• 为了改善生活减少依赖”,英国财政大臣乔治·斯本推出了前期工作搜索计划

    In order to "change lives for the better" and reduce "dependency", George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the "upfront work search" scheme.


  • 这位英国财政大臣表示计划重启国际货币基金组织去年提出一项计划计划迄今尚未提供任何帮助

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.


  • 财政大臣最大担忧,一些公司欧洲拓展国际业务时,英国已经不再首选之地

    The chancellor's biggest anxiety is that Britain is no longer seen as a first choice for international businesses looking for a European base.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)指责太快试图国家预算深渊

    GEORGE OSBORNE, Britain's finance minister, has been criticised for trying to pull the country out of its budgetary hole too quickly.


  • 财政大臣斯本之所以勇于增加银行征税是因为英国第一个设立银行重要经济大国

    Mr Osborne was brave to put Numbers to his levy, given that Britain is the first financially significant country to put a bank tax in place.


  • 年前,时任英国首相的戈登·布朗绝口不提削减支出”词,托利影子内阁财政大臣乔治·斯本发表演讲,明确指出“削减支出”势在必行

    Two years ago, when Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown was unable to mention the word "cuts", George Osborne, the Tories' shadow chancellor, made a speech saying they were inevitable.


  • 本周英国财政大臣公布项占GDP1%减税计划随后还计划提高收入人群的所得税税率——是一项不利产出的计划。

    This week Britain’s chancellor laid out tax cuts worth 1% of GDP, but coupled these with a counterproductive plan to raise income taxes on high earners later.


  • GordonBrown财政大臣期间所制定的规则规定经济繁荣期限制借款英国(由此而)进入经济下降,并伴随着越来越预算赤字

    The rules brought in by Gordon Brown when he was chancellor were meant to limit borrowing during prosperous times, but Britain went into the downturn with a yawning budget deficit instead.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本,在建议方案成为法律之前尚有大量细节工作需要进行。

    George Osborne, the chancellor, said that "a great deal of detailed work" would be needed before the proposals became law.


  • 今夏当选英国首相呼声最高财政大臣戈登·布朗赞成80%的上议院议员由选举产生。

    Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer and probable prime minister from this summer, preferred a chamber with 80% of its members elected.


  • 影子财政大臣埃德·鲍尔斯就2008年银行实施紧密监管导致信用崩溃表示歉意仅凭英国监管不能阻止这场危机的。

    The shadow chancellor of the exchequer, Ed Balls, apologised for failing to prevent the 2008 credit crunch by regulating Banks more tightly: British regulations alone would not have stopped the crash.


  • 首先,在担任财政大臣期间,赋予英国央行独立性并且没有让英国加入欧洲单一货币体系

    First, as chancellor, he gave independence to the Bank of England and kept the UK out of the single European currency.


  • 布莱尔财政大臣戈登·布朗有望继任首相一职。公平地说,布朗先生施政的诸多新举措表明,一直关注英国国际竞争力

    To be fair, Gordon Brown, the chancellor and Mr Blair's likely successor as prime minister, has had his eye on global competitiveness all along, as a heap of initiatives attest.


  • 周三英国财政大臣乔治斯本布鲁塞尔宣布英国已经准备好在爱尔兰需要时给予帮助

    On Wednesday, the British chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced in Brussels that his government stood ready to help Ireland in its hour of need.


  • 种思想都希望更加一体化欧洲应对全球化,这与英国财政大臣戈登·布朗意见相左认为全球化进程削弱欧盟这样区域集团存在的理由

    Both want "more Europe" in response to globalisation, differing from the British chancellor, Gordon Brown, who thinks that globalisation weakens the case for regional blocks such as the EU.


  • 英国财政大臣承认英国经济滑坡的程度预期的还要糟糕。

    Britain's finance chief, Chancellor Alistair Darling acknowledged the economy had taken a sharper downturn than anticipated.


