• 如果宿舍公寓电话、手机其他任何电话号码,可以通过谷歌声音它们集成为一个号码

    If you have a phone in your dorm or apartment, a cell phone, and any other phone numbers, consolidate them into one number with Google Voice.


  • 通过使用谷歌电话语音车辆导航服务用户通过拨打相关号码口述他们要找的目标。

    To use Google’s telephone directory or audio car navigation service, customers dial the relevant number and say what they are looking for.


  • 谷歌活动,从电脑上拨打电话费率类似服务供应商的收费更加便宜。

    At its event, Google said its PC-to-phone call rates will be cheaper than those of providers of similar services.


  • 由于谷歌网络电话海底电缆公司提供的,所以它网络增速道路坎坷

    Google has been frustrated by the speed of broadband networks provided by phone and cable companies.


  • 周一上午一次电话会议中,谷歌信心获得监管许可因为这笔交易最终提升智能手机市场上竞争

    In a conference call on Monday morning, Google said it was confident that it will be able to win regulatory approval, since the deal will ultimately improve competition in the smart phone market.


  • 括将音乐媒体流放置美国搜索页面谷歌将音乐下载服务捆绑某些移动电话诺基亚

    Google, which now facilitates music streaming from its search page in America, to Nokia, which bundles access to a music-download service with some of its mobile phones.


  • 经纪人电话就差你一个了,你谷歌最后一手股票,谷歌500美元每股的价格回来

    So, the broker calls you up and says, you're the last guy, you have the last one hundred shares in Google and Google wants to buy them and we'll give you $500 a share.


  • 随之而来媒体广告狂轰滥炸试图此操作系统定位苹果iPhone谷歌Android驱动许多诺基亚电话塞班系统的替代物(如图所示)。

    An accompanying media blitz will seek to position it as an attractive alternative to Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Symbian, which powers many Nokia phones (see chart).


  • 然而,谷歌Shopper不能处理实物产品因此,当扫描朋友电话或是数码相机时,Shopper不会出现搜索结果。

    Google Shopper doesn't handle actual products. So trying to "scan" your friend's phone or digital camera won't work.


  • 农家友(Farmer’sFriend)服务MTN(南非主要移动通讯运营商),谷歌以及Grameen基金的应用实验室(Application Laboratory,简写为AppLab)六月份推出的基于电话的服务产品中的种。

    Farmer’s Friend is one of a range of phone-based services launched in June by MTN, Google and the Grameen Foundation’s “Application Laboratory”, or AppLab.


  • 上任第三谷歌宣布召开业绩电话会议,佩奇时代的第一次(佩奇首次担任谷歌首席执行官时,谷歌还未上市)。

    Day Three: Google announced its earnings call which would be the first in Page's era (Google wasn't public in his first CEO tenure).


  • 谷歌搜索某事,给你住另外一个城市外国的朋友电话他们谷歌搜索你搜索的事物。

    Call a friend in another city or a foreign country, and ask them to Google something at the same time as you.


  • 作为个人,可以经纪人电话,买进谷歌股份

    You, as an individual, can call up your broker and say, I want to buy Google shares.


  • 更正本文最初乔布斯周末电话苹果工程师,要更改图标颜色,那名工程师实际上是谷歌的工程师。

    Correction: the engineer Steve Jobs called one weekend to correct the colour of a logo worked at Google, not Apple, as originally stated in this article.


  • 但是谷歌的拉里·佩奇也给经纪人电话,当然经过董事会允许谷歌某个雇员可以给经纪人电话然后做出同样买入要求,我们买进谷歌股份

    But Larry Paige at Google can call up a broker — he better get the board's permissionsomebody at Google can call up a broker and make the same statement: we want to buy Google shares.


  • 如果谷歌执行总裁,我给经纪人电话,一共发行了多少股票

    I'm the CEO of Google and I call the broker and I say, how many shares are outstanding?


  • 我们本周四业绩电话会议了解谷歌更多计划

    We'll find out more about Google's plans at the earning's call on Thursday.


  • 支持该系统谷歌一直开发自个网络应用程序(即网络应用商店),在考虑用电子商务其他方式取悦智能电话用户

    To support it, Google has been developing its own library of online apps, and it is looking at other ways to please smartphone users, such as e-commerce.


  • 只是谷歌众多收购案中的最新一例,谷歌公司提供系列产品中增添可供家庭企业使用电话服务

    This is just the latest in a number of purchases Google has made that will enable it to add telephone-style services as part of its suite of products, both for homes and businesses.


  • 于是电话谷歌社交业务负责人维克•刚铎抱怨

    He called Vic Gundotra, Google's social czar, to complain.


  • 得到美国最大移动运营商VerizonWireless技术支持谷歌Android软件运用拓展到了移动电话

    Google extended the reach of its Android software for mobile phones when Verizon Wireless, America’s biggest mobile operator, backed the technology.


  • 同时微软也寻求一些大型电话公司支持,客户推销Office 365,这些公司谷歌(Google)的关系有时并不和谐

    And it is enlisting big phone companies, which have had a sometimes uneasy relationship with Google, to help it get the tools in the hands of customers.


  • 其中核心就是谷歌智能电话操作系统Android系统电信公司手机制造商免费使用

    At the heart of that act lies Android, the firm's smartphone operating system, which it lets telecoms firms and phone-makers use for nothing.


  • 谷歌人才招聘出了名严苛需通过多个阶段、各种形式(电话面试,现场面试,笔试)的专业个人面试。

    Google's employee selection process is famously rigorous, requiring several stages of professional and personal interviews, on the phone and in person, as well as tests.


  • 最新谷歌调查显示有66%同时使用智能电话电脑同时90%的调查者一天中都会不停地使用电子产品

    A recent Google study showed 66 percent of people use smartphones and computers simultaneously, while 90 percent of those surveyed use electronic devices sequentially throughout the day.


  • 最新谷歌调查显示有66%同时使用智能电话电脑同时90%的调查者一天中都会不停地使用电子产品

    A recent Google study showed 66 percent of people use smartphones and computers simultaneously, while 90 percent of those surveyed use electronic devices sequentially throughout the day.


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