• 因此企业国际贸易汇率风险度量规避研究具有现实意义

    Therefore, it has practical significance to do the research on how the enterprises should measure the exchange rate risk and avoid risk in international trade.


  • 建立收汇确定条件下企业国际贸易汇率风险度量模型

    Set up the exchange risk measurement model of enterprises in international trade when the limit for the settlement of payment is not certain.


  • 基础上,提出不同情况下企业国际贸易汇率风险规避策略

    The strategies of exchange rate risk avoidance of enterprises in international trade are proposed on the basis.


  • 因此基于相关理论对企业国际贸易汇率风险度量规避研究具有理论价值

    Therefore it has theoretical value to do research on risk measurement and risk avoidance in international trade based on the related theories.


  • “不确定性人民币升值全球金融危机形势下强化企业国际贸易汇率风险

    In the circumstance of the appreciation of RMB and global financial crisis, the two kinds of uncertainties intensify the exchange rate risk of enterprises in international trade.


  • 结论清楚:美国中国产生贸易赤字原因不是与中国货币汇率有关的问题。

    The conclusion is clear: the reason for the us trade deficit with China is not about China's currency exchange rate.


  • 2010年下半年前,美国国会推出汇率贸易顺差方面给中国施压举措

    By the second quarter of 2010, legislators will be rolling out new measures to pressure China on exchange rates and trade surpluses.


  • 基本想法一样的:即诸如汇率失当贸易谈判应对危机全球性问题需要许多国家的共同努力

    The basic idea has remained the same: Global problems — from currency misalignments to trade negotiations to crisis-fightingrequire a bunch of countries to work together.


  • 美国制造商们认为被低估人民币汇率使他们处于不利竞争地位,也是之间存在巨大贸易差额关键原因

    American manufacturers contend that undervalued Chinese currency puts them at a competitive disadvantage and is a key reason for the huge trade gap between the two countries.


  • 尽管如此自由定价、自由汇率、自由贸易、自由的劳动力市场私有化取得巨大成功

    Yet free prices, free exchange rates, free trade, free Labour markets and privatisation have proved a colossal success.


  • 这样一来,人民币汇率可能回到参照不断扩大贸易区间里的篮子货币,而不是单一得参照美元

    The move would most likely be a return to some sort of a basket with a widening trading band against the dollar.


  • 他们看来,汇率的调整只是依托,他们想要贸易逆差转为,甚至转为顺差

    To them, currency revaluation is a proxy for reducing the trade deficit to zero -or better yet, turning it into a surplus.


  • 他们看来,汇率的调整只是依托,他们想要贸易逆差转为,甚至转为顺差

    To them, currency revaluation is a proxy for reducing the trade deficit to zero - or better yet, turning it into a surplus.


  • 如是以往的场合西方媒体的评论着重关注和报道中美双边贸易不平衡或者人民币与美元之间的汇率之战。

    On previous occasions, commentary in the West emphasized the bilateral U.S.-China trade imbalance or the dollar-yuan exchange rate.


  • 贸易顺差使得大量外资流入这些央行买来作为压低汇率的。

    The trade surplus leads to large inflows of foreign currency, which is bought up by the central bank in order to hold down the exchange rate.


  • 贸易数据一定程度上的汇率波动因此贸易得出的结论不同正常

    Data on trade values partly reflect exchange-rate fluctuations, so it is not unusual for them to lead to somewhat different conclusions from volume figures.


  • 就在美国政客因为对华贸易赤字美元人民币汇率问题而无法安眠之际,美国农民关注着本国今年创纪录的140亿美元粮食出口

    As US politicians lose sleep over the trade deficit with China and the dollar-renminbi exchange rate, American farmers are eyeing a record $14bn in exports there this year.


  • 因此根据国际结算银行(Bankfor International Settlements)的统计数字,中国三月份贸易额加权的汇率个月之前还要低4%。

    As a result, China's trade-weighted exchange rate was about 4% lower in March than it was nine months before, according to the Bank for International Settlements.


  • 坚持认为中国因为人民币汇率被严重低估,而国际贸易中占据不正当优势批评者这种所谓的抗压能力不会丝毫的赞许

    Critics - who insist that China is gaining an unfair advantage in world trade because the renminbi is still heavily undervalued - will have zero admiration for this alleged resilience.


  • 2009年美国对华贸易逆差大幅下降不过是因为经历衰退之后美国需求缩水而不是因为汇率变化

    The bilateral deficit fell sharply in 2009, but that was because U.S. demand shriveled in the wake of a recession, not because of currency changes.


  • 仅仅中国存在贸易顺差而批评人民币汇率不公平的。

    He said it is unfair to criticize the yuan's exchange rate by simply pointing at the Chinese trade surplus.


  • 结论清楚:美国中国产生贸易赤字原因不是与中国货币汇率有关的问题。

    Thee conclusion is clear: The reason for the US trade deficit with China is not about China's currency exchange rate.


  • 随着美国贸易赤字增长,围绕是否应该亚洲主要货币升值或者应当采取灵活汇率制度的辩论越来越激烈。

    As the US trade deficit grows, debate is hotting up on whether the main Asian currencies should be made to appreciate or to adopt more flexible exchange rates.


  • 世界贸易组织(WHO),经价格汇率变化因素调整贸易今年下降9%,这是二战以来严重缩减幅度

    The World Trade Organization says the volume of trade -- an estimate adjusted to remove effects of price and currency changes -- will fall 9% this year, the most severe contraction since World War II.


  • 世界贸易组织(WHO),经价格汇率变化因素调整贸易今年下降9%,这是二战以来严重缩减幅度

    The World Trade Organization says the volume of trade -- an estimate adjusted to remove effects of price and currency changes -- will fall 9% this year, the most severe contraction since World War II.


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