• 贝托·卡前一天看到还要害怕紧紧地上了眼睛少女再次问同样的问题托斯胆怯地回答

    Betushka was worse frightened than before and she closed her eyes tight. When the maiden repeated her question, Betushka answered timidly.


  • 今天我们演播室请来了巴西著名反全球化运动倡导者阿尔贝托·科尔特

    Today in the studio we have Alberto Cortez, the well-known Brazilian advocate of the anti-global movement.


  • 来,这只现在名为道格拉的河马被转移到奇彭贝莱的一个理想之家——一个由安和史蒂夫·托兰拥有的野生动物中心。

    Later, the hippo, now called Douglas, was moved to an ideal home at Chipembele, a wildlife center owned by Ann and Steve Tolan.


  • 贝尼特至少需要托雷参加利物浦队必须比赛

    Benitez at least needs Torres on the pitch for a game Liverpool must win.


  • 奇克夫人当家庭主妇忧虑,生怕这样放纵悲伤小董贝不利(“真,”对托小姐说道),所以急忙进行抢救

    So Mrs Chick, who had her matronly apprehensions that this indulgence in grief might be prejudicial to the little Dombey (' acid, indeed, 'she whispered Miss Tox), hastened to the rescue.


  • 贝尼特希望马克西在同胞切拉诺队友托雷帮助下迅速融入球队

    Benitez hopes Maxi will settle quickly with the help of compatriot Javier Mascherano and former Atletico team-mate Fernando Torres.


  • 贝尔·托雷要求法官不得同意米尔请求贝卢科尼作为证人以及直布罗陀收集证据

    Bertole asked the judges not to agree to two requests by Mills's lawyer: to call Berlusconi as a witness and to gather evidence from Gibraltar.


  • 托克小姐时向董贝先生优雅鞠了一个躬,董贝先生和蔼亲切地了礼

    Miss Tox made a graceful bend as she spoke, in favour of Mr Dombey, which that gentleman graciously acknowledged.


  • 尼特知道拼凑套阵容法国接受考验。他也承认托雷昨天并不适合全场杰拉德能否出战欧冠也不得而知

    Benitez knows he will have to patch together a side for that test in France, having admitted Torres was not fit to play the entire game yesterday and that Steven Gerrard is still a major doubt.


  • 尼特中途换下托雷永和库伊特因此受到球迷批评

    The Spaniard also came in for criticism from his own fans for substituting Fernando Torres, Yossi Benayoun and Dirk Kuyt.


  • 一个积极向上的故事,”罗兰·贝格的咨询师托·亨泽尔曼说道

    This is a good and growing story,” says Roland Berger's Torsten Henzelmann.


  • 俄亥俄州托莱多市贝尤维公园剧场的拳赛中,“马纳萨的击鼓者”杰克·邓普西经回合激战, 粗暴地击倒了6英尺6英寸的卫冕者·威拉德,将他拉拳王宝座。

    The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 四月德国埃费尔·贝格射电望远镜光纤与处于英国焦德雷尔·班克、意大利梅迪奇纳、瑞典奥萨拉以及波兰托伦等观测站的射电望远镜连接起来。

    In April, the 100-meter radio telescope Effelsberg in Germany was tied in via fiber optics to radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank in the U.K., Medicina in Italy, Onsala in Sweden and Torun in Poland.


  • 26岁洪都拉移民何塞贝托特罗美国接壤维拉克鲁的奥日萨巴的途中攀上了一列疾驰的货运列车

    Honduran immigrant Jose Humberto Castro, 26, clings to a freight train on his way to the border with the United States in Orizaba in the state of Veracruz November 3, 2010.


  • 贝齐·布卡马达加西北部流向大海网状河网注入布贝托(Bombetoka Bay, Wiki)。

    In northwestern Madagascar, the Betsiboka River flows toward the coast, its braided streams emptying into the Bombetoka Bay.


  • 阿纳托利·楚贝(Anatoly Chubais),俄罗90年代私有化设计师称,这种趋势不会俄罗经济带来任何积极成果。”

    This trend, says Anatoly Chubais, the architect of Russias 1990s privatisations, “will not bring any positive results for the Russian economy.”


  • 费尔南多·托雷倍感焦虑的贝尼特身边走过

    Fernando Torres walks off past a concerned Rafael benitez.


  • 利物浦最近几周很多前锋联系尼特费尔南多·托雷在锋线寻找支援

    Liverpool have been linked with a host of strikers in recent weeks as Benitez looks to provide support for Fernando Torres.


  • 或者是贝尼认为哪怕托雷不在球队足够拿下富勒姆。

    Or maybe Rafa Benitez felt the team was good enough to beat Fulham without Torres.


  • 拉法·贝尼特盛赞托雷不可思议进球效率,因为西班牙金童今天下午面对朴寻找纪录的球。

    Rafael Benitez has hailed the incredible strike-rate of Fernando Torres as the Spanish hit-man goes in search of a record-breaking goal against Portsmouth this afternoon.


  • 拉法·贝尼特满怀希望最佳射手费尔南多·托雷及时伤愈,周日迎战默西死敌埃弗顿

    Rafa Benitez is hopeful top scorer Fernando Torres will be fit to face Mersey rivals Everton on Sunday.


  • 上周星期六科拉打得有效率了,完全超越普里特巴西,为阿根廷赢得一张奥运会入场券。他如此引人注目当然也有吉诺比利和奥贝托缺阵的原因

    Scola was more effective Saturday, too. Then Scola outscored Splitter and Brazil, guaranteeing Argentina an Olympic berth, impressive because both Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto weren't involved.


  • 贝洛奥里藏首都米纳吉拉一个国家大于法国中产阶级家庭喜欢在热闹的商店服装巴罗·普雷托。

    In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.


  • 膝盖手术托雷依旧缺阵,贝尼特尽可能决定究竟派伊特还是恩格格出场。

    Fernando Torres is out after knee surgery and Benitez will leave any decision on Kuyt and Ngog as late as possible.


  • 阿尔贝托先是混迹家小俱乐部里,随后2003年时转会到了菲格·伦俱乐部,先后效力过几只是球队知道真实年龄

    Carlos Alberto played for several small clubs before joining Figueirense in 2003. He said that none of the clubs he played for knew about his age.


  • 贝尼特同胞费南多·托雷更是浪费绝佳的机会曼城的搭档中后卫理查德·邓恩米卡迪恩。理查德主队贡献了多次漂亮的防守。

    Compatriot Fernando Torres was guilty of wasting two good chances and centre-back pairing Richard Dunne and Micah Richards were immense for the home side.


  • 贝尼相信托雷联赛最后关头也是危急关头全面爆发

    Rafael Benitez believes Fernando Torres is closing in on top form just in time for the crucial run-in to the end of the season.


  • 贝尼相信托雷联赛最后关头也是危急关头全面爆发

    Rafael Benitez believes Fernando Torres is closing in on top form just in time for the crucial run-in to the end of the season.


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