• 柏拉图亚里士多德谈到文学的时候,几乎没有提到我们通常叫做意义”的东西

    Plato and Aristotle, talking about literature, hardly mention what we would normally call the ‘meaning’.


  • 声明谈到甲骨文战略如何能使公司击败ibm没有提到惠普

    In the statement, Hurd talks about how Oracle's strategy will enable the company to beat IBM, but he doesn't mention H-P.


  • 谈到最近个交往了很久的男朋友分手了,那个人上次时,他们没有遇到,他还提到即将到来的由他编舞的一场表演

    He spoke of a recent breakup with a long-term boyfriend, someone he had not yet met the last time I saw him, and then about an upcoming performance of a piece he had choreographed.


  • 建立理论框架然后我想讲你们听-,我之前提到石油是因为适用这个框架,非常清晰阐述我们谈到的内容。

    I set up a theoretical framework here... and I wanted to give you — I mentioned oil because it seems to make it, to me, so clear what we're talking about here.


  • 上面提到那种教条主义的反对言论里,谈到只是效果,而我们要找的是起因

    In all that is said by the doctrinarian objection above presented, there is no question of anything but effect, we seek the cause.


  • 比如平均地表温度很多谈论时都会提到它,有的人最高地表温度最低地表温度。

    An example might be the average surface temperatures, something that most people can relate to. Or also, the minimum and maximum surface temperatures.


  • 比如平均地表温度很多谈论时都会提到它,有的人谈到最高地表温度最低地表温度。

    An example might be the average surface temperatures, something that most people can relate to.Or also, the minimum and maximum surface temperatures.


  • 本文谈到很多基础知识,提到SQL/XML几个关键方面展示了如何使用 SQL/XML查询 XML 列中的数据

    This article covered a lot of ground, highlighting several key aspects of SQL/XML and how you can use it to query data in XML columns.


  • 一点至关重要,而且以后还再次提到现在关于理论本质谈到这里。

    It's crucial, as I say, and I'm going to be coming back to it, but it's just a point I want to make in passing about the nature of theory now.


  • 他们谈到由于人们面对一张不会活动的面孔时不知道怎么应对,他们他人交流存在很大困难。”Rosenberg提到

    "They talk about how difficult it is to interact with people because people can't handle looking at a face that doesn't move," Rosenberg said.


  • 一封信跟踪面试一定总结一下面试里都谈到了那些内容,也要再次提到你会给这个机构带来什么样的效益

    Write ea letter to the interviewer following your interview, making sure to summarize what you talked about and mentioning again how you could benefit the organization.


  • 阿美另外谈到古典音乐我们不能不提到维也纳新年音乐会

    May: Besides, speaking of classical music, we should never forget about the New Year's Concert.


  • 我们没有谈到20知道大家是否一样但是你们提到一个观点,我知道如何这个名字叫做柯吧。

    We haven't gotten to that yet. On page 20, I don't know if everyone has the same book but you bring up a point about I'm not sure how to say this person's name called Michel Foucault.


  • 没有谈到使游戏减少重复所有方法,但是我希望提到的内容能开阔眼界,使你认识作为行业门艺术我们面临问题严肃性

    I haven't talked about all of the issues on how to make games less repetitive, but hopefully I've opened your eyes up to the seriousness of the problem we're facing as an industry and an art.


  • 谈到明显威胁区域时,今年我们声明率先提到网络威胁很难强调重要意义

    When it comes to the distinct threat areas, our statement this year leads with cyber and it's hard to overemphasize its significance.


  • 就是为了说明我们今天要谈到哈佛大学心理学教授Daniell .Schacter提到记忆七宗第一:记忆的易性所援引的一个例子

    This is an example of what Harvard psychologist Daniel L. Schacter calls the first deadly sin of memory: transience (Schacter, 1999).


  • 最近,爱德华。福兹默拖,卡医院健康中心经理电视节目谈到健康危害提到二恶英及其危害

    Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.


  • 但是谈到ARBACEI的时候,我们总是提到降压以外作用

    But when we talk about ARB and ACEI, we always mention the ancillary effects beyond blood pressure?


  • 现在最高法院没有触动法律核心而且谈到法律监管依然存在就是第5节中提到的。

    Now the Supreme Court didn't strike down the heart of the law, and on paper, that'll oversight remains, that's called Section 5.


  • 我们谈到这儿了又一次提到天气了!

    There we are. I've mentioned the weather again!


  • 谈到个人英雄主义,就不能不提到美国

    Talking about personal heroism, have to mention the United States.


  • 而如果谈到语言门学科所做贡献,那我们不得不提到语言学大师——索绪尔,所创建的理论使语言学步入了现代期。

    If we mention the contribution done toward linguistics, we have to mention a person who is among of a generation of linguistic masters-saussure.


  • 谈到名人诵读障碍时,人们提到最多阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦、列奥纳多·达·芬奇托马斯·爱迪生

    Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are usually at the top of the list of famous dyslexics.


  • 我们谈到两个星期旧金山的异国情调舞会正如这里提到没有打算那里

    We talked about the Exotic Erotic Ball in San Francisco in two weeks. As was mentioned here before, she is NOT going to be there.


  • 年逾八旬曼德拉在谈到一生遗憾首先提到拳击运动,“非常遗憾成为一名世界!”

    Octogenarian Mandela talk about "life regret" when you first mentioned the boxing, "I am very sorry not to become a world champion!"


  • 最后,话题友谊上,谈到现在的友情似乎很容易变质,提到自己经历

    The subject finally turned to friendship and how perishable it seem to be these days. I mentioned my own experience as an example.


  • 提到一些音乐行业“纯金瑞士军刀”,该行PC 3成为众所周知具有涵盖所有基础谈到预置

    Referred to by some in the music industry as "the solid gold Swiss army knife", the PC3 line has become well known for having covered all the bases when it comes to presets.


  • 谈到中外影视教育影视文化交流时,学者提到中国文化传播,是影视传媒教育的责任。

    On the topic of Chinese and foreign film and TV art exchange and education, scholars all agreed that universities carry the great responsibility to introduce Chinese culture to the world.


  • 谈到中外影视教育影视文化交流时,学者提到中国文化传播,是影视传媒教育的责任。

    On the topic of Chinese and foreign film and TV art exchange and education, scholars all agreed that universities carry the great responsibility to introduce Chinese culture to the world.


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