• 然后基于特定用户来提供节目

    It then offers programming based on the specific user.


  • 用户单击列出姓名显示特定用户信息

    The user clicks a listed name to display information about that particular user.


  • 但是允许具有特定权限用户设置配置

    But only users with special privileges are allowed to set up this configuration.


  • 或许只要用户单击特定按钮应用程序会慢下来这种情况可以直接查看按钮代码。

    Or perhaps the application is slow whenever users click a certain button in which case you know to look directly at that button code.


  • 例如一个特定用户可能资格创建编辑业务流程但是没有资格部署流程。

    For example, a particular user may be entitled to create and edit a business process, but not entitled to deploy the process.


  • 对象生成进程实例特定数据比如进程名称当前活动、当前登录用户以及当前实例ID

    The object can generate process instance specific data, such as process name, current activity, current logged in user, and the current instance ID.


  • 用户选择特定电子邮件时,将显示邮件的正文

    When the user selects a particular E-mail, the body of the E-mail displays.


  • 组件按照测试计划要求进行重复模拟一个特定数目并发用户

    This component was repeated as required in a test plan to emulate a specific number of concurrent users.


  • 指定初始上下文节点节点执行所有的搜索操作(例如查找特定用户)。

    Once you specify the initial context, all later search operations (such as locating a particular user) take place within the child nodes of that node.


  • 起初链接指向用户特定配置文件这样可能会妨碍我们主页缓存

    Initially, that link pointed to a user-specific profile, but that would break our home page caching.


  • 稍后可以回放脚本,以为特定场景重新创建用户交互

    You can later replay the script to re-create user interactions for a particular scenario.


  • 一清单旨在帮助用户增加了解,对特定产品包含遗漏并不打算作为产品建议指示

    This list is intended for awareness only. Inclusion or omission of specific products is not intended as an indication of a recommendation regarding a particular product.


  • 用户单击特定种类品牌将生成种类或品牌中所有货品列表

    When a user clicks on a particular category or brand, a list of all items in that category or brand is generated.


  • 我们还记得授权规则之一声明授权进入校园特定大楼用户被授权进入大楼中的任何公共空间

    Recall that one of the authorization rules stated that a user authorized to enter a particular building on a campus was also authorized to enter any public space in the building.


  • 然后服务器请求提供服务,允许用户使用特定软件组合

    The server then serves this request and allows the user to consume a selected software combination.


  • 技巧1:在工件元素特定注释之前例如用户界面草图或者文件段落中的一个标签),点击元素选中

    Tip 1: Before writing a comment that is specific to an element in the artifact (for example, a label in the user interface sketch or a paragraph in a document), click that element to select it.


  • 如果用户特定成员可以给组分配一个角色,角色有权访问安全性策略允许资源

    When a user is a member of a specific group, then that group can be assigned to a role that is entitled to access resources for which the security policies allow.


  • 工件元素特定注释之前(例如用户界面草图或者文件段落中的一个标签),点击元素选中

    Before writing a comment that is specific to an element in the artifact (for example, a label in the user interface sketch or a paragraph in a document), click that element to select it.


  • 设置了特定小部件用户参数比如背景颜色(橙色)每周的第一(0表示Sunday)。

    It also sets the user parameters specific to this gadget, such as the background color (orange) and the first day of the week (0 is for Sunday).


  • 获得摘要信息,换话说,即某个特定用户使用空间可以使用awk信息进行总计打印最后

    To get summary information, in other words, the total space used by a specific user, you can use awk to total the information and print out the final value.


  • 创建查看控制器控制器与编辑平行,用于显示愿望列表然后将编辑器访问限制一个特定用户

    Create a viewer controller, parallel to the editor that displays the wish list, and then restrict editor access to one specific user.


  • 请注意由于一个本地化fr(没有任何特定区域)附属程序集,应用程序世界上使用法语用户支持一般形式的法语。

    Also note that since there is a satellite assembly localized to fr without any specific region, the application also supports a generic form of French for users around the world who speak French.


  • 操作确保可以调度一个特定servlet这个servlet来核实从表单中收集到用户信息。

    This action ensures dispatch to a special servlet that verifies the user credentials that were collected by the form.


  • 概要文件类型定义了分区如何定制终端用户支持特定功能环境

    The profile type defines how the partition is customized to support a specific functional environment for the end user. There are currently three profile types supported in Version 6.


  • 示例场景中用户单击个别贷款申请Diagram小部件会显示特定贷款申请处理状态

    In an example scenario, a user clicks on an individual loan application, and the diagram widget shows the processing state of that particular loan application.


  • 格式转换omegat +特定标签文档打开可以用户操作

    The formatting is converted to OmegaT + specific tags when the document is opened that can be manipulated by the user.


  • 用户可以分配诸如systemAdministratorBrowser之类角色特定角色所有成员允许执行角色定义操作

    Users and groups can be assigned to roles such as System Administrator or Browser, and all members of a particular role will be allowed to perform operations that are defined for that role.


  • 角色中,用户能够访问cop特有的特定于领域的标记

    In this role the user has access to domain-specific tags that are particular to that CoP.


  • 开发人员负责任务分配(定义允许哪些用户执行任务关联特定角色工作)。

    The developer is responsible for task assignments (define which users are allowed to perform a certain role's work associated with that task).


  • 这些数据挖掘后倾向集中某些特定年龄组特定颜色周围,方便用户快速判断数据内的模式

    The data, when mined, will tend to cluster around certain age groups and certain colors, allowing the user to quickly determine patterns in the data.


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