• 一个作家内心生活往往大多数读者知道更多;读者思想能够发现超越作者意图之外的真理甚至有可能理解作者。

    The inner life of a writer often says more than most readers can know; the mind of a reader can discover truths that go beyond the intent or perhaps even the comprehension of the writer.


  • 只要读者能够明白你意图那么它就是可以接受的。

    As long as readers can then see the purpose of this, it'll be accepted.


  • 然而主要意图揭示可能正在影响许多当前软件项目问题鼓励读者这个问题上些工作。

    However, the main intent is to expose a problem that may be affecting many current software projects and encourage readers to work on it.


  • 绝对没有要对读者耍酷意图

    It is never my intention to be rude or to give well-meaning readers the cold shoulder.


  • 阅读文本时,人类读者可以在词典中查询单词,但词典只是提供一个替代项列表,而不会告诉作者意图哪个替代项。

    It does not tell you which alternative the author intended.


  • 前者读者摸不着头脑,不知所云后者可能翻译当中,丧失作者意图,使译作的品位降低

    The former might confuse the readers and fuddle their comprehension, while the latter might neglect the author's intention and lower the translation's class.


  • 正如我们所知,不同翻译目的文本类型作者意图以及读者对象都会决定翻译策略选择

    As we know, the purpose of translation, the type of texts, the intention of the author and the readership all determine the choice of translation strategies.


  • 但是许多时候他们糊涂,因为——如果背景上下文、作者意图不了解,读者就会迷失

    But many times they can be confused because-without some understanding of the background, the context, the intent of the author-the reader can get lost.


  • 只有原交际者意图读者需求认知环境相关方面原文相似,才是成功的译文。

    A successful translation should be the intentions of reporter and the needs of reader resemble the original in relevant respects in cognitive environment.


  • 之后译者结合交际意图目标读者期望,再根据关联性原则决定阐释什么和如何阐释

    And then, combining the communicative intentions and the target reader's expectation, translator has to decide what to interpret and how to interpret based on the principle of relevance.


  • 之后译者结合交际意图目标读者期望,再根据关联性原则决定阐释什么和如何阐释。

    And then, combining the communicative intentions and the target reader's expectation, the translator has to decide what to interpret and how to interpret basing on the principle of relevance.


  • 预期读者意图应该考虑,因为他们将要决定摘要的形式内容

    The purposes of the prospective reader have to be considered as they should determine the form and content of the abstract.


  • 最后,本文对于新闻工作者更好应用仿拟和读者进行交际意图推理都有一定意义。

    Finally, it does some good to both the journalists in better employment of parody and the readers in inferring the communicative intentions.


  • 作者意图透过呼吁读者的自己的直觉帮助理解倚赖这种几何学方法

    The author's intention is to rely on the geometric approach by appealing to the reader's own intuition to help understanding.


  • 我们的意图不要读者卷入迂腐的探究而是能够卸下自我重负,让变得敏锐,把他引向”的光明。

    The idea is not to entangle the readers mind in obtuse inquiry, but to enable him to shed the weight of the self, sharpen the mind and lead him to the light of "non I".


  • 译者责任努力做到使原文作者意图译文读者期盼相吻合

    The translator's responsibility is to make effort to make the original author's intentions and the receptor language text reader's expectations meet.


  • 语义可以分成作者意图连贯读者理解的连贯。

    From the semantics can be divided into the author the intentions of the coherent and the reader of the coherent.


  • 正确认知处理原文作者交际意图之后,译者是以确保译文读者认知和谐的方式他们进行交际的。

    He communicates with the audience by ensuring their cognitive consonance after processing correctly the author's communicative intention.


  • 第二部分,主要分析制约两种翻译策略因素翻译目的、文本类型、作者意图以及读者接受能力等

    Several factors affect the choice of these two strategies such as the translator, text type and the reader's acceptance.


  • 批评主义的理论强调文本入手,注重文本形式和内容之间关系,而读者反应作者自身意图历史和文化背景均与批评无关。

    New Criticism focuses on the text itself and examines the relationship between a text's ideas and its form, excluding reader's response, author's intention, or historical and cultural contexts.


  • 得好的秘诀就是一个积极读者——要不断地提出问题,这样做会使完全理解作者意图

    The secret of good reading is to be an active reader-one who continually asks questions, that leads to a full understanding of the author's message.


  • 充分考虑原文作者意图译文读者认知语境是使译文具有最佳关联性文化翻译策略选择决定性因素。

    Both the source decisive in achieving optimal relevance of translation texts as well as the choice of cultural translation tactics.


  • 只有原交际者意图读者需求认知环境的相关方面与原文相似,才是成功译文

    A successful translation should be the intentions of reporter and the needs of reader resemble the original in rel...


  • 第二组交际中,译者作为交际者,通过恰当译文把原文作者意图理解展示给译文读者

    In the first round, a translator acts as the reader who is supposed to get the right intention of the source author;


  • 第二组交际中,译者作为交际者,通过恰当译文把原文作者意图理解展示给译文读者

    In the first round, a translator acts as the reader who is supposed to get the right intention of the source author;


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