• 太空成千上万的太阳般的星星

    There are many thousands of stars in the sky that are like the sun.


  • 看起来太阳

    It looks like the sun.


  • 阴云密布太阳提早下山,有人居然以为火山爆发了。

    The cloud was so dense that it seemed as if the sun were setting early. At least one person thought a volcano had erupted.


  • 太阳一样,行星飘移非常缓慢以致它们每天运动很难被察觉

    Like the sun, the planets shift their positions so slowly that their day-to-day motion is hard to detect.


  • 太阳地球大多了,所以得有一百多个地球才能填象太阳那么球体

    The sun is so much bigger than the earth that it would take over a million earths to full a ball as big as the sun.


  • 科学家们花了几十时间,试图发明能够收集太阳风能取之不尽的可再生能源方法

    Scientists have spent decades trying to invent ways of trapping so-called renewable energy, such as sunlight or windpower, that will last forever.


  • 太阳那样的一普通恒星就是架十分巧妙可控机器稳定条件下持续运转异常长的时间

    An ordinary star such as the sun is a splendidly controlled machine that can go on operating under stable conditions for an immense length of time.


  • 最简单核聚变反应,即压迫四个氢原子进入原子,是相当于太阳一样的气体从865000公里以外推进颗闪亮星星

    That simplest fusion reaction, four hydrogens into one helium, works for turning a ball of gas like the Sun, 865,000 miles across, into a shining star.


  • 但是参宿四那样相对稀少巨型恒星是如何出现的呢?同样物质材料通常可以产生象太阳大小的天体甚至可以产生更多普通矮星

    But how do relatively rare titans such as Betelgeuse emerge from the same stuff that usually yields batches of sun-sized orbs and even more common red dwarfs?


  • 这些工作包罗万制造风力涡轮太阳电池板你们每天使用技术等。

    These are jobs making everything from wind turbines and solar panels to the technology that you use every day.


  • 事实上金星火星星座元素太阳中获得更多能量

    In fact, Venus' and Mars' fire sign element will only get more energetic from your air sign Sun.


  • - 3普通(- 4)一个中子并且同样太阳产生然后一样核聚变迅速被消耗掉

    Helium-3 has one less neutron than regular helium (helium-4) and is also produced in the sun and almost as quickly consumed in fusion reactions as deuterium.


  • 自从非洲开始生活地方太阳燃烧一样它们就鼻子保持凉爽

    Since African elephants live where the sun is usually blazing hot, they use their trunks to help them keep cool.


  • 19世纪早期平床式印刷机发明以及纽约太阳报》这样畅销报纸出现标志着一个影响深远变化

    The invention of the steam press in the early 19th century, and the emergence of mass-market newspapers such as the new York Sun, therefore marked a profound shift.


  • 月球遮住太阳中心部分,在太阳周围露出圈日一个光环似的日环食。

    Moon only cover the central part of the sun, the sun also exposed a circle around the face, seems like a halo called on the Environment and Food.


  • 双目紧闭发粘太阳上,好红色画笔双手一动不动,四肢冰冷,唇角凝着血块。

    His eyes were closed, his hair was plastered down on his temples like a painter's brushes dried in red wash; his hands hung limp and dead.


  • 太阳渴了,骤雨等于一杯阵雨立刻被尽。

    One would say that the sun was thirsty. A shower is but a glass of water; a rainstorm is instantly drunk up.


  • 人们听到只田鼠在叫嚷:“他们可怜,老说太阳!”

    One fancies he hears a mole crying, "I pity them with their sun!"


  • 太阳能力融化脑子积雪,把她一连串黑话雪崩似的引了出来,继续说道。

    And, as though the sun had possessed the property of melting the avalanches of slang in her brain, she went on.


  • 一些帕洛·阿尔SolFocus这样初创公司尝试透镜反光镜日光聚集成高效率太阳能电池减低成本

    By using lenses and mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto high-efficiency solar cells, start-ups such as SolFocus, in Palo Alto, are trying to reduce the cost per watt of solar systems.


  • 今天大地太阳里向营营哼鸣,个织着布妇人,用一种已经被忘。

    The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the.


  • 今天大地太阳里向营营哼鸣,个织着布妇人一种已经被忘却语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。

    The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ball AD of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.


  • 太阳一样弹来弹去。

    Or bounce it like a ball.


  • 今日冬至太阳开始回来了,春天越来越短信我的祝福能冬至的阳光驱走严寒温暖

    Today the winter solstice, the sun began to come back, the spring is becoming more and more close, can let my message and my blessing like the winter sun, to drive away the cold for you, send to warm.


  • 有的人看到灯光另外一些人可能看到闪电或者月亮、太阳的光芒,等等

    To one it will appear like the light of a lamp, to others like a flash of lightning, or like the radiance of the moon or the sun, and so on.


  • 有的人看到灯光另外一些人可能看到闪电或者月亮、太阳的光芒,等等

    To one it will appear like the light of a lamp, to others like a flash of lightning, or like the radiance of the moon or the sun, and so on.


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