• 金斯愤怒双眼,“以为我会告诉你?”

    Coggins' eyes narrowed angrily. "You think I'd tell you?"


  • 告诉变得玛雅一样。内奥米让该念头住了。

    He told Naomi she was becoming just like Maya. Naomi quailed at the thought.


  • 一名知情者,“凯瑟琳告诉朋友们结束自己的职业生涯了。”

    An insider said, "Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career."


  • 坦率地告诉喜欢他。

    I told him straight that I didn't like him.


  • 什么都告诉只是需要

    I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money.


  • 告诉他们儿媳妇得了燥狂抑郁病。

    She told them that her daughter-in-law was manic-depressive.


  • 飞行员告诉航空站遇到技术问题

    The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.


  • 那么告诉了?”平静

    'So you told her?' he said in a neutral tone of voice.


  • 弗雷迪不告诉什么是个圣诞剧本

    Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.


  • 莉娜:“告诉。”

    Said Lina,"Then will I tell you."


  • :“告诉。”

    He said, "I'll tell you."


  • 被疏散员工当局告诉他们,他们已经排除恐怖主义可能性,可能是电路短路引发火灾

    Evacuated employees said authorities told them they had ruled out terrorism, and that an electrical short-circuit had likely sparked the fire.


  • 告诉经理来了

    If you will sit down for a few moments, I'll tell the manager you're here.


  • 告诉扁平足

    He told me I was flat-footed.


  • 告诉的连裤袜正往下滑。

    She told him her tights were slipping.


  • 慢慢来,”泰德告诉,“着急。”

    "Take your time," Ted told him. "I'm in no hurry."


  • 有时候他们告诉不过是个头衔被美化了的女招待

    Sometimes they tell me I'm just a glorified waitress.


  • 所有律师都会告诉如果同居男人离开了你,你没有权利要求经济补偿。

    Any lawyer will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on.


  • 这些人当中,有40%的人告诉人口普查员他们穆斯林

    Of these, 40% told census-takers they were Muslims.


  • 应该告诉的!”气冲冲地对

    'You should have told me!' she flared at him.


  • 容易,”的那些人告诉

    "There is nothing to it," those I asked about it told me.


  • 告诉朋友,她支持丈夫尽管有报道在给别的女人情书

    She told friends she will stand by husband, despite reports that he sent another woman love notes.


  • 某些,“告诉了!”

    There will be certain people who'll say "I told you so!"


  • 告诉他们我不稀罕他们工作

    I told them they could stuff their job.


  • 告诉的话

    Don't you dare tell her what I said!


  • 已经走了。”告诉我们

    'He's already left,' she informed us.


  • 学生告诉我们即时反馈他们更好

    Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback.


  • 如果再也不跟任何人告诉为什么

    If you will never repeat it to anyone, I will tell you why.


  • 。”回答,“没有告诉。”

    "No," answered she, "you did not tell me."


  • 告诉。”

    "I told you that," he said.


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