  • 布朗夫人自己公司一位成功公关主管布朗就任英国财政大臣后,避免利益冲突辞掉了工作

    Mrs Brown was a successful public-relations executive who owned her own company. However, she gave up paid work when her husband was Chancellor to avoid any conflict of interest.


  • 英国财政大臣阿利斯·太尔·达已经将个税的最高税率等级提高50%,而且石油酒精香烟

    The chancellor, Alistair Darling, raised the top income-tax rate to 50% and also increased duties on fuel, alcohol and tobacco.


  • 报纸当时正在报道最近BBC世界顶级汽车测评节目主持人杰里米克拉克森访问前英国财政大臣布朗不当行为,即使评论没有被发布出来

    The paper was reporting on the latest misdeed of Jeremy Clarkson, host of the BBC show Top Gear, who called Prime Minister Gordon Brown one, although the comment wasn't broadcast.


  • 今年6月16日,新任财政大臣来自保守党乔治 奥斯本。也是在这个聚会上提醒说现在很多英国人认为伦敦金融城有理应课以重税。

    On June 16th George Osborne, the new Tory chancellor, reminded the same gathering that many Britons now see the City as a liability that deserves to be heavily taxed.


  • 首相卡梅伦财政大臣斯本双双强调英国没有参加统一货币,幸运啊!

    David Cameron, the prime minister, and his chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, both stressed how lucky Britain was to have shunned the single currency.


  • 英国财政大臣奥斯本,位著名的欧洲怀疑论者,对于伦敦方面一直以来坚决反对布鲁塞尔计划这次的形容是:“还不赖。”

    Osborne, who has a reputation as a euroskeptic, in turn described Brussels' plans, which London had until then rigorously opposed, as "not bad.


  • 6月22日,这位英国新任保守派财政大臣提供了一紧急预算方案,该方案表明2014或2015期间需要精减相当于GDP6.3%巨额财政预算。

    The emergency budget presented on June 22nd by Britain’s new Conservative chancellor of the exchequer aims to deliver a whopping fiscal retrenchment equal to 6.3% of GDP by 2014-15.


  • 6月22星期二新任大臣约翰斯本(财政大臣)将宣布令人头疼紧急预算细节英国方面可能会因此倍感焦灼。

    ANXIETY in Britain is likely to be high as George Osborne, the country’s new chancellor (finance minister), unveils details of a tough emergency budget on Tuesday June 22nd.


  • 英国财政大臣约翰·斯本宣布了一项紧急预算目的是未来5年内减少英国巨额预算赤字。

    George Osborne, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, unveiled an "emergency" budget, aimed at eliminating Britain's large budget deficit within five years.


  • 英国财政大臣阿利斯·泰尔·达(Alistair Darling)拒绝透露未来财政支出分配去向

    Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, refuses to be drawn about future spending allocations.


  • 英国财政大臣AlistairDarling称,财长们6个小时会议讨论最多的仍然“银行问题”——如何不良资产金融系统剥离。

    The chancellor, Alistair Darling, said however that the longest discussion during the ministers' six-hour meeting was over "the banking problem" – how to drain the financial system of toxic assets.


  • 英国财政大臣斯本(George Osborne)为拉加任命感到高兴

    The British Chancellor George Osborne says he's delighted at Christine Lagarde's appointment.


  • 英国财政大臣阿利斯泰尔·达林(AlistairDarling)坚持认为,重点放在要求银行增加资本储备,不是强行设立一个限制银行薪酬国际体系

    The chancellor, Alistair Darling, insisted that the emphasis should be put on increasing requirements for Banks to hold capital rather than imposing an international system of limits to bonuses.


  • 英国财政大臣里斯·代尔·达林(Alistair Darling)宣布银行派发奖金征收50%的

    Alistair Darling, the UK chancellor of the exchequer, announced that Banks would be hit by a 50 per cent tax on bonus pay-outs.


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