• 据说消费者甚至已开始投诉罗来兹超强闻到霉味了,公司依然没有扩大调查范围,没这些产品作为他们的检查对象。

    It said that even though consumers had also complained about a moldy smell in Rolaids and Extra-Strength Tylenol, the company had not widened its investigation to include those products.


  • 我们正在调查这种可能性这些谋杀有些国际器官买卖链上工作者将这些谋杀做成如活人祭祀样子,”比

    "We are investigating the possibility that some of these murders are the work of an international organ trafficking ring who are making these murders look like human sacrifice," said Binoga.


  • 图片右边餐厅2003年开张已经获得了米其林最近的一项业界调查誉为世界最好的餐厅。

    Noma, right, which opened in 2003, has earned two Michelin stars and was named the world's best restaurant in a recent industry survey.


  • 去年富特调查旗下的位于英国31家酒店发现手机充电机为失物之最。

    Novotel last year surveyed its 31 hotels in Britain and found that more mobile phone chargers were left behind by guests than any other item.


  • 国际刑事法庭主控官路易斯·莫里-奥坎珀(Luis Moreno-Ocampo得出的结论。 他已经花了年时间来调查苏丹西部这个饱受荼毒省份发生的暴行

    So concludes Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), after three years of investigations into the atrocities in Sudan’s ravaged western province.


  • 有民间调查显示多约可能会绝大多数优势赢得下月举行大选避免九月举行第二选举

    Yudhoyono may win an overall majority in next month's election, avoiding the need for a second round of voting in September, polls show.


  • 直到食品药品管理局调查,麦克尼尔公司召回数百万苯那君其他药品

    Only after the F. D. A. inspection did McNeil executives recall millions of bottles of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other pills.


  • 根据桑·比亚大学一个研究小组调查,和那些不吸烟相比烟民记忆丧失更多

    According to a study by a team at Northumbria University, smokers lose more of their memory when compared to non-smokers.


  • 斯·鲁普同事根据调查结果,解释当今人们生活普遍的现象,并且可能正常”的概念提出新的观点。

    Northrup and her colleagues will also use the results to illuminate larger, more general trends about how we live today, very likely calling into question the very concept of "normal."


  • 加利福尼亚州大学爱德华·巴拉维斯基教授调查结果反映出美国中学可怕”的辍学率

    Professor Edward Baranowski of California State University said that the results reflected the " horrific" drop-out rates of US high schools.


  • 这些斥责引用一本名叫瑟普拉”的一份鲍伯·英格尔桑迪·麦克卢尔的调查报告,而不是当地歌剧

    The rollicking book from which that quote is taken, by investigative reporters Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure, is called "the Soprano State", and it is not referring to the local opera.


  • 今天虽然社会党民意调查仍然远远落后于马里亚•拉保守人民党还是选择了缩短难熬时间。

    Today, although his Socialist Party is still languishing behind Mariano Rajoy's conservative People's Party (PP) in the polls, he chose to shorten the suffering.


  • 随后绿科技承认一些调查结果,警告财务报表2008,20092010的早期,“不再可以被信任。”

    Rino later owned up to some of the findings and cautioned that its financial statements from 2008, 2009 and early 2010 "should no longer be relied upon."


  • 伊利地质调查萨缪尔·潘博士同事进行了一项研究,研究发现震中附近山洞的石头隐含着古代地震发生日期。

    A study carried out by Samuel Panno of the Illinois State Geological Survey and his colleagues has revealed that nearby caves store the dates of past earthquakes in stone.


  • 美国地质调查局,一个、称为罗素湖的更新世湖的遗迹这里显示了湖面上的日出

    Mono lake is what remains of a much larger Pleistocene lake known as lake Russell, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Here, the lake is shown at sunrise.


  • 但是伊利大学加里·戴尔则认为这个调查没有意义

    But to Gary Dell of the University of Illinois that finding just didn't make sense.


  • 日本研究者2001年发表一个小型研究认为海豚疗法可以湿疹这个调查结果使人们盲目的轻信蔓延开来,马里

    Japanese researchers published a small study in 2001 suggesting that dolphin therapy can somehow treat eczema, but that finding stretches credulity, Marino says.


  • 皮斯通黑帮渗透的过程中,联邦调查局(译者注:后简称为调查局)也在尝试搞清楚这个波南家族的新人到底-其实皮斯通把自己伪装成了一个化名东尼 布拉斯科的珠宝大盗。

    While Pistone was immersing himself into Mob Life, the FBI was trying to figure out who this new guy with Bonanno family was- Pistone has remad himself into a jewel theif named Donnie Brasco.


  • 停泊游艇渔船马赛出来不远,就会来到片曲折迂回的街区,这里便是耶区,属马赛第一区和第七区管辖。当地区长是社会党人,他正在此处街头犯罪进行调查

    A SHORT walk from the yachts and fishing boats of the old port, in a maze of streets known as Noailles, the local Socialist mayor is checking on street crime.


  • 尼尔森公司负责计划、政策分析高级总裁特·麦克·espn调查确认个情况,尽管目前一些线的用户,但是数量十分之

    Pat McDonough, the senior vice President for planning, policy and analysis at Nielsen, said the ESPN study confirmed that while there are some cord-cutters, "it's a really small number of people."


  • 篇研究报告通过采样调查方法确定出排名最靠前的五家公司是:雷声公司斯罗普·格鲁曼公司洛克希德马丁公司、通用动力公司ITT公司

    As determined by the sampling within this study, the top five are Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and ITT.


  • 然而包括大学(Universityof Iowa)伊利斯阿实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)的调查人员在内的研究团队仍需一些年头来优化和完善这些模型

    Still, it will take a few years for the research team -- which includes investigators from the University of Iowa and Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois -- to perfect and finalize the models.


  • 克尔委托进行的调查表明,在将要进入堆填废品中,百分之七十的部分回收的。

    A study commissioned by Norcal found that 70% of the material going into the pit could have been recycled.


  • 信息搜集联邦调查存放的有关该片导演杰拉德·达米亚(Gerard Damiano)的498档案去年10月去世。

    The information has been gleaned from 498 pages taken from the FBI file on Gerard Damiano, the movie's director, who died in October.


  • 每个人一直追求生活满意度以及体面的个人收入,”伊利大学兼盖洛普调查机构研究人员爱德华·迪纳(EdDiener)

    "Everybody has been looking at just life satisfaction and income," said study researcher Ed Diener of the University of Illinois and the Gallup Organization.


  • 每个人一直追求生活满意度以及体面的个人收入,”伊利大学兼盖洛普调查机构研究人员爱德华·迪纳(EdDiener)

    "Everybody has been looking at just life satisfaction and income," said study researcher Ed Diener of the University of Illinois and the Gallup Organization.


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