Federer.


  • 决赛中的对手周五另一场半决赛三届澳网冠军杰·费德2008打入决赛的特松加中的胜者

    He'll take on the winner of Friday night's semifinal between three-time Australian Open winner Roger Federer and 2008 finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.


  • 一方面,瑞士队的旗手则亿万富翁杰·费德(Roger Federer)。

    Switzerland's flagbearer, on the other hand, was the squillionaire Roger Federer.


  • 今天BBC5间直播室共同直播抽签仪式结束,卫冕冠军杰·费德今年巴克莱at P世界巡回赛总决赛上遭遇纳达尔重演2010年决赛O2球场惊心动魄的三盘苦战。

    Defending champion Roger Federer will meet Rafael Nadal in round-robin play at this year's Barclays ATP World Tour Finals at the O2 in a replay of their thrilling three-set 2010 final.


  • 网坛天王杰·费德勒的两位千金出生不到两天,博彩公司上周五开出了对双胞胎赢得温布尔登网球公开赛的赔率

    World number one Roger Federer's daughters are less than 48 hours old but bookmakers on Friday had already posted odds on the twins winning Wimbledon.


  • 纽约(New York)——在浪两个赛点之后不到一个小时杰·费德勒(Roger Federer)止步美国公开赛(u.s.Open)半决赛

    NEW YORK - a little more than an hour after wasting two match points and losing in the U.S. Open semifinals, Roger Federer headed for the exit.


  • 当然是是杰·费德偶像的偶像是呢?

    Certainly Goger Federer. He is my idol. And who is your idol?


  • 杰·费德生活怎样的人?

    What is Roger Federer like in real life?


  • 即便每一异常紧张费德迪克继续比赛,奋勇向前,轰出一记一记好球

    But even with the unnatural tension hanging on every point, Federer and Roddick played on, moving forward, making massive shot after massive shot.


  • 现在理解缘何人们谈起戴维·福斯特·华莱士时流露出景仰和网球粉丝谈论杰·费德塞雷娜·威廉姆斯时如出一辙。

    I now understand why people talk about David Foster Wallace with the same kind of awe that tennis fans use to talk about a Roger Federer or Serena Williams.


  • 不断向前,当阴影草场上蔓延,迪克中心球场紧跟费德脚步,而费德努力接近创纪录第15大满贯单打头衔

    On and on, with shadows encroaching on the grass, Andy Roddick kept pace with Roger Federer on Centre Court as Federer attempted to close in on a record 15th Grand Slam singles title.


  • 虽则那些知道迪克费德阴影追求多长时间的光亮的来说如此伤心,费德勒仍是那个最终手捧奖杯的人。

    And as poignant as it should seem to those who know how long Roddick has been chasing sunlight in Federer's shadow, Federer was the one who again ended up holding the trophy.


  • 玛利亚·基里连科周一澳网首战中击败玛利亚·莎拉波娃,给自己男友伊戈尔·烈夫,在即将周二迎战杰·费德一轮比赛增加不少压力

    Maria Kirilenko, who beat Maria Sharapova at the Australian Open on Monday, has added extra pressure on the shoulders of her boyfriend Igor Andreev, who plays Roger Federer in the first round Tuesday.


  • 网球名将杰·费德妻子米尔卡星期二迎来一对双胞胎降生,两个儿子个叫列一个叫列

    Roger Federer welcomed another pair of twins into the world Tuesday after his wife Mirka gave birth to boys Leo and Lenny.


  • 网球明星杰·费德担任北京奥运会开幕式瑞士代表团旗手

    Tennis star Roger Federer will be the flag bearer for the Swiss delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.


  • 费德有力的反手拍,迪克几乎碰不到球。

    Federer stroked a big backhand, and Roddick could barely get a racket on it.


  • 网坛巨星杰?费德精湛球技再现了网球浪漫气质,许多重新爱上这项运动。 而这位名将2000年悉尼奥运会上遇见的一生挚爱

    Roger Federer, who brought back the romance of tennis with his artistry and made many of us fall in love with the sport again, found the love of his life at Sydney in 2000.


  • 除此之外一直身旁的拍档·费德一直给很大的帮助和自信。

    And besides that I have a partner on my side who is Roger Federer.


  • 除此之外一直身旁的拍档·费德一直给很大的帮助和自信。

    And besides that I have a partner on my side who is Roger Federer.


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