• 通常情况下实验用以对电子进行测量

    Under normal circumstances the electronic Zeeman effect experiment for the charge-mass ratio measured.


  • 通过图像平均,图像细化取样分析快速方便地测量计算了电子的荷

    The charge-mass ratio can be measured expediently by multiple image averaging, fringe thinning and sample analyzing.


  • 使用常用物理实验仪器天平开发出用于近代物理实验测量电子简易方法

    By use of magnetic balance which is general physical experiment instrument, a simple and new method of measuring the charge-mass ratio of electron mass developed.


  • “787梦想”以50%复合材料碳素纤维复合物制造,这种材传统材料更轻耐用

    The Dreamliner is made of 50% composite materials, carbon-fiber enforced polymers that are both lighter and more durable than traditional aluminum.


  • 电子电量测定实验数据处理过程中,采用分步处理峰值方法,使结果准确、更

    Use the way with peak data taken by stepped processing to get more exact and scientific results during data processing for evaluating electron charge and charge mass ratio.


  • 射流感应破裂荷电一种静电学、两相流理论及空气动力学理论为基础能产生超高荷带电液滴的新技术。

    The droplet size and the charge to mass ratio are measured by developed device of particle charge to mass ratio and reagent of catching fuel droplets.


  • 研究表明,一般情况下,活性染料染色效应随着活性染料增大增强染料分子量过大小时例外。

    Based on research it indicated that salt sensitivity strengthened with the increase of the ratio of electronic charge to quality except for extra large and small molecular weight of dye.


  • 研究表明,一般情况下,活性染料染色效应随着活性染料增大增强染料分子量过大小时例外。

    Based on research, it indicated that salt sensitivity strengthened with the increase of the ratio of electronic charge to quality, except for extra large and small molecular weight of dye.


  • 不同药液引起变化不作考虑的情况下,水溶液代替药液,运用电晕充电进行荷电喷雾,研究了测量系统对荷质比测量精度的影响。

    By neglecting the value change of the charge to mass ratio caused by the different pesticide solution, the corona charging method was used with water solution replacing pesticide solution.


  • 这种技术使用一个专利微射流机获得更多悬浮液器可以创建更小的微粒。

    This technique uses a patented Microfluidizer to obtain a greater amount of homogenous suspensions.


  • 对于摄影两个都不是最佳选择JPG无损耗png得多,也只是最低程序损失一点画

    Neither are optimal options for photography, as JPG is much smaller than lossless PNG with only minimal loss of quality.


  • 由于纳米纵横,使得附着于硅纳米棒上染色分子探测捕获沙门氏菌具有更强荧光着色性。

    Due to the high aspect ratio nature of the silicon nanorods, dye molecules attached to the silicon nanorods produce an enhanced fluorescence upon capture and detection of Salmonella.


  • 斯特雷特研究小组采取了一个机械工程常见做法不是别人做的一样,分析牙齿珐琅里面显微裂缝骨头化学成分

    Rather than analyse microscopic cracks in tooth enamel or the chemical composition of bone, as others had done, Strait's team took an approach more common to mechanical engineering.


  • 今天大气层太阳能的氪更一些,这些埋入了陨星就是通常熟知粒状陨石中的氪还有重很多。

    Krypton in today's atmosphere is somewhat heavier than solar krypton, and the krypton embedded in meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites is even heavier than that.


  • 这些球状蛋白最为重要的是相对较小叫做转运蛋白1,还有较大的叫做Z23,它们洗发水表面活性剂离子化程度要小并且也得多。

    Those globular proteins, most importantly a relatively small one called lipid transfer protein 1 and a larger one called Z23, are less ionizable and less plentiful than the surfactants in shampoo.


  • 这种瓷器玻璃白度半透明瓷器相当差不多成本骨瓷器

    The porcelain offers great qualities similar to the bone china much such as considerable strength, glassiness, whiteness and translucence but can be made at a lower cost to the bone china.


  • 新的研究表明:在朋友眼中,我们没有自己想象那么神经,却自己预想的更加责任感

    New research finds friends think we're less neurotic and more conscientiousness than we imagine.


  • 分子电解虽然有一定缺点,但优点远远大于其缺点。

    The advantage of low molecular ratio electrolyte is supercor to the disadvantage of it.


  • 中国食物基本都很健康并且摆放美观,厨师注重菜肴的甚至营养重要

    Chinese food is generally healthy and often beautifully presented. Texture, flavor, color, and aroma are key considerations for all Chinese cooks, even above nutritional contents.


  • 以此专家系统平台开发了电解铝过程中氟化添加模糊专家系统,控制电解温度分子

    Based on this platform, a fuzzy expert system of aluminium fluoride's feeding is developed. It is applied to controlling of the aluminum electrolysis's bath temperature and ratio.


  • 结晶聚合物通常非结晶聚合物致密并且具有更好机械性能

    Crystalline polymers also generally are denser and have better mechanical properties than amorphous polymers.


  • 上赛季负责防守这块使湖人完成了飞跃

    Rambis helped the Lakers make a jump last season as their assistant coach in charge of defense.


  • 这种加热十分有效可以物体大致50%转化辐射相对核子熔化只能转化很少百分

    This heating is extremely efficient and can convert about 50% of the mass energy of an object into radiation, as opposed to nuclear fusion which can only convert a few percent of the mass to energy.


  • 最后,本文研究了相与相间滑动模型建立了基于滑动含水率预测模型。

    Finally, the slip ration between the light phase and heavy phase was studied and the water cut prediction model based on the conception of slippage ratio was established.


  • 这种间隔中所含柠檬酸浓度细胞24

    This compartment contains citric acid at a concentration up to 24 times higher than the cytoplasm.


  • 土壤中的氮素主要有机形式存在于土壤有机中, 土壤有机含量显著相关

    The N in the SOM existed mainly in the form of organic nitrogen, and the soil C:N was significantly correlated with SOM.


  • 土壤中的氮素主要有机形式存在于土壤有机中, 土壤有机含量显著相关

    The N in the SOM existed mainly in the form of organic nitrogen, and the soil C:N was significantly correlated with SOM.


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