• 通过测量信号卫星天线之间传播所需时间汽车位置可以锁定在100误差之内

    By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the car's location can be pinned down within 100 meters.


  • 如果知道怎么寻找需要的,你可以节省很多宝贵的时间避免许多尴尬与实际不符误差

    If you know how to find what you need, you can save yourself precious time and embarrassing factual errors.


  • 测量宇宙时间距离时非常微小误差很有可能会被带计算

    When measuring cosmic times and distances, very slight errors may creep into the calculations.


  • 在线协作日程表挑选会议时间制定最后期限调整同事误差最佳方式

    Online collaborative calendars are a great way to pick meeting times, set deadlines and generally gauge a colleague's bandwidth.


  • 时间不多了,野生虎剩下了3200只,我们几乎没有允许误差

    Time is short. With only about 3,200 tigers left in the wild, we have little margin for error.


  • 响应时间差异只有1msec可以无需考虑,而且可能由于测量误差引起的。

    The slight difference in response time of 1 msec would not be perceivable, and is likely due to measurement variability.


  • GPS允许持有对应设备用户确定精确时间速度经纬度以及海拔,而误差只有

    The Global Positioning System enables properly equipped users to determine precise time and velocity and worldwide latitude, longitude and altitude to within a few meters.


  • 度量taskn执行目的在于,让累计执行时间足够大,从而减少前面讨论所有时间度量误差影响

    The goal behind measuring n executions of task (n >= 1) is to make the cumulative execution time so large that all the time measurement errors I discuss above become insignificant.


  • 先前科学们使用WMAP观测的数据计算爆炸至今时间极其精确的137亿3千万(前后误差1.2亿年)。

    Previously, scientists using data from WMAP measured the time since the Big Bang to be an incredibly precise 13.73 billion years (give or take 0.12 billion years).


  • 认为所有这些时间最好为2。5%的误差除非我们幸运

    And all of that, all these times, I think, will not be any better than roughly 2 percent, except if we are a little lucky.


  • 用户可以更高误差换取更快的计算速度不过这个程序已经不到1秒的时间获得小于百分之一误差

    The user can opt to trade speed of computation for a higher margin of error, but the app can generally get the error under 1 percent in less than a second.


  • 不断减少误差是个很好的兆头,这至少段长时间里所获得进步,且最后结果必然深入人心的。

    The decreasing error is a nice reminder, and ACTS as a sort of progress meter during long runs. But, the final result is what is impressive.


  • 复杂图形例子包括专业化条形须状带有完整误差时间序列条形图,颜色编码密度图,以及许多其他可能的图。

    Examples of complicated graphs include specialized bar-and-whiskers plots, time-series with sophisticated error bars, color encodings and density plots, and many other possibilities.


  • 原因,精确测量其中的,误差相较时间误差,可以忽略不计,所以忽略了。

    The reason is that these are so precise the way you buy them that the uncertainty is completely negligible compared to the timing error that I make, so I won't even take that into account.


  • 速度大,时间相同的,在测量误差范围

    And so the speeds of the cars will be higher, but The Times will be the same within the uncertainty of the measurements.


  • 可以通过速率时间积分来估计当前横滚角度,前提是没有误差累积

    You can approximate the current roll Angle by integrating the roll rate over time, but you can't do so without some error creeping in.


  • 通过利用这些极短测试时间能够减少由于发热导致误差

    By using these short test times, errors due to the junction heating are reduced.


  • 分析了DNP规约时间同步同步误差产生原因给出改进方法

    The reason of synchronized error of DNP time synchronization is analyzed, and the improved means is given.


  • 时间1时间我们来看一看,两个数字是否一样,在测量误差范围

    So time one and time two, and we will see whether these two numbers are the same within the uncertainty of our measurements.


  • 本文分别对基于平均速度基于平均通过时间算法误差分析基础上,提出了基于浮动技术城市路况计算方法

    Based on the error analysis of the algorithms based on average speed and average travel time, this paper promoted the urban traffic situation evaluation methods based on probe vehicle data.


  • 特别注意不要使滤波器响应时间曲线峰值点引起误差

    Take care that the response time of the filter doesn't cause errors in the peaks of the heat curve.


  • 计算机运行结果表明这种方法缩短了符号电路分析时间而且限定误差标准后,还可以用来分析大规模电路

    Computer implementations show that this new method reduces symbolic circuit analysis time and allows larger circuits to be analyzed when an error criterion is specified.


  • 时间序列分析方法对镗削加工误差进行了分析建模建立了相应AR误差模型。

    Analysis and modeling are made for the boring error by using time sequential analysis way, and corresponding ar error model is established.


  • 针对传统手工校准频谱分析仪存在校准时间久、效率容易引入人为误差问题

    For the problem of the traditional manual calibration spectrum analyzer calibration need long time, low efficiency, easy to introduce human error.


  • 分析时间长度TDFT分析误差影响增加t可以消减误差但是不能消减泄露误差

    The analyzing time t has a large effect on the DFT analysis: increasing time t reduces the lobe errors, but may not reduce the leakage errors.


  • 惯导定位定位误差随着时间不断积累

    But the positioning error of INS accumulates along with time.


  • 减小带宽时有一个实际限制如果测量时间太长,测量就容易受到时间温度漂移其它误差的影响。

    There is a practical limit to reducing bandwidth since very long - term measurements become susceptible to other errors, such as time and temperature drift.


  • 我们估测较长的时间误差往往也会随之增大

    As we estimate longer stretches of time, the range of errors gets bigger as well.


  • 我们估测较长的时间误差往往也会随之增大

    As we estimate longer stretches of time, the range of errors gets bigger as well.


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