• 防范诸如狂风烈日等环境危害

    It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.


  • 他们已经保证诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视

    They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.


  • 诸如学校俱乐部等机构使社区成为一个整体

    Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.


  • 积极地推动诸如道德之类科学观念传播

    He actively promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas about matters such as morality.


  • 诸如柏林德累斯顿这样的城市基本上为平地。

    Cities such as Berlin and Dresden were virtually razed to the ground.


  • 媒体再次诸如杀死蝴蝶玉米”的标题吸引众人眼球。

    Once again, the press went into overdrive, with headlines such as "Butterfly Killing Corn."


  • 理解人们诸如此类问题有些愤怒

    You will understand that people get a bit heated about issues such as these.


  • 诸如此类大宗贷款一些附带条件。

    Major loans like these always come with strings.


  • 参加诸如瑜伽术治愈术新世纪活动

    She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.


  • 两位男子诸如他们最喜欢快餐之类的琐事

    The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food.


  • 任何企业都需要保险来防备诸如火灾洪灾破损等常见风险

    Any business needs insurance against ordinary risks such as fire, flood, and breakage.


  • 我们做了一些诸如干农活儿盘子之类的零活儿。

    We did odd jobs like farm work and washing dishes.


  • 诸如晴朗日子散步这样简朴乐趣我们情绪累积性益处。

    It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.


  • 未经训练的职员诸如谋杀等重案中提出建议常规做法

    It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.


  • 时间别的诸如此类借口

    He said he didn't have time or made some such excuse.


  • 很多儿童一些诸如毯子柔软玩具这样没有生命的物品产生依恋

    Many children become attached to some inanimate object, such as a blanket or soft toy.


  • 为了一个更好比较我们需要深入一步谈谈诸如维修保险问题

    To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance.


  • 诸如罗伯特·鲁宾这类为比尔·克林顿出谋划策的显赫人物相比经济顾问组显得有些逊色。

    His economic team is minor-league compared with the heavy hitters such as Robert Rubin who advised Bill Clinton.


  • 诸如出生日期社会保险号码这类问题简单明了

    Questions such as date of birth and Social Security number are straightforward.


  • 诸如此类事例俯拾皆是

    Instances such as these are extremely common.


  • 诸如“很抱歉打扰但是这样的话作开头

    Start with phrases such as, "I'm sorry to bother you, but."


  • 此外它们还被用于计划诸如假期郊游等有趣事情

    Besides, they are used for planning fun things like vacations and outings.


  • 诸如吸烟熬夜坐等习惯破坏健康

    Bad habits such as smoking, staying up late and sitting for a long time can damage people's health.


  • 许多报纸报道诸如和平慷慨等积极事情缺乏兴趣

    Many papers lack interest in reporting something positive like peace, love and generosity.


  • 我们看到诸如KayakSkyscanner 这些航班搜索引擎出现

    We saw the emergence of flight search engines such as Kayak and Skyscanner.


  • 诸如此类,不胜枚举。

    Things like this are too numerous to mention.


  • 诸如汽车之类燃料燃烧不是这种热量增加唯一来源

    The burning of fuel, such as by cars, is not the only source of this increased heat.


  • 我们现在能够打印诸如衣服乐器甚至汽车之类的东西。

    We are now able to print things such as clothing, musical instruments and even cars.


  • 科学家认为诸如友善、害羞胆怯性格特征不是环境造成

    Scientists believe that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are not a result of environment.


  • 这家俱乐部活动丰富多彩,诸如网球游泳壁球等

    The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash.


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