• 亚洲金融危机中IMF艰难的支持高利率保卫这个地区货币阻止通货膨胀

    In the Asian financial crisis, the IMF supported punishingly high interest rates to defend the region's currencies and combat inflation.


  • 对于身处货币流通链尾端人们来说——那些地区占绝大多数——没有什么能够粮食石油等生活必需品价格上涨更加让人沮丧的了。

    Nothing can be more demoralizing to people at the low end of the income scale-where great masses in that region reside-than increases in the cost of basic necessities like food and fuel.


  • 虽然文本消息转移资源包中至少完成工作一半,但是不要忘了处理地区密切相关的数值货币显示

    While moving text messages into resource bundles is at least half the work, don't forget about dealing with locale-centric Numbers and currency displays, too.


  • 2007年香港金融管理局舒畅,周森陈俊宇发表研究利用一时间段衡量人民币其它地区货币影响

    A 2007 study by Chang Shu, Nathan Chow and Jun-Yu Chan at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority took advantage of this interlude to measure the influence of China's yuan on other regional currencies.


  • 华尔街股市开始第四季度冲击可口可乐的股价,因为销售收入减少诸如俄罗斯巴西等地区货币贬值而造成的收入减少。

    Wall Street began slamming Coke's stock in the fourth quarter when earnings nose-dived as a result of decreased sales and currency devaluations in places such as Russia and Brazil.


  • 美元多数其他主要货币汇率周二大幅下挫因为乐观投资者断定世界其他地区摆脱经济衰退速度美国。

    The U.S. currency fell sharply against most major rivals Tuesday, as optimistic investors bet that the rest of the world will pull out of recession faster than will the U.S..


  • 近期拉美地区一些货币贬值已经拖累倒了它们的收益

    Recent devaluations of some Latin American currencies have dented their profits.


  • 货币严格盯住美元新兴经济尤其是亚洲海湾地区价格上升幅度最大

    Emerging economies with currencies most closely aligned to the dollar, notably in Asia and the Gulf, have seen the biggest price rises.


  • 对于特殊地区站点设置必须国家相应货币提出定价

    A site set up for a particular geography must present pricing in the currency appropriate for the corresponding country.


  • 清单12显示了如何支持不同地区货币格式

    Listing 12 shows how to support currency formatting according to a different locale.


  • 一个特定地区特定时间里,货币存量、“供应量”、总量简单就是这个特定地区社会里黄金或货币数量总和

    The total stock, or "supply," or quantity of money in any area or society at any given time is simply the sum total of all the ounces of gold, or units of money, in that particular society or region.


  • 一个地区自己文化,都采用自己的方式显示日期时间数字百分数货币数据

    Every locale has it own cultural way to display dates, times, Numbers, percentages, and currency data.


  • 如果篮子当地货币来衡量每个地区全球IT市场中所占份额将加大,Forrester公司AndrewBartels预期将增加3%。

    When measured in a basket of local currencies, weighted for each region's share of the global IT market, Andrew Bartels of Forrester expects an increase of 3%.


  • DelaTorre地区股票价格指数已经大幅度下跌货币经历重大调整

    DE la Torre said the region has witnessed large declines in stock price indices and significant currency adjustments.


  • 亚洲过去10年里谨慎没有使逃过全球经济萧条的影响,但是使得地区财政货币工具有效

    Asia's prudence during the past decade did not allow it to escape the global recession, but it made the region's fiscal and monetary weapons more effective.


  • 我们共同努力通过加强10+3框架宏观经济金融合作防止地区再次发生金融货币危机

    We will make collective efforts to prevent the recurrence of financial and currency crisis in the region through enhanced macroeconomic and financial cooperation under the ASEAN Plus Three framework.


  • 畏惧希腊财政紧缩扩散其他欧元国家地区单一货币美元的汇率跌到年来的新低。

    Fears that Greece's fiscal crunch would spread to other euro-area countries have sent the region’s single currency reeling to a one-year low against the dollar.


  • 今年九月,因为德国为首十六成员货币联盟经济信心指数达到三年的最高点,欧元地区消费者企业信心猛增。

    Consumer and business confidence rose in the euro area in September, with Germany leading the economic-sentiment indicator for the 16-member currency union close to a three-year high.


  • 地区大多数国家(参见图表)不同的是,哥伦比亚货币过去6个月内稍有回落

    Colombia's currency has depreciated slightly over the past six months, in contrast to most others in the region (see chart).


  • 我们有关国家地区签署了总额达6500亿元人民币双边货币互换协议共同应对国际金融危机冲击

    We signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth RMB650 billion yuan with relevant countries and regions in a joint response to the financial crisis.


  • 语言国家地区代码一样,货币代码也是ISO标准管理的(请参阅参考资料以获取所有有效的ISO货币符号代码的链接)。

    As with language and country codes, currency codes are governed by an ISO standard. (See Resources for links to all the valid ISO currency codes.)


  • 同时美国其他地区成为替代货币流行模式即周期性通过印花来交税这样印花花掉而不是被储存

    This was a type of alternative currency popular in America and elsewhere at the time that was periodically taxed with a stamp so that it would be spent, not hoarded.


  • 机器上,地区代表用户选择显示语言(例如英语西班牙语),以及日期时间货币方面格式化约定

    On a single machine, the locale indicates the user's preference for the language displayed (for example, English or Spanish), as well as formatting conventions for date, time, currency, and so on.


  • 根据最优货币区域理论,确立一个中央财政政策有必要因为单一利率并不适于货币区域所有地区情况。

    According to the theory of optimal currency areas, a central fiscal policy is necessary because a single interest rate will not suit conditions in all parts of a currency zone.


  • 根据最优货币区域理论,确立一个中央财政政策有必要因为单一利率并不适于货币区域所有地区情况。

    According to the theory of optimal currency areas, a central fiscal policy is necessary because a single interest rate will not suit conditions in all parts of a currency zone.


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