• 伴随这种兴奋而的是一种新的责任——理解常识必要足够成熟避免事故

    Along with that excitement comes a new responsibilityunderstanding the need for common sense and maturity to avoid accidents.


  • 对于诸如冰冠融化温室效应重大问题政府公司责任采取必要措施

    For major issues such as the melting ice caps and the greenhouse effect, governments and large companies are duty-bound to take necessary measures.


  • 果他们对互联网有更好的理解,他们就会看到确保他们的孩子正确责任地使用互联网的必要性。

    If they had a better understanding of the Internet, they would see the need to make sure that their children use it properly and responsibly.


  • 自己放慢脚步。没有责任义务现在独自完成这件事。而且许多认为你需要做事情实际上没有必要的。

    Slow down. You are not responsible for doing it all yourself right now. And many of the things you think need to be done, don't.


  • 决定分配个人权利等级责任范围时,必要信息得到了考虑

    Proper information is considered in determining the level of authority and scope of responsibility assigned to an individual.


  • 实际上诺贝尔奖反而带给他们的是必要宣传更多责任

    Instead, it brought unwanted publicity and more responsibility.


  • 或许两边都有责任,他们都能作出必要让步妥协。

    Probably both, for failing to make the necessary compromises to meet halfway.


  • 因此必要研究借鉴国外行政程序违法法律责任机制

    Therefore, it is necessary to research and draw lessons from overseas for its legal liability mechanism of the illegal administrative procedure.


  • 本文海上货物运输责任主体——承运人为核心,对承运人识别及其相关法律问题进行必要的研究探讨

    The dissertation will mainly discuss the issue of identification of carrier in the carriage of goods by sea and the problems it accordingly occurs.


  • 鉴于我国目前立法司法现状赋予律师刑事责任豁免权一定必要迫切性

    In view of the fact that our country present legislation and the judicial present situation, entrust with attorney the legal responsibility right of immunity to have certain necessity and the urgency.


  • 因此必要道路交通事故侵权责任原则问题进行重新审视深入研究

    Therefore, it is necessary to survey and study the principle of liability attribution of tort liability in road traffic accident.


  • 作为团队一部分意味着展示你对团队的程诺承担必要责任如果承诺,你的承诺就应斩钉截铁历久不变

    Being part of a team means showing commitment and taking responsibility: When you commit, it is written in stone.


  • 本文海上油污强制责任保险扩大化必要作用进行分析

    This paper analyzes the necessity and function of extending the coverage of oil pollution's compulsory liability insurance.


  • 同时确认,对于经济增长长期繁荣来说非常必要,当然,我们对此已经采取了措施,责任帮助数百万的贫困人口贫困状况中解脱出来。

    There was also an affirmation that it was these very principles that are essential to economic growth and prosperity, and have, in fact, been responsible for lifting millions out of poverty.


  • 第二理论现实方面进行论证,明确了建立船舶油污损害国家责任必要

    Chapter two analyzes the necessity to set up the state liability in the Marine oil pollution damages from both the theory and reality respects.


  • 琴童家长责任不仅包括鼓励支持孩子还要提供有利于良好家庭环境以及必要奖励措施

    Parents of child students also have the responsibility not only to encourage and support the student, but to provide a home environment in which practice is facilitated and learning rewarded.


  • 意味台北领导者责任预测中国潜在红线反应避免必要非生产性挑衅

    But it means that responsible leadership in Taipei has to anticipate potential Chinese red lines and reactions and avoid unnecessary and unproductive provocations.


  • 良好职业道德高度工作责任防范减少护理医疗纠纷十分必要

    Good professional ethics and a high degree of responsibility in preventing and reducing health care disputes is very necessary.


  • 阐述了岗位责任负面影响,提出岗位轮换消除这些负面影响的有效办法;对岗位轮换必要性、原则组织实施详细的论述。

    The paper has expounded the negative impacts of post responsibility system and put forward post rotation, which are the best methods of eliminating the negative impacts.


  • 举证责任倒置举证责任分担一般原则例外规定必要补充

    The inversion of evidential burden is the exception law and necessary supplementary principle to share evidential burden.


  • 本文阐述了对高等学校领导干部开展经济责任审计必要指出目前高校开展经济责任审计工作存在问题不足,并提出了相应的建议对策。

    This thesis expatiates the necessity of economic duty audit for leadership of universities, it also points out the problems and shortages lie in economic duty audit in universities.


  • 我们正在检查每个人具有重大HSSE风险工作责任,并需要必要培训一些技能

    We check that everyone responsible for tasks with a significant HSSE risk has the necessary training and skills.


  • 必要员工独自工作时, 各区域责任细致地分析评估该项工作中所包含的危害

    4When it is for employees to work alone, area has the responsibilityto carefully identify and analyze the potential hazards of such job.


  • 根据其发生时间、地点,又可分为教学事故非教学事故,处理应当给予必要医疗急救处理责任追究处理。

    The emergency treatment and the ascertainment of responsibilities must be carried on in handling the accidents, and different measures should be taken for preventing different accidents.


  • 保险人有关责任方行使位请求赔偿权利时,保险人积极协助提供必要文件知道有关情况。

    When the Insurer exercises the right of subrogation, the Insured should render assistance and provide all necessary documents and information to his knowledge.


  • 由于历史原因我国公司有限责任制度设立实施存在诸多问题,必须采取必要措施完善我国的有限责任制度

    For historical reasons, we have many problems in framing and maintaining the system of corporations limited by liabilities in China. Thus, necessary measures must be taken to improve the doctrine.


  • 由于历史原因我国公司有限责任制度设立实施存在诸多问题,必须采取必要措施完善我国的有限责任制度

    For historical reasons, we have many problems in framing and maintaining the system of corporations limited by liabilities in China. Thus, necessary measures must be taken to improve the doctrine.


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