• 只是到了后来当地社会服务机构他们正在调查这个孩子是否得到了恰当的照顾

    Only later did the local social services say they were investigating to see whether the baby would be properly looked after.


  • 林德伯格团队球对此发现不感兴趣也没有进一步调查这个反常事件资金。

    Lindberg said his team has neither the interest nor the resources to further investigate the anomaly. Deep ocean research is time-consuming and expensive.


  • 在接受BBC采访时初始调查阶段被筛掉,另外两人“深入这个系统”。

    Four were ejected at the initial vetting stage but two got "further down the system", he told the BBC.


  • 美国地理调查一个发言人这个地震袭击了智利西北60

    The earthquake struck 60 miles north-west of the Chilean town of Chillan, a spokesman for the US Geological Survey said.


  • Winseman这个调查只是前奏,《学院精神病学》11月份发表全面的报告运用概念构图”描绘学生自述共情水平。

    Winseman said the survey is a prelude to a fuller report that will appear in Academic Psychiatry in November, using "concept mapping" to chart students' self-reports on empathy.


  • 一份要求奥巴马出身进行官方调查互联网请愿书,获得50万人签署但批评人士这个数字多次重复点击夸大了

    An Internet petition demanding an official inquiry into Obama's origins has been signed by almost 500, 000; critics say the number is inflated by multiple clicks.


  • 性格糖果一样温和可爱的实际上喜欢甜食似乎是糖衣包裹的过分概括。一项调查使这个观点得到了重视

    It might seem like a sugar-coated overgeneralization to say that people with sweet dispositions also really like sweets, but a small new study is giving some weight to the idea.


  • 希拉里之所以这么是听信很多朋友法。他们尽管民意调查这个问题似乎并没有带来负面影响,但还是很多对此感到介怀

    Hillary had been convinced to do it by the large number of our friends who said that, though the issue never showed up as a negative in our polls, it bothered a lot of people.


  • 这个调查也从某种程度上表明许多网民已经不再或者需要再通过门户了解资讯

    To some extent the survey showed that many Internet users no longer get news, in other words, no longer need to get news, through portals.


  • 安秉万韩国和俄罗斯科学家正在调查这个问题

    Ahn said South Korean and Russian scientists were looking into the problem.


  • 回答这个问题非常棘手的,但是可以简略的一下。华尔街日报选定的所高等学校调查今年大一新生,看看他们是哪高中

    It's a tricky question to answer, but for a snapshot, the Wall Street Journal examined this year's freshman classes at eight highly selective colleges to find out where they went to high school.


  • 研究主要领头人尼尔戴维斯医生这项调查这个生僻领域里最新综合性数据

    Dr Neal Davis, the study's lead author, said it was the most recent comprehensive data on the little-researched topic.


  • :“我们这个社会里,表面看来好像作出任何决策都要事先经过民意调查,那样才能看出一项决策公众接受。”

    He says: "in our society, it seems that no one makes a decision without taking a poll first, to see which decision is the most popular."


  • 今天IPCC份声明中他们是因为“善意”才错误而且注意到这个错误之后,调查员们发布修正结果直接受害人家庭致以歉意”。

    Today, the IPCC said in a statement their error had been made "in good faith" and that after noticing the mistake, investigators issued a correction and "apologised directly to the family".


  • 我们超出这个范围,然后挑选中等城市,这样可以调查一个孩子。”

    "What we wanted to do was to go beyond that and pick a medium-sized city where we could look at every child," he says.


  • 康克林并不认同媒体关于这个黑猩猩莱姆病报道尽管调查人员将会进行调查确定是什么诱使特拉维斯攻击纳什

    Conklin couldn't confirm media reports that the chimp had Lyme disease, though he did say investigators were taking their time with the case to determine what may have provoked Travis to attack Nash.


  • 1985年,全国调查有一半女人必须儿子”,直到1991年之前,这个比率下降很慢,但是,2003年,猛然下降了超过15%。

    As recently as 1985, about half of all women in a national survey said they "must have a son." That percentage fell slowly until 1991 and then plummeted to just over 15 percent by 2003.


  • 如果轻视结果这个特别调查中,一种方式这个调查有偏见

    If you want to belittle the results to come out a particular survey, one way of doing this is that saying the people who are putting this survey is biased.


  • 日本研究者2001年发表一个小型研究认为海豚疗法可以湿疹这个调查结果使人们盲目的轻信蔓延开来,马里

    Japanese researchers published a small study in 2001 suggesting that dolphin therapy can somehow treat eczema, but that finding stretches credulity, Marino says.


  • 我们重新调查这个案件,”最近

    "We're going to want to have a do-over," he said recently.


  • 我们重新调查这个案件,”最近

    We're going to want to have a do-over,” he said recently.


  • 根据研究表明:那些声称自己体重健康的调查中,仅有19%的自己从未同任何医疗服务人员讨论这个问题。

    Of those who reported thattheir weight was unhealthy, only 19 percent said they'd ever discussed it witha health care provider.


  • 星期三发现这些电池几小时过后,纳米比亚调查人员没有这个行李袋是否爆炸

    Hours after Wednesday's discovery, Namibian investigators had not said whether the bag could have exploded.


  • 他们谈到他们2003年的第一调查者,鲍威尔:“很多‘gay’这个之前都会降低声音。”

    When they talked to their first group in 2003, Powell says, "a lot of people would lower their voices before saying the word 'gay."'


  • 直到做了这个调查我们才发现确实件很糟糕的事情”,哈里斯不过,同时指出这个结论相当靠谱”。

    "We didn't know until we did the study that that would be a really toxic combination," Harris said. But he said it's a "fairly reliable conclusion."


  • 直到做了这个调查我们才发现确实件很糟糕的事情”,哈里斯不过,同时指出这个结论相当靠谱”。

    "We didn't know until we did the study that that would be a really toxic combination," Harris said. But he said it's a "fairly reliable conclusion."


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