• 这些数据财政部亮出一个警告

    There was a note of caution for the treasury in the figures.


  • 财政部已经不考虑使用疲软美元作为解决该国贸易问题主要办法。

    The Treasury Department has ruled out using a weak dollar as the main solution for the country's trade problems.


  • 1992年,美联储美国财政部返还了4168亿美元的收益

    In 1992 the Federal Reserve returned 416.8 billion in earnings to the U.S. treasury.


  • 财政部计划偿还十五亿八千万美元联邦债务

    The Treasury plans to pay down about $1.58 billion on the federal debt.


  • 1866年,由于财政部建设工程亟需国务院大楼进行拆除

    In 1866, the construction of the North Wing of the Treasury Building necessitated the demolition of the State Department building.


  • 财政部强烈反对这种方法

    The Treasury strongly opposes this approach.


  • 由于任何损失由纳税人承担,各国财政部需要获得部分决定权

    Because taxpayers will bear any losses, finance ministries need some say.


  • 为了得到抵押贷款资产财政部计划使用拍卖”的方法。

    To acquire mortgages the Treasury plans to usereverse auctions”.


  • 而讽刺的又是美元最大的危险来自于美国财政部美联储振兴全球经济成功

    Ironically, the greatest danger for the greenback might result from the success of the efforts of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to revive the global economy.


  • 美国财政部回应机构低估美国领导人团结起来解决国家面临财政挑战能力

    The US Treasury responded by saying the agency had underestimated the ability of American leaders to come together and address the fiscal challenges facing the country.


  • 特里最近提出要在将来组建“欧盟财政部”,北欧国家纳税人同样也不会接受这个主意

    Northern taxpayers would also recoil from the idea of a future "Ministry of Finance of the union" which Mr Trichet recently floated.


  • 特里最近提出要在将来组建“欧盟财政部”,北欧国家纳税人同样也不会接受这个主意

    Northern taxpayers would also recoil from the idea of a futureministry of finance of the union” which Mr Trichet recently floated.


  • 近期财政部估计今年寿险市场2009年激增20-25%,寿险市场将增长10-15%。

    Ministry of Finance lately estimated that the non-life insurancemarket could surge 20-25 percent this year and the life insurancemarket will grow by 10-15 percent compared with 2009.


  • 美国财政部金融市场干预措施已经使得不确定性增加同时也减缓了市场自身稳定重建体系的速度。

    Interventions by the U.S. Treasury in financial markets have added to the uncertainty and slowed market responses that would help stabilize and recapitalize the system.


  • 尽管美国国会施加压力,但美国财政部迄今一直避免使用标签,提出这美中关系起不到实际作用

    Despite congressional pressure, the Treasury has so far refrained from using the label, arguing that it makes no practical difference to relations with Beijing.


  • 财政部说:“私营企业支付主管的工资过高使得他们普通员工内部职工的工资差距明显增大。”

    "Individual financial enterprises pay top executives too much. The gap between them and average workers and internal staff is clearly expanding," the ministry said.


  • 美国财政部强制用以高于市场平均水平荒谬价格获得成堆无用白银并且它们储存银行金库里

    The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.


  • 你要知道这里可是(财政部)信息技术中心所有伊拉克有关的,有关伊拉克财政信息存在这儿。

    Remember this is the information technology centre [at the Ministry of Finance], this is the place where all the money to do with Iraq and all Iraq's financial matters are housed.


  • 作为财政部抨击的回应,标准普尔随后发布措辞平平的声明反击批评,“评级决定没有影响”。

    Defending itself against attack by the Treasury, S&P later issued a statement flatly rebuting the criticism, saying it "had no impact on the rating decision".


  • 1942年美联储同意压低长期利率帮助美国财政部战争筹资;直到1951年美联储取消该项承诺。

    In 1942 the Fed agreed to hold down long-term interest rates to help the Treasury finance the war; it did not extract itself from the commitment until 1951.


  • 财政部已经把潜在产量预期下调了5%,仍认为增长趋势和以前一样大约每年2.75%。

    The Treasury has lopped 5% off the level of potential output, but thinks that trend growth from that lower base will be the same as before, around 2.75% a year.


  • 尽管印尼股市历史新高,但财政部认为,其它资产价格没有跟风上涨所以印尼经济并未面临过热风险

    Although Indonesia's stock market is at record levels, the finance minister notes that other asset prices are not rising quickly, so there is little risk the economy will overheat.


  • 尽管印尼股市历史新高,但财政部认为,其它资产价格没有跟风上涨所以印尼经济并未面临过热风险

    Although Indonesia's stock market is at record levels, the finance minister notes that other asset prices are not rising quickly, so there is little risk the economy will overheat.


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