• 新的音乐课程要求学习者掌握各项专业教学技能外,应具有分析使用中学音乐教材能力

    The new music Course demands the learner grasp the various specialty teaching skills as well as the ability of analyzing and using the new music materials for middle-school.


  • 如何根据化学教材中的探究活动栏目设计组织教学就成为课程实施亟待解决问题

    How to design and organize the teaching according to the investigating activity columns of chemistry new material becomes the urgent problems in the implement of the new curriculum.


  • 改善高职旅游英语教学需要教材教法课程设置师资配备等方面努力

    Improving the teaching of Tourism English demands more efforts from the aspects of teaching materials, teaching methods, course design and staff arrangement etc.


  • 笔者依据是《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》,分析教材教学调查基础编制测试卷

    Following "the mathematics course in common senior high school standard (experiment)", the author designs the test on the basis of analysing teaching material and doing teaching investigation.


  • 现今我国中学数学课堂教学主要根据课程教学计划教材统一要求进行

    Nowadays, in our country classroom teaching of middle school mathematics is being carried on basically according to the teaching program of subjects and the unified requirement of teaching material.


  • 第六章中对本课题研究成果进行了归纳总结,课程设置、教学内容教材师资建设,并中职学校等方面提出建议

    In the sixth chapter, it summarizes the achievements of the study, and gives some proposals about curriculum, teaching contents, teaching materials and quality of teachers.


  • 教材体现课程目标内容重要载体,是教师教学和学生学习工具之一。

    Coursebooks are carriers of the objectives and contents defined by the curriculum, and facilitating tools for teaching and learning to take place.


  • 我们也要根据我国英语学习者实际情况,esp路子去分析他们的需要设计课程、制订大纲、选编教材探索教学方法

    We should follow the requirement of ESP in analyzing the learner needs, designing the courses, making the syllabuses, compiling the textbooks and exploring the teaching methodology.


  • 兼职教师团队10位校外企业家参与人才培养方案制订专业课程教学教材编写

    Part-time teaching staff: 10 entrepreneurs, who participate in making the talent training scheme, compiling of the teaching material and teaching special courses etc.


  • 课程体系包括教学指导思想教学大纲课程设置、教学方法手段教材教具以及校园文化氛围

    Curriculum system includes the guiding ideology of teaching, teaching outline, curriculums, teaching method, textbook and teaching tools, cultural atmosphere of the campus and so on.


  • 教学部门关于教材课程安排进行研究

    The employee should study and arrange the textbook with the teaching departments of the employer.


  • 本文教材建设教学手段实验教学考核方法等方面探讨了计算方法课程教学改革

    In this paper, the reform in teaching of Computing method Course is explored from teaching material building, teaching method, experimental teaching and the way of examination.


  • 本文就新时期高校思想道德修养课程教学改革教材提出了积极的建解,教材体系构建了说明

    This paper discusses the teaching reform of the ideological and moral cultivation course in this newage, and explains the teaching material system construction as well.


  • 精品课程建设过程中,师资队伍建设重点课程内涵建设是核心教材教学资源建设是基础

    During the process of construction, training of faculty is the focus, establishment of course intension is the core, and development of teaching materials and resources is the base.


  • 本文简要分析了高职院《单片机原理及应用》教学现状课程教材、实验及学习方法等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces simply the present state of the teaching of single chip microcomputer in High Vocational College and also gives some opinions on the teaching.


  • 精品课程具有一流教师队伍、一流教学内容、一流教学方法、一流教材、一流教学管理等特点示范性课程

    Exquisite curricula proved demonstrative subject with first class of teaching team, teaching content, standard support, technological sustaining, teaching material and management.


  • 在中学历史教育教学中,历史教科书中学历史课程教材体系中的重要组成部分重要性无庸置疑。

    There is no question about the importance of the history textbook that is a significant ingredient of the teaching material system of secondary school history curricula.


  • 地理信息系统专业一个办专业,就目前而言,从教学计划教学大纲课程设置教材的系统建设等方面都还存在问题。

    GIS speciality is a new speciality, and there are some problems about education planning, education outline, course setting and teaching materials' construction up to now.


  • 本文认识课程设置教材教法、课质量评估几个方面指出体育教学改革所面临的问题及其产生的原因,阐明了笔者解决这些问题的看法意见。

    This Paper points out some problems and their causes in the reform of PE teaching from various angles, that is, cognition, curricula, teaching materials, pedagogics and evaluation of teaching quality.


  • 走出实践误区,妥善处理好教材教师教学课程管理课程资源教学评价方面的问题成为选修课程切实实施关键

    The key of the effective implementation of elective courses is to properly handle the materials, teachers, teaching, curriculum management, curriculum resources, teaching evaluation and other issues.


  • 环境工程微生物课程教学,教师充分挖掘教材思想性,在教学内容中渗透素质教育

    In the material of Microbiology of Environmental Engineering teaching, the idea of the teaching material should be excavate sufficiently in order to infiltrate quality education in science education.


  • 必须构建实践教学为核心课程体系教材体系,才能够实现高职教育服务区域经济的办学宗旨

    It is necessary to build the system of curriculum and teaching material by centering on the practical teaching so as to reach the aim of making higher vocational education serve the district economy.


  • 热工设备课程教学活动作出一些关于教学新探索并尝试建立课程教材体系。

    This paper elucidates some pedagogical innovations in teaching the course thermal equipment as well as the construction of teaching materials about this course.


  • 必须充分体现课程标准精神素质教育理念、新教材编写意图教师教学风格策略

    The core spirit of new curriculums, idea of quality education, purpose of new teaching materials , and teaching style of teachers must be embodied in the joint tactics.


  • 近年来,随着课程标准颁布实施英语教材英语教学中的地位越来越重要

    In recent years, the role of textbooks in the English Language teaching (ELT) has been more and more important, with the promulgation and operation of new curriculum standards.


  • 然而课程无论从教材的选用还是教学方法方面一直处在摸索阶段,教学效果见充分发挥出来。

    However, there are still some problems for teaching materials and teaching methods so that learning result is not satisfied.


  • 然而课程无论从教材的选用还是教学方法方面一直处在摸索阶段,教学效果见充分发挥出来。

    However, there are still some problems for teaching materials and teaching methods so that learning result is not satisfied.


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