• 内容泄露了出去,引起了卡梅伦首相财政大臣奥斯本的强烈不满。

    It leaked, riling Mr Cameron and George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer.


  • 首相卡梅伦财政大臣斯本双双强调英国没有参加统一货币,幸运啊!

    David Cameron, the prime minister, and his chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, both stressed how lucky Britain was to have shunned the single currency.


  • 英国财政大臣斯本警告英国选民离开欧盟英国经济造成永久性伤害

    British Finance Minister George Osborne warned voters that leaving the European Union would do permanent damage to the British economy.


  • 英国财政大臣斯本(George Osborne)为拉加任命感到高兴

    The British Chancellor George Osborne says he's delighted at Christine Lagarde's appointment.


  • 财政大臣斯本之所以勇于增加银行征税是因为英国第一个设立银行重要经济大国

    Mr Osborne was brave to put Numbers to his levy, given that Britain is the first financially significant country to put a bank tax in place.


  • 讲话财政大臣斯本11月29日发表经济财政秋季报告奠定了基调。

    His comments laid the ground for the chancellor, George Osborne, who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November 29th.


  • 英国财政大臣奥斯本星期一说,英国经济基础牢固目前极具挑战性时刻维持稳定

    British Finance Minister George Osborne said Monday that "the fundamentals of the British economy are strong" and Britain will "provide stability in these challenging times."


  • 财政大臣奥斯本表示决心英国带往朴素的道路;即使燃油税下调1便士都不大可能足以促使消费者急匆匆地掏腰包。

    Chancellor George Osborne has committed to Austerity Britain and even the 1 penny per litre cut in fuel duty is unlikely to be enough to cause a flurry of activity on the high street.


  • 英国财政大臣奥斯位著名的欧洲怀疑论者,对于伦敦方面一直以来坚决反对布鲁塞尔计划这次的形容是:“还不赖。”

    Osborne, who has a reputation as a euroskeptic, in turn described Brussels' plans, which London had until then rigorously opposed, as "not bad.


  • 我们聆听英国财政大臣奥斯本明天1230gmt议会提交的预算报告内容,观察英国预算责任办公室是否上调今年通胀以及借贷预期值

    We will have to hear more from Chancellor George Osborne when he presents the Budget to Parliament tomorrow at 1230gmt to see if the OBR revises its inflation and borrowing forecasts for the year.


  • 为了改善生活减少依赖”,英国财政大臣乔治·斯本推出了前期工作搜索计划

    In order to "change lives for the better" and reduce "dependency", George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the "upfront work search" scheme.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)指责太快试图国家预算深渊

    GEORGE OSBORNE, Britain's finance minister, has been criticised for trying to pull the country out of its budgetary hole too quickly.


  • 6月22星期二新任大臣约翰斯本财政大臣)将宣布令人头疼紧急预算细节英国方面可能会因此倍感焦灼。

    ANXIETY in Britain is likely to be high as George Osborne, the country’s new chancellor (finance minister), unveils details of a tough emergency budget on Tuesday June 22nd.


  • 财政大臣乔治·奥斯本休假不过首相尼克·克莱格已经返回星期一巡查了托特纳姆地区遭到毁坏主要街道

    George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, is also on holiday, though Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, is back, and toured the devastated main street in Tottenham on Monday.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本,在建议方案成为法律之前尚有大量细节工作需要进行。

    George Osborne, the chancellor, said that "a great deal of detailed work" would be needed before the proposals became law.


  • 今年6月16日,新任财政大臣来自保守党乔治 奥斯本也是在这个聚会上提醒说现在很多英国人认为伦敦金融城有理应课以重税。

    On June 16th George Osborne, the new Tory chancellor, reminded the same gathering that many Britons now see the City as a liability that deserves to be heavily taxed.


  • 知情者斯本卡梅伦通过一个忠诚友谊协定联系一起,任何明智财政大臣都不会强行破坏这种联系。

    Insiders say Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron are bound by a pact of loyalty and friendship that no sensible minister would try to prise apart.


  • 如果一个财政大臣英明斯本看起来挺英明,那么应该想把公共财政怎么样怎么样。

    If a chancellor has the gumption-and Mr Osborne seems to-he can bend the public finances to his will.


  • 年前,时任英国首相的戈登·布朗绝口不提削减支出”词,托利影子内阁财政大臣乔治·斯本发表演讲,明确指出“削减支出”势在必行

    Two years ago, when Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown was unable to mention the word "cuts", George Osborne, the Tories' shadow chancellor, made a speech saying they were inevitable.


  • 周三英国财政大臣乔治斯本布鲁塞尔宣布,英国已经准备好在爱尔兰需要时给予帮助

    On Wednesday, the British chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced in Brussels that his government stood ready to help Ireland in its hour of need.


  • 由于之前保守党的乔治·斯本已经严厉抨击了金融街奖金问题,出于惧怕心理,首相财政大臣自然决定这个问题上再次发声

    Fearful that George Osborne has sounded plausibly tough on City bonuses, the PM and Alistair Darling are determined to reclaim this ground.


  • 财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)对数据的反应到有些轻松因为官方数据公布一些预测数据甚至包含负增长。

    George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, greeted the figures with some relief, as some forecasts before the official release had included negative Numbers.


  • 英国财政大臣约翰·斯本宣布了一项紧急预算目的是未来5年内减少英国巨额预算赤字。

    George Osborne, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, unveiled an "emergency" budget, aimed at eliminating Britain's large budget deficit within five years.


  • 新任财政大臣乔治奥斯本六月份公布……

    unveiled by George Osborne, the new chancellor of the exchequer, in June.


  • 甚至连朋友乔治斯本(GeorgeOsborne)也受到波及,因为人们认为正是这位财政大臣2007年卡梅伦推荐了库尔

    Even his friend, George Osborne, is mired, as the chancellor of the exchequer is thought to have recommended Mr Coulson to the Tory leader in 2007.


  • 8月17日,乔治·斯本削减预算派保守党财政大臣坚持财政责任公平进步的”。

    On August 17th George Osborne, the budget-cutting Tory chancellor of the exchequer, insisted fiscal responsibility was "both fair and progressive".


  • 至于斯本先生,作为财政大臣必须人们展示自己有一套恢复经济增长良方(请参阅economicsFocus),这使身负重压

    Mr Osborne, for his part, is under pressure as chancellor to show that he has a recipe for restoring growth (see Economics Focus).


  • 财政大臣乔治·奥斯本指责称英国债务以及深受衰退困扰欧元区削减英国出口

    Treasury Chief George Osborne blames Britain's high debt and the recession-plagued eurozone, that's cut back on British exports.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·斯本年度英国经济增长预期还要缓慢

    The UK economy will grow more slowly this year than previously forecast, the Chancellor George Osborne has said.


  • 英国财政大臣乔治·斯本年度英国经济增长预期还要缓慢

    The UK economy will grow more slowly this year than previously forecast, the Chancellor George Osborne has said.


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