• 贝克太太高兴相识

    I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Baker.


  • 卫冕冠军伊恩•贝克搭档

    He will be partnered by Ian Baker, the defending champion.


  • 下半场贝克汉姆犯规下场。

    Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half.


  • 贝克先生负责这次运动。

    Mr. Baker would take command of the campaign.


  • 贝克站起来了手。

    Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.


  • 尼克·福尔多在加时赛彼得·贝克击败

    Nick Faldo was beaten by Peter Baker in a playoff.


  • 贝克指出行政当局并不热衷于这场斗争。

    Baker suggested the administration wasn't raring for a fight.


  • 上半场结束科尔上场替换了贝克汉姆

    Cole went on in place of Beckham just before half-time.


  • 里奇.贝克到了三垒旁投球区土墩

    Rich Becker bunted a ball on the third-base side of the mound.


  • 一旦尘埃落定贝克就为自己决定进行了辩护

    Once the dust had settled Beck defended his decision.


  • 贝克不管怎么说从来就不是一个稳定球员

    Becker was never the most consistent of players anyway.


  • 贝克今晚会让肖恩·丹斯通担任指定击球手

    Baker said he will use Shawon Dunston as his designated hitter tonight.


  • 我们欢迎爱德华·贝克教授发言

    Let's welcome Prof. Edward Becker to speak to us.


  • 观点伟大冠军之一加里贝克

    One of the great champions of this view is Gary Becker.


  • 现在我们欢迎爱德华·贝克教授发言

    Now, let's welcome Prof. Edward Becker to speak to us.


  • 贝克先生秘书

    I am the secretary of Mr. Bake.


  • 消息宣布大卫·贝克汉姆赛季结束退役吗?

    Has it been announced that David Beckham is to retire from football at the end of this season?


  • 贝克汉姆含泪说:“为我获得这个奖项感到受宠若惊,我热爱继续热爱我的事业。”

    "I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing," said a tearful Beckham.


  • 例如多佛最前沿维多利亚·贝克汉姆零售店里决定付款时,不必收银台前。

    At the most cutting-edge retail stores Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register, when you decide to pay.


  • 最前沿零售商店里比如多佛维多利亚·贝克汉姆付款时,你不用任何收银机前

    At the most cutting-edge retail storesVictoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instanceyou don't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.


  • 维多利亚·贝克汉姆周末展示了一新的蓬松发型,这款造型跟黑发美人索菲亚·罗兰的发型非常相似

    Victoria Beckham showed off her new, shaggy hairstyle at the weekend which bears a striking resemblance to that of the brunette bombshell Sophia Loren.


  • 最近这些历史学家继承比尔德贝克二十世纪早期进步派”历史学家一些观点,他们提出观点值得我们仔细分析。

    Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.


  • 经济政策研究中心联合创始人自由派经济学迪安·贝克表示男性经济学一直行业内部彼此监管观点做出证实

    Liberal economist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession, confirming each other's anti-regulation views.


  • 贝克正在解决欧洲盟友分歧

    Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.


  • 贝克带着四个谈话要点出访以色列

    Baker is coming to Israel with four major talking points.


  • 在考虑接受贝克伍兹医院的聘用。

    I'm thinking about accepting the offer from Backwoods Hospital.


  • 斯·琳赛的梦想是成为一名主持人。

    Bex Lindsay's dream was to be a host.


  • 一个人,西蒙·贝克也病了,他的背很疼。

    Another man, Simon Beck, was also ill, and he had a serious pain in his back.


  • 些人喜欢像布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、大卫·贝克汉姆甚至托尼·布莱尔这样的著名明星。

    Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair.


  • 时候,她经常一边在贝克斯电台假装主持自己的节目,一边播放父母的光盘。

    In her childhood she often pretended to host her own shows on Bex Radio while playing her parents' CDs.


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