• 脉冲电抗器其中主要起到放电电流限流调整脉冲宽度作用

    The main functions of the pulsed reactor are current limiting and pulse width adjustment.


  • 通过调整脉冲中心频率之间相位差将有可能完全抑制时间抖动

    Timing jitter induced by SPM and IXPM could be suppressed totally by adjusting the relative phase between the center frequency of the pulse and the ripples.


  • 这种同步控制装置方便地通过调整脉冲延时提高系统成像质量作用距离

    This synchronization control set can improve its imaging quality and its action distance by conveniently adjusting the pulse delay and the pulse width.


  • 基于神经信息具体特性这种芯片可以调整发出脉冲强度。

    Depending on the specifics of the nervous message, the chip can adjust the voltage of the pulse it sends.


  • 返回雷达脉冲时间意味着更远距离Controller随后根据正确的估计位置作出调整

    Because a longer time for the radar pulse to return would imply a greater distance, the Controller would then make adjustments based on an incorrectly estimated position.


  • 费米太空望远镜这些伽马射线脉冲灵敏,以至于甚至需要调整位置对准雷暴的正上方,就能探测TGF信号。

    The Fermi Space Telescope is so sensitive to these gamma ray bursts that it doesn't even need to be positioned right over a thunderstorm to detect the TGFs.


  • 控制简单使用方便所输出参数容易辨认调整操作界面可以选择非手工排队脉冲

    Controls are simple and easy to use. Output parameters can be easily identified and adjusted. Operator interface has optional hands free aligning and pulse triggering.


  • 相位频率检测器用温度感测电路调整一个更多输出信号最小脉冲宽度从而补偿温度变化。

    The phase frequency detector adjusts the minimum pulse width of the one or more output signals using the temperature sensing circuit to compensate for temperature variations.


  • 分析了探头调整脉冲回波信号变化特点,在实验的基础上构建了声束入射角表面时域特征值关系模型

    Using the characteristics of pulse echo singal during the probe adjustment, a relation model between angle of incidence and time-domain eigenvalue of reflect wave signals was proposed.


  • 针对怎样抑制周期性干扰文献中报道较多的是LMS自适应滤波方法,但方法调整参数脉冲干扰表现出不稳定性

    Aiming at how to prevent periodic interference, more papers have covered LMS adaptive filter, which needs to adjust many parameters and shows instability in pulse type interference.


  • 脉冲报警反应5这个参数定的,我们如何调整32秒?

    NO pulse alert action: 5 SEC. (this parameter is factory programmable) how do we adjust to 3 SEC or 2 SEC.


  • 本文提出旋转回波脉冲序列具有激发带宽适中实验参数调整简单的特点,可广泛应用固体样品核磁共振谱测量中。

    A pulse sequence, namely rotary echo, with modest excitation bandwidth and mere adjustment of the experimental parameters is proposed in the present article.


  • 微型计算机控制系统控制脉冲序列发送实现振动攻丝转速振幅频率的无级调整

    Micro-computer control system controls the sending of pulse series and realises the change of speed, amplitude and frequency in vibratory tapping.


  • 通过调整驱动脉冲增量实现了单位时间转换次数最大化转换频率均匀化优化目标

    By adjusting the driving pulse increment, the bright dark conversion to maximize the number of dark and light switching frequency optimization goal of homogenization in per unit time were achieved.


  • 状态515动态改变控制乘法器510选择信号状态调整UPDN信号最小脉冲宽度

    State machine 515 can dynamically change the state of the select signal that controls multiplexer 510 to adjust the minimum pulse width of the UP and DN signals.


  • 进行冲击压缩实验采用波形整形调整入射脉冲从而使得试件内的应力梯度不致过大,取得了较好的效果

    When impact compression test is exerted, the pulse shaper has been used to regulate the incidence wave, so that the stress gradient will not be significantly high and the results is acceptable.


  • 调制频谱优化运用最小面积准则LAC正交脉冲参数进行优化计算并调整使脉冲频谱符合FCC频谱模板要求

    The orthogonal pulses are adjusted by the optimizer which calculates the parameters based on Least Area Criterion (LAC) before modulation in order to follow the requirements of FCC spectral mask.


  • 结论通过调整处方工艺,可以得到体外不同时间脉冲盐酸地尔硫(艹)下(卓)片剂。

    CONCLUSION:The pulsatile release of ditiazem hydrochloride could be controlled by adjusting the composition of the outer shell materials and the manipulation condition.


  • 方法首先采用串行方式,对含有脉冲噪声图像进行逐检测其中判断噪声阈值自适应地调整

    It first detects impulse noises in an image in a serial mode, and the threshold, which is used to estimate noise pixel, can be modified adaptively.


  • 结论通过选择中的崩解剂、调整包衣层组成厚度可以用包衣方法得到不同时间脉冲释药的阿司匹林片剂。

    Conclusion: the pulsatile release of aspirin can be controlled by selection of disintegrants of the core and changing composition and thickness of the coating film.


  • 脉冲发生器定期向外发送序列使地面系统做出调整适应过滤器改变信道状况。

    The pulser sends out the sequences regularly, enabling the surface system to tune the adaptive flters for changing channel con- ditions.


  • 设计视频处理电路通过介绍一种前置放大,CRT驱动的视频处理电路,系统包括前置放大电路、钳位脉冲形成、CRT驱动电路、白平衡调整等部分。

    This paper describes a CRT video circuit with pre-amp and driver control. This system includes pre-amp circuit, clamp pulse production, blank level...


  • 通常德州仪器畅销模拟芯片适用电话其它电子设备调整功率转变声音成为脉冲

    As usual, TI's best sellers were analog chips, which are used in phones and other electronics to regulate power and convert sound into electric pulses.


  • 为了克服常规采用准直仪静态调整缺陷,本文提出分别基于径向脉冲宽度切向反射光斑偏移新型倾角动态调整方法推导倾角调整公式,探讨了动态调整原理的工程化实现方法。

    To overcome the defects of static adjust through collimator, 2 new dynamical adjusting methods of tilt angle such as pulse width for radial and laser spot offset control for tangentia are proposd.


  • 为此,提出了功率步进电动机的新的驱动方法——脉冲调整法,并提供晶体管电路初步实验结果

    A new control method, the pulse-regulation method, is proposed and a transistor circuit is designed. Some preliminary experimental results are thereby given.


  • 通过对两个光栅做小幅度失谐调整,可以实现两束激光脉冲同步输出。

    The temporal synchronization of the lines is controlled by rotating the gratings within a narrow range for varying their losses.


  • 通过对两个光栅做小幅度失谐调整,可以实现两束激光脉冲同步输出。

    The temporal synchronization of the lines is controlled by rotating the gratings within a narrow range for varying their losses.


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