• 诺维德中士抱怨篇文章诽谤

    Sgt. Norwood complained that the article defamed him.


  • 那家诽谤报纸已经提出赔偿

    The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation.


  • 指控诽谤削弱地位

    He accused me of slandering him and trying to undermine his position.


  • 诽谤老板受到起诉。

    He was sued for sniping his boss.


  • 那位电影明星控告新闻记者诽谤

    The movie star sued the reporter for slander.


  • 故意诽谤弟弟汤姆帮凶

    They reviled his brother as Tom's accomplice.


  • 那家报纸控告诽谤

    The paper was accused of libeling him.


  • 诽谤正相反,我总是好话。

    He says I have slandered him; but, on the contrary, I have always spoken well of him.


  • 主人前,诽谤奴仆咒骂,你就不免受罚。

    Accuse not a servant to his master, lest he curse thee, and thou fall.


  • 丹尼斯博士1668年起诉安东尼·莫鲁瓦的遗孀诽谤声誉

    Dr. Denis sues Antoine Mauroy's widow in 1668 for slandering his reputation.


  • 要先取得信任,然后去规劝;否则,(君主就会以为你诽谤

    Only after he has gained the trust of the lord does the gentleman advise him against unwise action, for otherwise the lord would feel himself slandered.


  • 发送图斯另外两个使集合删除所有理由诽谤充实自己

    He sends Titus and two others to make the collections and to remove all grounds of calumny that he was enriching himself.


  • 起诉那家报社犯有诽谤罪。

    He sued the newspaper for libel.


  • 曾是诽谤受害者

    He was the victim of calumny.


  • 遭到了联邦调查局的诽谤追捕被迫流亡国外

    He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.


  • 所有指控归因于政敌发起的诽谤活动

    He puts all the accusations down to a smear campaign by his political opponents.


  • 沃伦因为言论诽谤起诉

    Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.


  • 控告口头诽谤

    He's suing them for slander.


  • 声称自己的话误引了,威胁说要以诽谤起诉杂志

    He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel.


  • 提到“恶毒诽谤词,可能某个参议员名字一语双关

    He spoke of a hatchet job, which may be a pun on some senator's name.


  • 声称遭到了那家杂志发表的一篇文章诽谤

    He claimed he had been libelled in an article the magazine had published.


  • 是个暗敌,表面上装作朋友,背地里诽谤你。

    He's a snake in the grass. While pretending to be your friend he was slandering you behind your back.


  • 纯属污蔑如果道歉,我控告诽谤

    This is pure slander and I'll Sue him for defamation if he doesn't apologize.


  • 篇文章诽谤人格

    He libel (l) Ed against her character in an article.


  • 已经撤销了一系列作家诽谤诉讼

    He has withdrawn a series of defamation suits against writers and others.


  • 处于医生的观察下时,认为特的诽谤毒化的脑筋、使不愉快是不妥的。

    While he was still under observation I didn't think it well to upset him by poisoning his mind with Yvette's slanders.


  • 处于医生的观察下时,认为特的诽谤毒化的脑筋、使不愉快是不妥的。

    While he was still under observation I didn't think it well to upset him by poisoning his mind with Yvette's slanders.


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