• 涉及协调个别国家活动以及支持优先研究有关保护森林课题

    This would also involve harmonising activities in individual countries as well as identifying a number of priority research topics relating to the protection of forests.


  • 明显增加研究中的课题问题非常规活动最优先的是什么

    It's becoming increasing apparent from my study of the issue, that what matters is excelling at the unconventional activity in question.


  • 这个课题研究人员们相信这个区域简短突发性电子活动睡眠形波”,在用某种方式阻挡外界声音信号传输大脑中某些过来的某些区域。

    The researchers believe that brief bursts of electrical activity in this area, called "sleep spindles", somehow block external sounds form reaching any parts of the brain that might wake a person up.


  • 由于太阳活动正常消长变化能完全符合我们过去预计周期最近几年许多太阳内部动态活动课题产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    The sun's internal dynamics were the subject of intense interest over the last few years as the normal waxing and waning of solar activity did not follow past cycles as closely as anticipated.


  • 探索研究团体心理辅导活动中的分享技术高校心理健康教育有实用价值的课题

    Probing and studying participating skills in group psychological counselling activities is a very valuable topic in college psychological health education.


  • 课题小组选择了140个活动星系简称agns,这些星系放射出大量X射线,X射线穿透阻挡观测的气体尘埃

    The team chose 140 active galactic nuclei, or AGNs, by selecting galaxies that emit a lot of X-rays, which can Pierce the galactic gas and dust that might otherwise block the nuclei from view.


  • 研究性学习通过研究某些课题获取知识培养能力教学活动

    Inquiry learning is a kind of teaching activity to obtain knowledge and form ability through researching projects.


  • 因而,对离岸公司经营活动如何法律手段进行有效规制已经成为重大课题

    Therefore, how to effectively regulate and guide the operating activities of offshore companies under legal system has become a significant study subject.


  • 课题是从以下几方面进行研究:第一部分:对国内外小学教师教育综合实践活动课程开设状况作了综述。

    More attention is paid on the problem of teacher training in the integrative practical activity curriculum, and many teachers training colleges are gathered to perform research on this project.


  • 解决这些问题有效实施综合实践活动课程现实课题

    How to solve these problems is a practical task in the effective implementation of synthetic practical activity course.


  • 第二组织自主参与型作业设计实践活动并开展课题研究,实践中总结信息技术条件作业设计原则特点

    Second, organize practice of "independently participating" design on homework, and by practice summarize principle and characteristic that designing homework under information technology era.


  • 活动课程为基础实现德育心理教育结合教育理论实践亟待探索的崭新课题

    It is a quite new topic in the theory and practice of education to achieve the combination of moral and psychological education through the curriculum of activities.


  • 工作主要负责课题申报学术活动管理成果申报研究生管理方面的工作

    After joining in work, I am mainly responsible for the research subject application, academic activity management, achievement declaration and graduate management works.


  • 关于郑成功家族历史活动一直中外学术界关注一个重要课题

    The historical activities of Zheng Chenggong family has been an important research topic of Chinese and foreign Scholars.


  • 剧烈太阳活动空间灾害天气研究当代空间科学最前沿具挑战性和最能造福人类的课题

    Study of explosive solar activity and disastrous space weather is one of the most frontier, challenging, and beneficial topics.


  • 主要论述课题研究目的意义目前国内外课余体育活动现状研究

    Chapter I mainly tells the aim and meaning of the topic and the present research evolution about the spare-time sports activity at home and abroad.


  • 方法制定医德教育活动实施方案课题收集、统计三年数据分析

    Instituting the scheme of medical ethic education, and collecting and analyzing three-year data by task group.


  • 但是作为名记者如何实际的新闻采访活动运用即兴采访,即兴采访真正新闻报道出彩服务,却是值得探索课题

    However, it is a worthwhile project for a journalist to explore how to apply the impromptu interview successfully in reality and make it serve news recovery better.


  • 其中组织性合作方式包括教研活动集体备课、师徒带教、听评课、公开专业课题研究等形式;

    These organizational ways of cooperation include research activities, collective classes, master guide in teaching, open classes, attending Classroom and evaluating and professional research.


  • 课题研讨的纲的反在于探索网络逛戏受教养活动融会价值实现方式带给狭大的教导工做者一些念考开示

    This topic research goal lies in the exploration network game and the teaching activity fusion value and the realization way, and takes to general educator some ponders and the enlightenment.


  • 随着视频展台图像传感器分辨率不断提高实时显示活动图像的技术成为产品核心研究课题

    With the increase of video exhibit table image sensor resolution, the technology of real-time display movement image is becoming the kernel research task of product.


  • 教学环境教学活动基本因素,也是现代教学论研究重要课题任何教学活动都是一定的教学环境中进行的。

    Teaching environment is both a basic factor of teaching and an important subject of modern teaching theory, any teaching activity is going under particular teaching environment.


  • 教育技术能力的培养离不开评价活动,评价模式的探索课题重要组成部分,师生教育技术能力培养方案研究提供了一种可靠的、真实的评价方法

    Searching for the evaluation method plays an important role in this project, and it provides a reliable and authentic evaluation method for the scheme of improving students' Educational technology.


  • 严厉打击生产销售伪劣商品犯罪活动成为刑法研究重要课题之一。

    Thus it has become one of the important issues in criminal law research in order to give a severe attack to the criminal activity of manufacturing or selling fake commodities.


  • 学习过程中通过广泛阅读故事科普读物,手工活动生动歌曲课题提高英语水平,语言的循环使用和听说读写四种技能也得到了练习和提高的机会

    Learning is enhanced with a wide range of stories and non-fiction readings, manual activities, lively songs, and projects that provide the opportunity to practice the four skills and recycle language.


  • 因此企业管理活动中,薪酬管理研究一个非常重要课题

    Therefore, the research on compensation management is a very important topic in the business management activity.


  • 综合实践活动进行课题研究虽然我们理解研究性学习含义价值作用做出了有益的贡献。

    Although doing discussion in the Inte-grated Curriculum of Practical Activity contributes us to grasp the connotation the value and the function of TSBL.


  • 活动断层调查城市地质主要课题之一

    Active fault exploring is one primary subjects of city geological working.


  • 活动断层调查城市地质主要课题之一

    Active fault exploring is one primary subjects of city geological working.


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