• 设法保卫纯度语言许多人员坚持演讲应该按照书面语言语法因为被打印文本精炼权威的。

    In trying to defend purity in language many persons insist that speech should follow the words and grammar of written language because printed texts are always more refined and authoritative.


  • 语言中只有大约一半的单词可以翻译。

    Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word-for-word.


  • 一种密集正规语言中都含有本原

    Every dense regular language contains an imprimitive word.


  • 清单1包含这种定制语言一些关键

    Listing 1 contains some of the keywords from this custom language.


  • 除非我们语言减少七个,我们永不会互相了解

    We shall never understand one another until we reduce the language to seven words.


  • 研究小组及其继承人这里欧洲进行常识方式自然语言他们觉得词汇了(一)和语法(一规则)。

    His team and its successors here and in Europe proceeded in a commonsensical way: a natural language, they reckoned, is made of a lexicon (a set of words) and a grammar (a set of rules).


  • 尽管学校强制要求学习希伯来语,但认为敌人语言不肯

    Although Hebrew was mandatory in his school, he considered it the language of the "enemy" and refused to learn a single word.


  • 明天就要斯洛伐克了,所以停下来写一些,也希望能找到速成语言课程。

    Tomorrow I will be in Slovakia, so have to stop writing now and find time for a crash course in the language.


  • 可以下载到本地,用来生成网站访问者的详细报告,比如访问者用什么搜索引擎他们什么关键什么语言哪个页面最受欢迎,当然还有很多其他功能。

    It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors: the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages, and a whole lot more.


  • 起到沟通人与人作用并不仅仅语言中的

    But it is not only the words and sentences of language that perform the function of building a bridge from person to person.


  • 此人名叫卡洛·塔格,今年33岁,她花了3时间伯明翰大学短信短信语言研究,并写出了8万的论文。

    Dr Caroline Tagg, 33, spent three-and-a-half years tapping out an 80000-word thesis about SMS texts and its language at Birmingham University.


  • 联合数组其他语言有时称为词典(dictionary)hash表,它一系列关键-,关键值使用冒号(:)分隔开。

    An associative array, sometimes referred to in other languages as a dictionary or a hash, is a list of key-value pairs, with the key and value being separated by a colon (:).


  • 所有文档(语言、文档类型)facet数据都被放到映射图中。映射图的关键符串,以“ field. ”。

    All document fields (language, document type, source, etc.) and facet data are put into the map.


  • 确保本地语言产品一旦发布不会由于已翻译文件遗漏关键抛出异常

    Ensure that your NL product, once released, will not throw an exception due to missing keywords from the translated files.


  • 不仅出版《一不差》,出版了其他150余种关于单词语言图书——其中自己的,也有别人的书。

    It published not only Verbatim but also some 150 books, his own and others', on words and language.


  • 其他一些功能有,文件历史标签窗口语言关键帮助编辑命令透明度支持

    Among the other features are file history, tabbed Windows, language keyword helper, line edit commands and transparency support.


  • 该死现在觉得一个空白贺卡更糟糕——这个心照不宣信息透出他们语言无法表达激情

    Hell, now that he thought about it, a blank card was far worse than an inscribed one - the understood message was of such deep love and passion that words wouldn't convey what they felt.


  • 虽然系统为用户提供一个带有更多选项的高级输入方式,但是系统默认用户添加提醒的方式直接使用自然语言输入140信息

    Though there's an advanced version with other options, the default way to add a reminder is through a 140 character message typed out in natural language.


  • 扫描程序读取缓冲中的单个返回解析器理解记号(称做标记)——关键操作符针对特定语言标点符号

    A scanner reads in the individual characters of a buffer and returns symbols (called tokens) that the parser will understandsuch as keywords, operators, and language-specific punctuation.


  • 所有电子媒介中,特别是移动手持设备的屏幕时,整个文本内容都不符合语言规范的。

    In all electronic media, especially when typed on the small screens of mobile handsets, absolutely anything, linguistically speaking, seems to go.


  • 标题使用关键清晰语言描述。

    Use keywords and clear language in headlines.


  • 既有繁体简体这本典,不能两岸语言问题带来正面影响需要拭目以待

    It remains to be seen whether the dictionary, which will be presented in both traditional and simplified Chinese, will have an impact on the two sides' language rift.


  • 想象一下,语言家看到一个理论指出,一个特定历史阶段语义不是影响诗歌意思理解的,唯一因素。

    Just imagine a philologist being confronted with the idea that the meaning of words at a certain historical moment isn't the only thing that matters in understanding the meaning of a poem.


  • 早先版本缺少utf - 8语言环境支持ISO 10646 - 1X11

    Earlier versions lack UTF-8 locale support and ISO10646-1 X11 fonts.


  • 因为要求打开一个套接(比如使用telnet),所以使用任何语言客户机能够JMS代理进行通信

    Because it requires you only to open a socket using, say, Telnet, a client using any language can communicate with the JMS broker.


  • Perl6运行Parrot之上,Parrot是一种通用虚拟不但可以加载解释Perl 6节码可以加载解释其他许多语言

    Perl 6 will run on top of Parrot, a versatile virtual machine that will be able to load and interpret not only Perl 6 bytecode, but many other languages as well.


  • 我们过滤重复内容、对数据进行结构化改造,变成统一对象模型然后使用我们自然语言处理程序SiLCC提取关键打上标签

    We filter out duplicate content, structure data into a unified object model, and then use our natural language processing program, SiLCC, to extract keywords and apply them as tags.


  • 可能会认为defn是此语言关键实际上是个

    You might think that defn is a keyword of the language, but it is actually a macro.


  • 企业搜索中,搜索许多类型关键布尔值范围、多层面数据(faceted metadata)、语义自然语言参数化

    Within enterprise search, there are many different types of searches: keyword, Boolean, range, faceted metadata, semantic, natural languages and parameterized.


  • 企业搜索中,搜索许多类型关键布尔值范围、多层面数据(faceted metadata)、语义自然语言参数化

    Within enterprise search, there are many different types of searches: keyword, Boolean, range, faceted metadata, semantic, natural languages and parameterized.


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