• 他们文教很多东西而且好心地邀请加入他们

    They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them.


  • 很多丢了东西没有保险,所以一定投保

    So many people lose things and haven't got insurancemake sure you insure it.


  • 牌子:“你们这些孩子已经很多东西。”

    I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff."


  • 知道很多孩子他们比赛兴趣,是因为他们从来没有赢过任何东西

    I know lots of kids say they're tot interested in competitions, but that's because they've never won anything.


  • 这么想,”哈克,“我情愿很多东西换,看看。”

    "I do too," said Huck, "I'd give heaps to know who it is."


  • 事实上,”他继续,“那里还有很多其他的东西都是中国制造的——足球、手提包、宠物食品、手机。甚至美国的国旗都是中国制造的!”

    "In fact," he continues, "there were many other things there made in China—footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!"


  • 盒子里,苏尼看到了一些不寻常的东西。那是一把红色的绸伞。她从来没有见过这样的东西!“过去寄一个包裹到海外要花很多时间,”祖母,“包裹要乘火车和轮船。大洋彼岸收到包裹可能需要好几个月的时间。你的包裹花了多长时间到达?”

    Inside the box, Sunee saw something uncommon. It was a red silk umbrella. She had never seen anything like it! "Shipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time," said Grandmother "Packages traveled by train and ship. It could take many months to get a package from across the ocean. How long did your package take to arrive?"


  • 很多时候不得不就地取材使用火把其它类似的东西,”

    "Many times you have to improvise and use a torch or something like that," he says.


  • 那会儿中学学习到了很多当时认为真理东西,我可不是在教室里学到的那些物理理论。

    I learnt a lot of things in high school that I thought were 'the law' at the time, and I don't mean physics laws in the classroom.


  • 指责十分的可怕,非得再次一遍我自己的文章才能确信很多报道者东西不是我所写的。

    The accusations have been so lurid that I had to read my article again to reassure myself that I hadn't written the things that so many of my correspondents say I wrote.


  • Promise读完了那张皱巴巴华尔街日报以后没有发表什么高谈阔论言简意赅:“要看外国报纸,我才能知道很多原本不知道东西。”

    When Promise finally put down his wilted copy of the Wall Street Journal, there were no trumpets. He said simply, “When I read a foreign newspaper, I see lots of things I don’t know about.”


  • 特种部队文化中,惊讶地发现很多士兵健康食品商店尝试各种各样的东西。”Hazlett

    "In the special operations culture, you'll find that an awful lot of soldiers have gone to the health food store and experimented with a lot of things, " Hazlett says.


  • Bloom,”现在很多喜欢在冰箱里存储大量东西感觉这样可以很好的保存实际上我们它们之前根本这些食物

    So many people these days have these massive refrigerators, and there is this sense that we need to keep them well stocked. But there’s no way you can eat all that food before it goes bad.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的儿科学助理教授拉拉霍华德博士笑着:“很多小孩子都会顺手牵羊随便别人东西的。”

    Most children will take something sometime, ” said Dr. Barbara Howard, cheerfully.


  • 对于很多追寻目标金钱,确切地,是金钱可以买到东西

    For many, the object of pursuit is money, or-more accurately-what money can buy.


  • 目标者从未过话但是知道很多东西

    The Target and I have never spoken, but I know a lot about him.


  • 但是每天的积极情感更多依赖别的东西这个被证实是相当普遍的,因此能够帮助弄清什么使人们满足很多研究者

    But day-to-day positive feelings depend a lot on other things, which also turn out to be fairly universal and therefore help clarify what makes people content, several researchers said.


  • 霍金就是因为如果很多宇宙其中之一具有我们宇宙那那样物理规律——那么这样宇宙里,有些东西不仅可以而且必须无中生有

    That's because if there are many universes, one will have laws of physics like oursand in such a universe, something not only can, but must, arise from nothing, Hawking says.


  • 吃了很多健康食品,难道地中海的健康食物不是我们想象中的健康的东西

    I ate lots of healthy stuff. Maybe Mediterranean food is not as healthy as we imagine?


  • 面对这个问题很多感到他们自己被拉个不同的方向——好像什么东西迫使他们有什么东西迫使他们

    Faced with this question, many people feel themselves pulled in competing directions - it is as though there is something compelling them to say yes, but also something that makes them want to say no.


  • ,“如果突然亡故或者昏迷肯定很多东西存在大脑中的,比如什么东西放在何处了,你的密码是多少。”

    If you suddenly die or go into a coma, there can be a lot of things that are only in your head in terms of where things are stored, where your passwords are.


  • 这个问题和无关,陨坑里释放很多东西,”科拉普雷特特随后表示并不超出议题太远这样的话。

    This goes beyond the water, there’s a lot of stuff that came out of there,” Colaprete said, before saying he didn’t want to saytoo much beyond” that.


  • 很多东西我们从未见过,不过也给我们很多发挥创造性机会,”赫特

    "A lot of the stuff we've never seen, and that opens up creative choices," Hurt says.


  • 飞机制造商们很多亚洲买家过去对于飞机这么东西十分敏感。

    Manufacturers say that in the past Asian buyers have been sensitive about buying something as costly as a plane.


  • “在这里面许多天花乱坠东西,但他很多非常好的用途,”来自英国沃维奇大学的马克·利生

    "There has been a lot of early hype, and there are some very good applications, " says Mark Leeson from the University of Warwick, UK.


  • 不过,,他知道还有很多东西学。

    But he said he realized she still has a lot to learn.


  • :“到了很多很多,项目开始的时候我已经有不少知识了,但是随着工作的进行,我得学习之前没怎么接触过的东西。”

    "I learned a fantastic amount," he said, "I came into it with a reasonably good knowledge, but this opened up a lot of areas that I did not have much exposure to."


  • :“到了很多很多,项目开始的时候我已经有不少知识了,但是随着工作的进行,我得学习之前没怎么接触过的东西。”

    "I learned a fantastic amount," he said, "I came into it with a reasonably good knowledge, but this opened up a lot of areas that I did not have much exposure to."


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