• 是否认为公共汽车司机应对乘客安全完全责任

    Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passenger's safety.


  • 买方应对自己产品安全全部责任包括泄漏标准建立

    Buyer has ultimate responsibility for the safety of Buyer's manufactured product, including establishment of leak standards.


  • 党政主要责人地区安全生产第一责任人班子其他成员对分管范围安全生产工作领导责任

    Party and government leaders are responsible for the safety of production in the region, the other members of the team responsible for the safety of production within the scope of responsibility.


  • 使用价值理论价值工程可以安全价值量上进行初步评价

    We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method.


  • 风扇环形腔产生正压湍流射流在内压汇流作用下形成锥形风幕,将处于流场范围内的气体粉尘严密封闭起来使安全生产得到保障。

    The tapered windscreen flow field of the fan is composed of the outer ring turbulent jet and the inner sink, which tightly closes gas and dust to ensure the safety production.


  • 提升设计采用曳引传动控制技术关键部位采用双键控制技术,提升了安全系数

    The elevator design has used the haulage type transmission and negative strength control technology, the essential spot USES the duplet bond control technology, has promoted the safety coefficient.


  • 是否认为公共汽车司机应对乘客安全完全责任

    Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passengers' safety?


  • 高压脉冲电源ECRH系统重要组成部分之一,其工作的安全可靠性直接影响整个系统运行

    High voltage power supply (HVPS) is one of the most important component in ECRH. The safety and reliability of high voltage power supply affect directly the operation of the ECRH system.


  • 结论采用新型刀的挤切碎核技术,能量超声乳化对于核性白内障安全快捷

    Conclusions Low energy and high vacuum phacomulsification combined with crush and chop technique for hard nucleus cataract is safe, quick and effective.


  • 其实真的希望你们可以乖乖听话当一个好的支持者因为工作人员来说,他们其实必须我们安全责任

    Actually, I really hope all our supporters will be well-behave as its really hard for our staffs because they need to be responsible for my everything!


  • 安全性高燃烧爆炸之虞,断电自动报警采用PC控制

    Safe: negative pressure combustion, not against fire, without the danger of explosion, and water, electricity, auto alarm, using PC control.


  • 随着电力系统电力电子装置以及不平衡大量增加谐波污染日趋严重,它们对发电机运行安全带来危害

    With the substantial growth of power electronic devices and unbalanced loads in power systems, the outcoming harmonics and negative sequence endanger the running safety of the generators seriously.


  • 会员所带客人行为安全对其造成损失全部责任。

    Member must answer for the activity and safety for the guest that you lead to. And you must answer for all of the damnify that your guest made.


  • 温度采用专家模糊控制,既保证系统的安全,又能提高经济性

    Expert fuzzy control is used on temperature and negative pressure control and a safe and economic result can be obtained.


  • 会员用户密码安全全部责任

    The member will take all responsibilities to the users name and the password safety.


  • 目的项回归用于新药安全评价,以此分析评价不良事件发生情况

    AIM: to apply negative binomial model for the safety assessment of a new drug, so as to analyze the occurrence of adverse events.


  • 煤矿分管安全工作行政副职瓦斯治理工作监督检查责任

    The deputy manager of a coal mine in charge of the safety work shall be responsible for the supervision over and check of the gas controlling work;


  • 结果表明安全投入主要安全指标之间存在确定的指数关系。

    The result indicates that there are negative exponential function between the safety cost and the main safety indexes.


  • 为了防止隐含禁止权限将来授权用户增强RBAC安全引入显式授权必要的。

    To prevent these implied forbidden permissions from being authorized to the user later and to reinforce RBAC s security, it is necessary to introduce explicit negative authorization in RBAC.


  • 结果表明安全投入(特别是其中的安全教育投入)与事故直接损失、事故发生频数之间呈较明显的指数关系。

    The results indicated that, there are both negative exponential functions between safety input (especially the safety education input) and direct accident loss and accident frequency.


  • 饲料重要原则企业管理者企业上市饲料产品安全全责

    A new important principle is that companies' management will be kept fully responsible for the safety of the feed products they deliver to the market.


  • 装置有效预防可燃气体爆炸保证安全生产

    The negative pressure air exhausting device can effectively prevent combustible gas from exploding under positive pressure so as to ensure safety production.


  • 本人声明本人体格健全,并无任何疾病至令不宜参加此项活动,穿轻便衣服游泳五十其个人安全财物全责

    I also declare that I am in healthy condition, and can swim 50 meters in light clothing. I understand that I will take full responsibility of my safety and property.


  • 答:(1)安全我们设备堵塞装置配有压力表报警器安全设备正常运行都是常压工作。

    Security: Our equipments have ant-blocking device, also have pressure gauges, alarms, safety valves and vacuum equipment. Normal operation are going on under negative pressure or ordinary pressure.


  • 答:(1)安全我们设备堵塞装置配有压力表报警器安全设备正常运行都是常压工作。

    Security: Our equipments have ant-blocking device, also have pressure gauges, alarms, safety valves and vacuum equipment. Normal operation are going on under negative pressure or ordinary pressure.


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