• 这个为对文件这些类型读取功能进行了封装

    This class encapsulates the functions for reading and writing to these types of files.


  • 业务组件需要读取操作这些数据执行业务功能

    Business components need to read and manipulate that data to perform their business functions.


  • 使用技术可以添加一些额外功能提醒用户活动区域提供控制,以及确定可以读取容量,等等

    Using this technique, you can add additional functions to prompt the user, provide controls for the live region, determine the amount of new content that would be read, and so on.


  • 如果需要功能,请数据作为一个符号字符对象进行读取然后进行匹配

    If you need more, read the data in as a stream of unsigned char objects and do the math.


  • 改进内容生成支持经验XM最有功能之一在于能够读取目录然后用目录中的文件生成XML文档

    Improved support for content generation: In my experience, one of the most useful features of XM is its ability to read a directory and generate an XML document with the files.


  • 但是应该清楚添加事务作用域中读取操作处理越多,吞吐量和用户负载功能的下降越大。

    However, be aware that the more read operations and processing you add to the transaction scope, the more you will reduce throughput and user-load capabilities.


  • 真正多触点功能允许读取每个手指位置XY坐标

    True multitouch capability would allow for an X and Y coordinate reading of each finger position.


  • DB 2压缩功能可以减少磁盘存储需求同时改进执行扫描大量查询顺序读取访问

    DB2 row compression features can decrease disk storage requirements while at the same time improve sequential read access of large queries which perform full table scans.


  • 一个服务器迁移基于少量服务器不能自动利用功能不会达到令人兴奋读取效果。

    But simply moving from one server to a small number of cloud-based servers wouldn't take advantage of what can be done in the cloud, nor would it make for exciting reading.


  • 大多数Web应用程序通用模式涉及创建读取更新删除(CRUD)功能

    A common set of patterns across most Web applications relates to create, read, update, delete (CRUD) functionality.


  • 许多使用不同语言编写模块具有读取解码tcpdumpsnoop捕捉数据功能

    There are a number of modules in different languages that provide functionality for reading and decoding the data captured by tcpdump and snoop.


  • 完成身份验证之后IBMCognos8需要身份验证读取用户角色授权功能可以使用这些信息。

    Then, once authenticated IBM Cognos 8 needs to read the user’s groups and roles from the authentication source as well and make them available to the authorization functionality.


  • 它的功能打开文件以便二进制模式读取一个文件对象整个文件内进行读取

    Opens for reading a file object in binary mode and reads in the entire file.


  • Ecore类型只是被部分支持他们可以指定并且RationalSoftware Architect提供读取功能

    The Ecore types are partially supported: they can all be specified, and Rational Software Architect will provide read capability for all of them.


  • 最后数据存取一般实现CRUD(创建读取更新删除)a功能作为对企业服务实现业务有意义接口比如费率策略

    Finally, data access typically implements pure CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) a where as enterprise services implement business meaningful interface, like rate policy, etc.


  • 虽然iGoogle可能缺乏一些功能特性,但是这个页面读取运行速度非常快

    Though iGoogle may lack some of the functionality and features of the space leaders mentioned above (most notably a more intuitive set-up process), I found the service loads and operates much faster.


  • 这些表单应该具有某种标准CRUD功能(创建读取更新删除)和一些简单业务逻辑(比如某些字段依赖其他字段)。

    These forms should have some standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality and some simple business logic (for example, the value of some fields depends on other fields).


  • 可以使用这种更新功能修改xml中的文档不需要解析xml文档文档读取应用程序中。

    You can use this update functionality to change documents in an XML column without XML parsing or reading the document into your application.


  • 流只不过一个可以使用功能读取写入字节序列,库功能应用程序隐藏底层设备细节

    A stream is nothing more than a sequence of bytes that can be read or written using library functions that hide the details of an underlying device from the application.


  • cio允许多个线程并发地同一个文件读取写入数据(这个功能应该归功于JFS2实现方式),从而允许多个用户同时进行读取和写入操作。

    CIO allows multiple threads to read and write data concurrently to the same file, which is due to the way in which JFS2 is implemented, allowing users to read and write simultaneously.


  • 即使APM供应商没有提供自动读取这个数据功能,读完本篇文章之后也会知道如何自行读取

    Even if your APM vendor does not natively provide the capability to read this data automatically, you'll know how to do it yourself after you read this article.


  • 一些重要的、JFS2特定的文件系统性能增强功能包括提前顺序页面读取延迟顺序、随机写入

    Some important JFS2-specific file system performance enhancements include sequential page read ahead and sequential and random write behind.


  • 辅助选项支持重要功能就是屏幕读取屏幕放大镜

    Two of the most important features of accessibility support are screen readers and magnifiers.


  • 虽然对于一个打开文件的简单例子来说,这些额外的复杂操作似乎还是比较合理,但添加功能更进一步异步读取能力应用程序中的时候,你不久就麻烦不断了。

    While these extra complications seem reasonable for a simple example like opening a file you soon run into problems as you add more functionality and further asynchronous reads to the application.


  • 这个新的功能提供递归方式读取数据关系一种方法

    This new support provides a different way to recursively navigate data relationships.


  • 对于繁重的基于读取工作负荷,通过使用这些功能可以得到许多额外的好处

    For heavy read-based workloads, significant additional benefits are gained through leveraging these capabilities.


  • 接下来部分中我们需要功能读取注册表设置一个写。

    The next part we need is functions to read the registry setting, and one to write it.


  • Jenabean提供了许多功能定制bean如何序列化rdf但是如果默认设置符合的要求,那么就可以开始快速编写读取bean。

    Jenabean has many features for customizing how beans are serialized as RDF, but if you are happy with the defaults, you can begin writing and reading beans quickly.


  • 离散量输入数据唯一可以的事情就是功能4读取数据。

    The only thing we can do with analog inputs is to read them via modbus function 4.


  • 如果语句那么长,就像庞然大物查询工具中的一个称为Annotation功能可将所有元素转换为一种格式,以便可以读取

    If the statement is two pages long, a huge monstrosity, a feature of our query tool called Annotation puts all the elements into a format so you can read it.


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