• 现代读者通过一些努力可以发现十六世纪教师选择了一些看似危险经典文本排除了其他看似无害的文本。

    Modern readers can, with some effort, discover that sixteenth-century teachers selected some seemingly dangerous classical texts while excluding other seemingly innocuous texts.


  • 所有奖项均杂志的读者通过网络票选统计得出。

    All the winners are determined by votes through website casted by readers.


  • 读者通过阅读本文软件一个系统了解

    By reading this article the reader will understand the software has a system.


  • JJ先一个关于两个读者通过批注交流故事构想

    JJ had the idea of telling a story in the form of margin notes shared by two readers of another text.


  • 识别标题标题组织装置引导读者通过文章

    B. Identify the HeadingsHeadings, or heads, are organizational devices that guide the reader through your paper.


  • 指导读者通过自身生理探索鼓励一种更好更健康生活方式

    It guides the reader through an exploration of his own physiology and inspires a better and healthier lifestyle.


  • 强烈鼓励摘要读者通过咨询完整指南以及证据报道来获取这些信息

    All readers of this summary are strongly urged to consult the full guideline and evidence report for this information.


  • 其二商业途径读者通过市场消费渠道购买三国演义》小说文本

    Secondly it is a commercial way, namely readers purchase the text of the Romance of Three Kingdoms through channels of market consumption.


  • Bezos允许读者通过读者心得评论产品还为用户建立一个可靠社区

    Bezos allowed readers to criticize products through reader reviews, and he built a faithful community of users.


  • 读者通过比较或者对照就能发现罗雪尔修昔的底斯完全不是一回事

    By comparison or contrast, readers will find out that Roscher and Thucydides are entirely not the same.


  • 好的摘要可以使读者通过摘要就判断自己是否通读论文正文部分。

    To write a good summary, imagine that a reader may choose whether to read the body of the paper based on your summary.


  • 说明历史探索福特·谢里登许多方面需要读者通过军事上的人生旅程

    This illustrated history explores the many aspects of Fort Sheridan and takes the reader on a journey through military life.


  • 续篇读者通过歪曲的镜头视气候变化解决方法读者严重伤害

    To give the sequel's readers this distorted lens through which to view climate change and its solution is to do readers a grave disservice.


  • 读者通过实例更好地了解转移法运用,从而使本文成为翻译工作者有用参照

    Reader can find the specific use of conversion in translating English prepositions into Chinese by studying those examples. This serves for the purpose of providing a useful reference for translators.


  • 此外金融时报很快允许读者通过Paypal在线文章付费,可选择按按周付费。

    Separately, the Financial Times said it would soon allow readers to pay for articles online on a daily or weekly basis, charged for through PayPal.


  • 读者通过手机随时随地享受17K小说大餐,动动手指便热门小说一网打尽

    Readers through the phone anytime, anywhere to enjoy the 17 K's feast, moving hands that will be popular novels Clean Sweep.


  • 批评目的为了社会树立一种道德标准他们也是为了读者通过笑声理解他们观点

    The aim of satirists is to set a moral standard for society, and they attempt to persuade the reader to see their point of view through the force of laughter.


  • 关注中国发生变革本书读者通过产权交易费用理论的帮助将会更好的理解正在发生事情

    Readers of this book, by following these events with the aid of the concepts of property rights and transaction costs, will better understand what is going on.


  • 作者展示了如何马克思主要观点仍然阐明文化社会引导读者通过广泛关注马克思著作光。

    The author shows how Marx's main ideas still shed light on wider concerns about culture and society and he guides the reader through Marx's notoriously difficult writings.


  • 翻译重要语言交际行为,帮助种语言的读者通过语义转换获取另一种语言所包含信息

    Translation is an important cross-lingual communication form, which can help readers of one language acquire information contained in another language by means of semantic transference.


  • 第二计算机图形艺术家作者,安德鲁·帕克特引导读者通过建立切合实际计算机生成背景特点

    In this second volume of computer Graphics for Artists the author, Andrew Paquette, guides the reader through the creation of realistic computer-generated backgrounds and characters.


  • 希望读者通过可靠性技术应用案例系列讲座了解研制生产产品可靠性水平的提高提供帮助

    The reader through to understand the reliability technology and Series of Application Seminar lectures, which can help you to improve the reliability of the development and production products.


  • 除此之外,读者通过清除浏览器缓冲信息这种简单易行的方式,达到不受20篇文章限制、继续免费阅读的目的。

    Besides that, avoiding payment is as simple as clearing the cache on your browser, thus resetting the 20-story limit.


  • 推断题的时候,注意答案一定不是作者文中直接表明的观点,而是通过间接表达,需要读者通过推测得出答案的。 。

    When Asked to Make Inferences, Base Your Answers on What the Passage Implies, Not What It States Directly.


  • 读者通过阅读《灯红酒绿能领略开场白写作技巧(不是那种早上这个时候以这种样子就出来)即刻唤起情感的隐喻才能

    Here the reader is treated to his knack for opening lines (" You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning ") and his talent for bluntly evocative metaphor.


  • 一个初级社会各界读者通过两课对冲基金行业类型的基金,绩效衡量税金主要是目标将成为投资者

    This is a elementary book that walks readers through a "course" about hedge funds—the industry, types of funds, performance measurement, taxes, etc. Primarily, it targets would-be investors.


  • 众多读者通过小说可以缓解一些他们生活中的孤独感——一本好书很好的消遣(转移注意力),同时使读者与作品产生亲密联系。

    Most readers look to fiction to alleviate some of the loneliness of life—a good book is a diversion, but also a connection.


  • 众多读者通过小说可以缓解一些他们生活中的孤独感——一本好书很好的消遣(转移注意力),同时使读者与作品产生亲密联系。

    Most readers look to fiction to alleviate some of the loneliness of life—a good book is a diversion, but also a connection.


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