• 分析了荷载作用阻力特性

    The characteristics of negative skin friction (NSF) with working load on pile top were analyzed.


  • 采用有限元方法模拟了基桩摩阻力随着固结时间变化

    Change of negative friction in pile with consolidation time is simulated by finite element method.


  • 阻力分布曲线大致呈抛物线型,桩基现场浸水试验结果相似

    Distribution curves of negative skin friction were similar to parabola, as was also found in some field test studies.


  • 根据打桩引起阻力概念对两类桩基沉降差异机制了分析。

    And the mechanism causing the difference is also analyzed based on the concept of negative frictional resistance.


  • 基于荷载传递函数概念提出一种折线模型计算摩阻力方法

    Based on load transferring concept, this paper puts up a new method which USES double broken line model to calculate the negative friction of pile.


  • 同时修正方法应用钻孔灌注桩阻力引起沉降计算中。

    At the same time, the revised method can be used to calculate the settlement of a bored pile and that of a foundation pile caused by negative frictional resistance around the pile.


  • 本文基于荷载传递函数概念提出一种折线模型计算摩阻力方法

    Based on load transferring concept, the author puts up with a new method which USES double broken line model to calculate negative friction.


  • 有限元分析结果表明影响桩基负摩阻力特性桩体材料弹性存在一个临界值

    Finite element analysis shows that a critical value exists for Young's module of pile that affects NSF character.


  • 湿黄土地区地基土浸水湿陷桩侧表面可能产生阻力导致桩基承载力降低

    The negative skin friction resistance caused by collapsible deformation after water soaking into collapsible loess will reduce the vertical bearing capacity of piles.


  • 工程阻力问题造成工程事故有发生负摩阻力问题相关研究现在越来越受到重视

    Engineering accidents often occur due to negative skin friction in pile foundation engineering. The research on problems of negative skin friction has been paid more and more attention.


  • 工程中由于阻力产生的下荷载不仅使桩竖向承载力减小还会导致结构不均匀沉降

    In the engineering project, negative skin friction is the drag force that will reduce the vertical bearing capacity and cause differential settlement of the structure.


  • 由于摩阻力作用,身轴随着深度增加增大减小,桩侧摩阻力沿深度呈非线性变化

    The axial force of piles first increases with the depth and then decreases. The variation of negative skin friction with the depth of piles is nonlinear.


  • 试验观测结果表明,地震诱发黄土陷时桩基负摩阻力不容忽视,应当桩基设计时加以考虑。

    It was shown by these test data that the NSF along piles induced by seismic settlement of loess was significant and should not be ignored in the design of pile foundation.


  • 实例分析表明,由于阻力影响,承载力大为降低。产生负摩阻力土层,不宜采用端承型桩基

    The greatly reduced capacity of a single pile resulting from the negative friction leaves the end-bearing pile unsuitable in the backfilling soil.


  • 结合以往研究实心成果PC C桩自身的特点,基于沙基固结理论,探讨了PCC阻力作用机理

    Combined with the previous results and the property of PCC pile, based on Terzaghi consolidation theory, mechanism of negative skin friction of PCC pile has been studied.


  • 阻力基础设计必须考虑重要问题之一但是针对考虑土体固结时间效应负摩阻力研究相对较少。

    Negative skin friction is one of important problems in design of pile foundation, but the negative skin friction of pile groups considering time effect is less studied.


  • 主要论述阻力特点群桩负摩阻力计算结合国内外几种常用近似估算进行比较,对各种计算方法加以评价

    The characters and the calculation of negative friction of a pile group are given. Several approximately estimating methods are compared with the others and commented on as well in this paper.


  • 阐述桥梁桩基阻力产生原因分析了桩基中性点位置确定、负摩阻力计算等问题,提出了十条有效减少负摩阻力措施

    This paper expatiates on the causes of negative frictional resistance which may appear on bridge piles, analyses the calculation methods and gives ten methods reducing it.


  • 阐述桥梁桩基阻力产生原因分析了桩基中性点位置确定、负摩阻力计算等问题,提出了十条有效减少负摩阻力措施

    This paper expatiates on the causes of negative frictional resistance which may appear on bridge piles, analyses the calculation methods and gives ten methods reducing it.


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