• 为什么体裁差别角度探讨文学语言区别

    Why to examine the difference between literary language to the difference from the genre?


  • 能够进行多种体裁题材写作灵活使用和复杂语言对可期和不可期情况作出反应。

    To write in many styles based on many topics and respond to expected and unexpected situations with the help of using flexible and relatively long linguistic texts.


  • 学生必须阅读语言目标语言不同体裁的文本,包括现代文学当代散文报纸杂志广告通知说明书等等

    Students should read different genres in both source and target languages including modern literature, contemporary prose, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, announcements, instructions, etc.


  • 语言直通公司目前许多高层次市场合作关系各行各业的公司提供“体裁式”语言培训服务

    Language Direct currently has a number of high-profile marketing partnerships, and provides tailor-made language training services to companies across the full spectrum of industry.


  • 身为医生更是诗人,威廉姆斯花费一生时间尝试捕捉美国大众语言中的无限可能”,以此创作一种美国独有诗歌体裁

    A doctor but also a poet, Williams spent his life trying to capture the "infinite variety" of American speech, and to use it to create a uniquely American form of poetic verse.


  • 体裁分析法进行商务英语语篇教学课堂,教师的教学包含语言文化大层面。

    When adopting genre-based teaching approach in teaching business English, the teaching is concentrated on both the language and the culture.


  • 体裁分析揭示不同体裁独具语言表现形式建构特点通过图示结构探讨语篇语义内涵

    Genre analysis can show that different texts have their unique language features, and can explore the semantic meanings of texts through the schematic structures.


  • 笔者尝试语言结构写作梯级结构、作文体裁表达方式、作文形式以及写作过程等方面构建作文训练体系

    The author attempts to construct the writing training system from the aspects of linguistic structure, writing cascade structure, writing style, expression, writing form and writing process.


  • 字数不限、体裁不限,年龄不限、性别不限,语言不限,国籍不限。

    There is no restriction on the style, age, gender, language and nationality.


  • 诗歌作为一种文学体裁语言形式别具一格思想丰富,感情细腻,为隐性连贯提供滋生沃土。

    As a literary genre, poetry is unique in form, deep in thought and delicate in emotion and becomes the source of the creation of implicit coherence.


  • 通过讨论进而得出结论:对于翻译策略选择要考虑不同文本语言特征目的读者的欣赏习惯,不同体裁文学文本的翻译策略应有所不同。

    What the conclusion comes to is that the choosing of translation strategy relies on the linguistic features of different literary genres and the reading habits of the target language readers.


  • 《孟子》所采用对话体问答体和语录体的体裁口语化语言风格显然孟子论辩性语言自然产物

    The use of dialogue, question & answer, quotation as well as colloquial language style, are obviously natural results of Mencius rhetoric and argument.


  • 体裁分析揭示不同体裁独特语言表现形式建构特点通过图示结构探讨语篇的语义内涵

    Genre analysis can show that different texts have their unique language and constructing features, and can explore the semantic meanings of texts through the schematic structures.


  • 本篇论文体裁分析的方法应用商务电子邮件的研究中,分析商务电子邮件体裁结构及其语言特点

    This study applies genre analysis to business email to illustrate the generic structure and language features of business email.


  • 因此,本文仅选取主题体裁语言三个诗学因素作为考察对象。

    Thus three of its elements - theme, genre and language are selected to enable this research.


  • 分析中的某些理论衔接、图式体裁分析模式各种语言实践活动具有很强的指导和启发意义

    Some theories, such as cohesion, schemata, and analytic modes of discourse style, have revealed their implications and applications to various linguistic practices.


  • 本文通过运用体裁分析法本科生毕业论文英文摘要图式结构语言体现两个方面进行研究

    This paper makes a study of the schemata structure and the linguistic representation mode of the abstract in English in graduation theses of English majors with genre analysis theory.


  • 一生中,约翰·弥尔顿不同语言创作体裁各异、题材丰富的作品。

    In his entire life John Milton wrote in a wide range of genres, in several languages, and on an extraordinary range of subjects.


  • 本文语篇语言中的重要理论——体裁分析新的角度商务信函翻译进行研究

    The present thesis revisits translation of business letters from a relatively new Angle - genre analysis, an important theory of linguistics studies.


  • 表现隐喻作为篇、作家创作、一种语类体裁、以至一个时代的语言特征。

    This can be proved by metaphor being stylistic features of a text, an author, a genre, or a period.


  • 旨在研究语言摘要体裁结构语言体现特点,并探讨其特点形成原因。

    It aims to investigate the generic structure and its linguistic realizations of LJAA, exploring the deep level explanation for lexicogrammatical realizations characteristic of LJAA.


  • 探讨如何系统功能语言语篇体裁理论运用于英语新闻阅读教学

    The paper has made a tentative study of how to apply the genre theory to the teaching of English news reading.


  • 本文系统功能语言理论框架,从语篇体裁的角度英文学位论文摘要进行分析

    Within the framework of systemic functional linguistics, this thesis conducts an integrative genre analysis of English dissertation abstracts.


  • 近年,语篇体裁分析逐渐成为语言领域研究热点之一

    Recent years have seen growing interest in the area of genre based studies. This paper focuses on the study of generic structure.


  • 体裁体裁分析二十成了语言领域内热门话题

    In the last twenty years, genre and genre analysis have become a hot topic in the field of linguistics.


  • 本文esp体裁分析为理论两个主要方面对三种不同学科的科研论文英文摘要进行分析:宏观体裁结构微观语言特点

    This thesis will be carried out from two perspectives based on the ESP (English for specific purposes) genre analysis: macro-genre structure and micro-linguistic features.


  • 诗歌一种特殊文学体裁,是形式美精神美的完美结合,尤其是中国古典诗词则更是如此,认为是汉语言精华所在。

    Poetry is a special genre of literature—a kind of perfect combination of both formal and spiritual beauty. It is said that Chinese classical poetry is the essence of Chinese language.


  • 体裁分析揭示不同体裁篇所具有不同的语言表现形式体裁结构

    Stylistic analysis may help grasp different styles of expression and various structures of discourse.


  • 体裁分析揭示不同体裁篇所具有不同的语言表现形式体裁结构

    Stylistic analysis may help grasp different styles of expression and various structures of discourse.


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