• 希尔法官陪审团任务“不可能完成”,于是下令重审

    Judge Hill said the jury's task was "beyond the realms of possibility" and ordered a retrial.


  • 皮莱:“人们没有意识到完成这些任务他们需要使用大脑中的专注分心这回路”。

    "What people don't realise is that in order to complete these tasks they need to use both the focus and unfocus circuits in their brain," says Pillay.


  • 索瑞:“双语者可以集中注意力而不分心,不同任务间进行切换能力有所提高。”

    "Bilinguals can pay focused attention without being distracted and also improve in the ability to switch from one task to another," says Sorace.


  • 那天事件使维和部队任务复杂化

    The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces.


  • FBI特工每天24小时待命,围绕着自己房子执行一些随机任务——比如修理的剪草机。

    He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his houselike repairing his lawnmower.


  • 美国医学协会主席彼得·卡梅尔技术“为医疗保健发展提供巨大的潜力”,补充医生首要任务应该是照顾病人

    Peter Carmel, president of the American Medical Association, said technology "offers great potential in health care," but he added that doctors' first priority should be with the patient.


  • 道别妈妈 “Goodbye”,对老师Gutentag”,或者要红色蜡笔时不red crayon”,crayolaroja”,这都需要调动“约束任务切换任务”的技能

    Saying "Goodbye" to mom and then "Guten tag" to your teacher, or managing to ask for a crayola roja instead of a red crayon, requires skills called "inhibition" and "task switching".


  • 莱文份声明中:“拼图游戏的孩子评估他们旋转和平移形状能力任务玩拼图的孩子表现更好。”

    "The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate and translate shapes," Levine said in a statement.


  • 苏里州的一名官员,他们的消防员上周执行任务回来时,注意到一位老妇人试图把轮椅推过她家的前院。路面并不平整。

    An officer in Missouri said that their firefighters had been coming back from a call last week when they noticed an elderly woman trying to move her wheelchair across her front yard. It's not even.


  • 看起来很兴奋,对我们:“孩子们,今天我有一个特殊而有趣的任务要你们去完成。”

    He looked excited and said to us, "Boys and Girls, today I have a special but interesting task for you to complete."


  • 愿你永远不会忘记这一课,我的儿子!”普伦蒂斯先生,“你现在得到了成功的秘诀。它在于永远不要停下来去想一项任务多困难或令人厌倦,而是要稳步前进,以坚定的决心取得成功。”

    "May you never forget this lesson, my son!" said Mr. Prentice, "You now get the secret of success. It lies in never stopping to think about a task being difficult or tiresome, but in going steadily on, with a fixed determination to succeed."


  • ,当你 a)对你正在学习的东西感兴趣并且喜欢它,b)你能控制你所学的东西,c)你接受有挑战性、让你努力思考的任务时,大脑的变化是最剧烈的。

    He says that brain change is strongest when a) you are interested in and like what you are learning, b) you are in control of what you learn and c) you get challenging tasks that make you think hard.


  • :“我们任务正在取得成功。”

    "We are succeeding in our mission," he said.


  • 将军主要任务维护基地秩序

    The general said his sole mission was to keep order on the base.


  • 阿拉姆洛克完善的性能任务部分”。

    According to Arum and Roksa, the best developed is the "performance task component."


  • 所以我们全部任务就是应对威胁我们任务问题。”佩顿如是

    "So, all of our missions are responding to the problems that threaten our missions," Payton said.


  • 那些认为足球就是得分进球”,,“我们艰巨任务。”

    "Those teams feel that football is about scoring goals," he said. "that is our challenge."


  • 阿苏,“我会要替安排这些出版事宜。”于是任务照着说的委托给了他。

    "I will arrange and publish these poems for you," said Ashu, and accordingly that task was entrusted to him.


  • 不是大型桌面应用而设计不消调度多个这样任务了。

    It is not designed to run large desktop applications, and certainly not for multi-tasking them.


  • 我们向他们强调RUP具有允许任务交迭执行好处也就是不同阶段任务可以并行的被执行。

    We emphasized that the RUP has the advantage of allowing task overlaps; that is, different phases can have tasks taking place in parallel.


  • 艾斯纳热解释它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific, straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained, just as other types of service dogs do for their owners, Esnayra explained.


  • 艾斯纳热解释它们任务之一就是进行经过训练的具体直接体力活动,正如普通为主人其它事一样。

    One thing is to perform specific straightforward physical tasks for which they have been trained just as other types of service dogs do for their owners Esnayra explained.


  • 比方任务类型处理程序可以任务步骤格式化检查

    For instance, the processing for the task type might format the task steps as checkable boxes.


  • 对于某个非常特定任务比如比较XML文件可以专用的比较工具

    For a very specific task, such as comparing XML files, then you might choose an exclusive comparing tool.


  • FBI特工每天24小时待命,围绕着自己的办公室执行一些随机任务比如修理的剪草机。

    He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his house — like repairing his lawnmower.


  • 所有已经售出,”,“我们主要任务把我们博大精深的文化发扬光大。”

    "All the tickets are already sold," he said. "Our major mission is to promote the essential culture."


  • 简单起见我们我们任务报告每个文件MDU最大值,当然还有其它东西(实际的处理这个复杂)。

    For the sake of simplicity, lets just say that, amongst other things, our task was to report the maximum MDU found for each file (the actual processing is far more complicated than this).


  • 简单起见我们我们任务报告每个文件MDU最大值,当然还有其它东西(实际的处理这个复杂)。

    For the sake of simplicity, lets just say that, amongst other things, our task was to report the maximum MDU found for each file (the actual processing is far more complicated than this).


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