• 能够伴侣谈论情感问题

    You will be able to talk about emotional problems with your partner.


  • 永远不要谈论情感如果它们根本存在

    Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there.


  • 我们开始谈论情感为什么他们存在,目的如何如何工作

    We're going to talk about the emotions, why they exist, what they're there for, and how they work.


  • 研究显示男性通常妻子母亲姐妹女性知己敞开心扉谈论情感话题

    Research shows that men often open up about emotional issues to wives, mothers, sisters and Platonic female friends.


  • 多数父亲都极其希望有机会女儿提供指导建议只不过他们并不总是善于谈论情感问题

    But most dads desperately want the opportunity to guide and advise their daughters. They're just not always good at talking about emotions.


  • 孩子们谈论表达情感方式取决于他们年龄成长阶段

    The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


  • 布拉施一直致力于公开谈论快速循环双相情感障碍

    Brasch has dedicated herself to speaking publicly about rapid cycling bipolar disorder.


  • 而那些收入较少他们交谈对象有更多眼神交流,也会更频繁点头示意他们对谈论的事情感兴趣。

    Those on lower income made eye contact with the person they were talking with and nod their heads more frequently signaling they were interested in what was being said.


  • 首先情感基本机制,设定目标事务优先级,我们谈论很多关于宇宙的话题,堂课。

    The first is this, that emotions are basically mechanisms that set goals and priorities and we're going to talk a lot about in this class and the next class about universals.


  • 休息一下下周下谈论社会情感

    I want to turn for the rest of this lecture and for next lecture next week to the social emotions.


  • 如果他们没有告知因而你大肆谈论这件事,这会对孩子们造成情感的伤害,或者他们置于危险境遇

    If they don't tell you so you can talk it over, it could leave them with emotional scars or leave them in danger.


  • 如果开始跟你谈论发生的事情,能够情感身体上面对她的痛苦损失继而就能够谈起自己的未来和选择。

    Once she began talking about what had happened, then facing that loss emotionally and physically, she was able to talk about her own future and talk about what her options were.


  • Maeda用日本传统方式谈论了“aichaku”,字面上的意思“偶像崇拜”—人和物品之间“共生共存”的爱意。而这个物品之所以人们喜爱并不是因为这个物品能做什么而是因为这个物品带给人们的情感联系。

    He draws on his Japanese heritage to talk about aichaku, literally 'love-fit', 'a kind of symbiotic love for an object that deserves affection not for what it does, but for what it is'.


  • 想到人们面对巨大的压力还要坚强独自去承担解决,女人们似乎悯性大发,倾听男人的诉说,谈论他们压抑情感一切看上去那么的诗情画意。

    When you consider how much pressure men face to be strong and fix their own problems, it's almost poetic that some would resort to talking about their feelings in a taboo, forbidden context.


  • 这里,在音乐声中,女性都是而被动献身的,不要她们谈论感情如果你在这里大款、情感,你一定疯了

    Here, in music, women are passive and dedication for the money, you do not tell them to talk about feelings, if you installed wealthy here to talk about emotion, you must be crazy.


  • 心理上来说,已有能力谈论自己情感思想,逐步脱离自我中心更加关注他人感受。

    Mentally he had the ability to talk about his thoughts and feelings while have less focus on himself and more concern for others.


  • 她们谈论她们希望梦想成功失败,令人喷饭幽默催人泪下情感由中而生。

    They tell of their hopes, dreams, successes and failures, inspiring laugh-out-loud humour and tear jerking emotions.


  • 应该谈论和“情感”有关的话题童年回忆未来志向或者爱好

    You should talk about "emotional" topics like childhood memories, future ambitions, or her passions.


  • 而那些收入较少他们交谈对象有更多眼神交流,也会更频繁点头示意他们谈论的事情感兴趣。 。

    Those eon lower income made eye contact with the person they were talking with and nod their heads more frequently signaling they were interested in what was being said.


  • 相信(没有证据科学依据),微型表达式可以揭示情感无意识部分涉及正在谈论什么

    I believe (with no proof or scientific basis) that micro-expressions can also reveal emotions that are unconscious or only partially related to whatever is being talk about.


  • 尽管电子邮件比较快速,人们仍然喜爱写信表达赞美感谢祝贺以及描述情感谈论他们生活中的事情

    Even though email is faster, people still like writing letters to send compliments, thanks, congratulations, as well as to describe feelings and talk about events in their life.


  • 由于丹尼尔?戈尔曼新书情感智能》 ,一概念很快会成为国内谈论话题为方便起见简称情商”。

    This notion is about to bound into the national conversation, conveniently shortened to EQ, thanks to a new book, Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.


  • 波娃谈论国际比赛日率先离开队友日内瓦之行夹扎不同情感

    Jose was talking about his new colleagues prior to departing on international duty, his flight to Geneva coming at the end of a week of very mixed emotions.


  • 这时可以表示你对他们所说的感受到的十分理解以此来学员们谈论私人的事比较自在

    You can make members feel comfortable about discussing personal information with you by showing you understand how they feel as well as what they are saying.


  • 这时可以表示你对他们所说的感受到的十分理解以此来学员们谈论私人的事比较自在

    You can make members feel comfortable about discussing personal information with you by showing you understand how they feel as well as what they are saying.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定