• 这些服务起步都小规模经营,价格低廉目标是成熟玩家不在乎市场领域——比如入门课程辅导

    Such services tend to start small and cheap, targeting a sector of the market that established players don't care much about-like tutoring in introductory courses.


  • 相当方法可以提供帮助启发儿童主动学习能力-同伴辅导课程等等

    There are quite a number of new methods which can help, such as child-initiated learning, ability-peer tutoring, etc.


  • 相关联研讨会辅导实验课这些课程回顾、分析说明加强了课堂上所讲主题

    Associated with each lecture course are seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which draw upon, analyze, illustrate or amplify the topics presented in the lectures.


  • 教师们表示他们课程结束放学给予个别学生另外辅导必要时还会安排额外的作业

    Teachers say that they give individual help at the end of a lesson or after school, setting extra work if necessary.


  • 解学校基础的校园资源在哪,如学生咨询中心、心理服务和辅导中心,这会让你在校园的头几周变得更容易,因为你不需要一边适应课程一边寻找这些地点。

    Getting to know where essential campus resources are—such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center—will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier, because you won't have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.


  • 在线辅导课程小时费用2025美元之间

    Online tutoring costs between twenty and twenty-five dollars an hour.


  • 现在强调OperationHope如何运作管理资金管理免费课程旨在通过一对一辅导授课提高信用评分这样将增加银行消费客户

    He now emphasizes how Operation Hope, which runs free classes on money management and aims to raise credit scores through one-on-one counseling sessions, will add to a bank's consumer clients.


  • 因此,辅导员见面可以得到职业方面咨询关于为了上大学哪些课程建议

    So you could be meeting to get career counseling or advice on which classes to take for college.


  • 希望她们的研究成果能够激励大学的辅导,他们鼓励女孩选修更难的数学工程课程

    She hopes these results will spur guidance counselors to encourage girls to take higher-level math and engineering courses.


  • 参加了有关处理明显创伤辅导课程学习如何应对身体心理感情上变化教育课程

    There were also counseling sessions to be able to deal with the obvious trauma and education classes to learn how to deal with the new changes physically, psychologically and emotionally.


  • 大一点的孩子帮忙小一点的,还有很多优秀教科书在线辅导课程

    The older kids help coach the younger. There are lots of good textbooks and online tutorials.


  • 有人去世了辅导帮助缓解悲伤,他(她)同样建议你选择适合课程,以便进入梦想大学

    A counselor can help you deal with the sadness when someone has died as well as advise you on taking the right classes to get into your dream college.


  • 数十亿美元浪费无效语言识字辅导课程那些辅导课程都忽视了三个自然阶段

    Billions of dollars are wasted on ineffective language and literacy instruction programs, which ignore these natural stages.


  • 对于这样的老师的课程经常的逃课,并且辅导学习那些相关知识。

    I ditched their classes often and learned the material from the textbook.


  • 我教经济学课程单元所以星期辅导。课安排星期二星期四

    Ah, well, the Economics I course is a double unit so there are two lectures a week and one tutorial. The lectures are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday.


  • 美国长期以来一直主张“选秀(talent searches)”,也就是通过考试测评老师推荐挑选孩子参加高级学校课程暑期教育和其他课外辅导活动

    America has long held "talent searches", using test results and teacher recommendations to select children for advanced school courses, summer schools and other extra tuition.


  • 开始学习在线课程可以预订实时辅导的时间支付相应费用。

    Once you start taking your online courses, you will be able to reserve and pay for Live Coaching.


  • 配合2007年外国航空公司在中国大陆地区的空乘招聘活动,上海外航服务公司于三月又推出《空乘考前辅导培训》精品课程

    In order to cooperate with foreign airlines' new round recruitment in 2007, FASCO HR has provided "Pre-interview Training for Flight Attendant" course to the applicants.


  • 人们允许他们参加课程辅导学生这样年轻老师才能获得所必须的技能以及其他一些教授课程所必须知识。

    They were required to participate in lectures and tutor students so that young teachers would be able to acquire requisite skills, attitudes and other essentials of giving lectures.


  • 这个课程志愿走上事业成功快车道的大学毕业生提供辅导

    Thee course provides guidance for graduates who wish to get on a fast track to a successful career.


  • 本文结合自己多年辅导计算机应用专业操作系统课程实践主要介绍了应用方法的点滴体会感受

    In this paper, combining the practice of teaching the course "OS" for major of computer application, the author mainly introduced the experience and feeling of applying the six guiding methods.


  • 而且孩子能够在上课集中精力时候安排辅导课程

    Also arrange the tutoring at a time when he can concentrate on the sessions.


  • 每天完成高中课程以后老师都给我们留学生辅导汉语。为的是让留学生在中国生活方便

    Every day, teacher tutor me Chinese course, after finish the lesson of high school, for my life is more convenient.


  • 人格教育途径:(1专门途径,包括人格辅导课程心理咨询心理治疗。

    Ways of character education: (1) Specialized ways, including related courses, mental problem consultation and mental treatment.


  • 必修课程两个月内完成,集中面授4并配线上课程线上辅导

    The compulsory course shall be intensively taught over a two month period, and shall be taught face to face for 4 days, supported by on-line lectures and on-line tutorials.


  • 近几年加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校完成研究生大学辅导硕士的课程,并于最近志愿贫穷青少年提供大学辅导

    In recent years, she completed a post-graduate college counseling certification from UCLA and currently volunteers assisting underprivileged teens with college counseling.


  • 课程包括专业心理道德标准课,心理治疗理论职业辅导儿童青少年精神病理学其他

    Coursework may include ethical standards of professional psychology, theories of psychotherapy, career counseling, child and adolescent psychopathology, and other topics.


  • 课程包括专业心理道德标准课,心理治疗理论职业辅导儿童青少年精神病理学其他

    Coursework may include ethical standards of professional psychology, theories of psychotherapy, career counseling, child and adolescent psychopathology, and other topics.


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