• 法国如今10个人里就有7个人法郎贬值损失后悔不已

    Almost seven out of ten French voters say they now regret the loss of the franc.


  • 如今这种竞争力损失,已无法通过货币贬值得到弥补。

    This loss of competitiveness can no longer be compensated for by currency devaluation.


  • 从理论上讲要想弥补过去不到年时间内在经济损失希腊大概需要货币贬值40%。

    Theoretically, to make up the economic ground lost in less than a decade, the Greeks would need to devalue by 40 per cent.


  • 后果世界范围内短期信贷泡沫以及紧随其后贷款拖欠房产贬值银行损失银行借贷急剧紧缩

    The result was a temporary worldwide credit bubble, followed by a wave of loan defaults, falling housing prices, banking losses and a dramatic tightening of bank lending.


  • 由于英镑贬值使他们损失良多,尤其全球外汇储备增速放缓时,他们是否增加购买量便成了个疑问。

    Given the losses they have already suffered through the pound's fall, will they step up their purchases, especially as the growth rate of global foreign-exchange reserves is slowing?


  • 如果股票投资中获利百分之十五,你也接受股票行情不好带来损失(记不记得最近紧随房地产危机之后的股票贬值?)

    If you want to earn 15% on your stock investment, you also have to be willing to swallow the loss if your stock goes south (remember the recent stock devaluation following the housing crisis?)


  • 违约清算加上货币贬值帮助冰岛限制银行业带来的损失

    The combination of default and devaluation has helped Iceland limit the damage from its banking disaster.


  • 如果换成其他领域,即使货币最终贬值,当初因升值损失生产能力未必能如此容易恢复

    But in other cases, the manufacturing capacity lost when a currency rises might be hard to recover when the currency eventually falls.


  • 显然这些领导人所担心问题他们手中所持有的这些资产大约70%是以美元来计量的。所以对于中国而言,美元一旦将来贬值意味着巨大资本损失

    But they are, apparently, worried about the fact that around 70 percent of those assets are dollar-denominated, so any future fall in the dollar would mean a big capital loss for China.


  • 其它国家对本币贬值获得相对于它们竞争优势时,这些国家实施此类政策改善国际收支状况,并避免黄金损失

    With other countries devaluing and gaining competitiveness at their expense, they adopted such policies to strengthen the balance of payments and fend off gold losses.


  • 第一新兴经济体持有太多的美元,所以他们害怕如果他们纵容美元贬值,他们将损失惨重。

    First, emerging economies hold so many greenbacks that they fear the capital loss that they would incur if they encouraged the dollar to drop.


  • 我们白银热所包围,我们还越来越相信黄金和石油保护我们一时会儿,帮我们逃脱美元贬值带来损失

    We are closing in on mania in silver, and growing conviction gold and oil will protect your out that relationship for a moment or two.loss of value in the dollar.


  • 但是由于真实价值贬值了50%,所以,债权人通胀损失了75。

    But, its real value declines by 50%. The creditor loses 75 in real terms in the inflation scenario.


  • 我们可以自己货币美元发行债券由此美元贬值带来损失转嫁我们债权人身上

    We have been able to issue debt in our own currency rather than a foreign one, thus shifting the losses of a fall in the value of the dollar to our creditors.


  • 各国可以减少美元储备而不用让美元贬值虽然不知道汇率损失埋单)。

    Countries could then reduce their dollar exposure without pushing down the dollar (although it is unclear who would bear any exchange-rate losses).


  • 按照货物的质量低劣程度损坏程度买方蒙受损失的金额货物贬值

    Devalues the Products according to defectiveness degree, damage degree and the loss amount incurred to Buyer.


  • 考虑过去年中gses企业股份剧烈贬值人们担心那些经理们可能禁不住诱惑为了挽回损失追逐更高风险

    Given the plunge in share value at the GSEs during the past year, the worry was that their managers might have been tempted to take on more risk in an effort to recover.


  • “股神”沃伦·巴菲特净资产370亿美元屈居第二去年持有伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的股票大幅贬值,令他损失250亿美元。

    In second came investor Warren Buffett with 37 billion dollars, despite losing 25 billion dollars this year in the value of his Berkshire Hathaway shares.


  • 如果人民币开始剧烈贬值许多家庭企业有可能会资金海外,将损失降到最小。

    If the renminbi were to start falling sharply, many families and companies would most likely race to move their money out of China to minimize their losses.


  • 未经修理更换,按该项损失引起合理贬值不得超过估计修理费用

    The reasonable depreciation arising from such damage or loss, but not exceeding the estimated cost of repairs.


  • 人民币贬值全球股价损失超过5万亿美元。

    The yuan devaluation removed more than $5 trillion from the value of global market shares.


  • 此外人民币升值可能成为2009年航空公司汇兑收益贬值汇率损失

    In addition, from the appreciation of RMB may become a devaluation of the exchange gain of airlines in 2009 will be the exchange rate losses.


  • 根据货物缺陷程度买方遭受破坏直接经济损失买方商定对货物贬值

    Devalue the Goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of direct losses suffered by the Buyer, as agreed between the Buyer and the Seller.


  • 按照货物疵劣程度,损坏范围买方遭受损失将货物贬值

    Devalue the goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyers.


  • 例如一个拥有日本日立公司股权份额,如果将来日元贬值,那么股权份额受到损失

    For example, if an individual owns a share in Hitachi, the Japanese company, he or she will lose if the value of the yen drops.


  • 我们白银热所包围,我们还越来越相信黄金和石油保护我们一时会儿,帮我们逃脱美元贬值带来损失

    We are closing in on mania in silver, and growing conviction gold and oil will protect your out that relationship for a moment or two. loss of value in the dollar.


  • 我们白银热所包围,我们还越来越相信黄金和石油保护我们一时会儿,帮我们逃脱美元贬值带来损失

    We are closing in on mania in silver, and growing conviction gold and oil will protect your out that relationship for a moment or two. loss of value in the dollar.


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