• 国际森林贸易计划据称资源保护方面的突破

    An international forest trading scheme claims to be a breakthrough in conservation.


  • 美国顶尖汽车制造商决定继续实施日本汽车制造商提起贸易诉讼计划

    The top three US auto-makers have decided not to proceed with plans to file a trade complaint against Japanese auto-makers.


  • 大学学习了国际贸易计划进入法学院

    In college, I studied international business, and planned to enter a law school.


  • 贸易不佳延缓了我们扩张计划

    Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.


  • 正如美国联邦贸易委员会正在那样,欧盟的反不正当竞争部门也会仔细研究谷歌收购一家在线广告公司“双击”公司计划

    Just as America's Federal Trade Commission is now doing, the EU's competition authorities will look closely at Google's planned takeover of DoubleClick, another leader in online advertising.


  • 旨在签署一项自由贸易协定计划将于2010年生效

    He brings with him plans for a free trade deal between the nations, planned to come into force by 2010.


  • 无论是布什关税计划,还是里根时期日本汽车半导体的进口限制,基本上,他们还是信守自由贸易承诺的。

    Mr Bush’s tariffs, like the Reagan-era export restraints on Japanese cars and semiconductors, came from a president who was fundamentally committed to free trade.


  • 今年3月多哈举行下一届CITES(《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》)会议上,如果这项计划得以提交影响几个建立的动物亲善关系。

    If this plan is submitted to the next CITES (convention on international trade in endangered species) meeting in Doha in March, it could undermine the goodwill that has built up in recent months.


  • 最近份报告交到了国际贸易组织(WTO) 153个成员国的手上,这一组织的理事长PascalLamy对于各国针对减轻经济危机国家救援计划提出警告

    In a recent report to the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) 153 member states, Pascal Lamy, the club's director-general, sounded a warning about state aid intended to mitigate the economic crisis.


  • 贸易谈判似乎总是失败后成功乌拉圭回合本来计划4年内结束,但艰难地拖8年。

    Trade talks always seem to break down before they succeed: the Uruguay round was supposed to be over in four years and dragged on for a painful eight.


  • 随着来自美国欧洲需求逐渐减少,公司启动相关计划国内贸易其它国家对华出口贸易提供支持

    But as demand from the US and Europe has dropped off, the company has launched programmes to support domestic trade and exports from other countries to China.


  • 他们目标农产品工业品的自由贸易达成一致计划同时寻求服务上达成妥协迹象

    Their aim is to agree on a plan for liberalising trade in farm products and industrial goods , and to look for signs of compromise on services.


  • 美元政策符合他们希望大幅减少美国贸易逆差计划

    Weak dollar policy will be in line with their plans to significantly reduce the US trade deficit.


  • 孟山都美国公司告诉德新社,公司计划采取法律措施保护公司德国自由贸易活动。

    Monsanto, a US company, told the German News Agency that it plans to take legal steps to secure its right to trade freely in Germany.


  • 加速越南加入世界贸易组织计划实施。

    And help speed-up plans for Vietnam to join the world Trade Organisation.


  • 今年庞大的经济刺激计划商品价格上涨的影响,中国进口猛增不止,甚至3月份出现贸易赤字

    China's imports have ballooned this year, thanks to its prodigious stimulus spending and a rise in commodity prices. It even recorded a trade deficit in March.


  • 公平贸易早先研究(于2008年10月发表)称,公平贸易发现这些“售后回计划无数陷阱导致一些甚至能够作为租户留在自己房子里

    In an earlier study, published in October 2008, the OFT found numerous pitfalls with the schemes, which had led to some people not even being able to remain in their homes as tenants.


  • 增加就业或者减少赤字角度来说,这项计划问题增加的是双边贸易——有出口有进口——所以没有拉平出口的趋势

    The problem with them, from a job-creation or deficit-reduction standpoint, is that they increase bilateral trade-imports as well as exports-and so have no average tendency to increase exports.


  • 我们一项计划达成协议确保操作控制权战时成功过渡预期《韩美自由贸易协定》(Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement)将获顺利通过

    We have agreed on a plan to ensure successful transition of operational control during wartime and anticipate successful passage of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.


  • 这个计划仍旧使用贸易赤字来约束各个成员

    The scheme would still discipline members with trade deficits.


  • 贫困国家农业扶持计划反对富裕国家之间的贸易壁垒成为那届会议的主要议题

    Objections by poor countries do agricultural support programs and trade barriers in wealthy ones were major issues.


  • 财务部门协作完成进口申请计划确保符合商业贸易条款

    Prepares the import application plans in accordance with the business volume and communicates with the Finance Department.


  • 濒危物种国际贸易公约一个91个国家条约,旨在拯救濒危非洲大象计划

    The Convention on International Trade in endangered Species in a treaty signed by 91 nations led to the program for saving endangered elephants in Africa.


  • 这个计划包括英国欧洲贸易往来许多中国公司预计可以带来1,000个工作职位,同时还会相关工业领域增加3,000个就业职位。

    The project, which will be home to a large number of China's companies trading with the UK and Europe, is expected to create at least 1,000 jobs and a further 3,000 jobs in associated industries.


  • 如果泰国克拉运河计划最终能够得以实现,一定地区自由贸易海运事业带来共同利益

    If Thailands Kela Canal project can finally be launched, the free trade zone and the Marine shipping would bring common benefits for the area.


  • 有一些混淆安利事业机会名声不好金字塔计划可是这儿主要差异哪一个美国联邦贸易委员会官方承认的。

    Some people confuse the Amway business opportunity with disreputable pyramid schemes. However, there are major differences, which have been officially recognized by the us Federal Trade Commission.


  • 国际贸易决不会充分挖掘信息技术潜力支持他们物流计划

    International trade company will never fully exploit the potential of information technology to support their logistics plan.


  • 国际贸易咨询我们计划,并制订详细的进口出口战略公司世界各地

    INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONSULTANTS: We plan and prepare det ailed import and export strategies for companies around the world.


  • 国际贸易咨询我们计划,并制订详细的进口出口战略公司世界各地

    INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONSULTANTS: We plan and prepare det ailed import and export strategies for companies around the world.


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