• 提出运动进程很少被提及话题

    He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign.


  • 这位英国财政大臣表示计划重启国际货币基金组织去年提出计划计划迄今尚未提供任何帮助

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.


  • 尽管议会投票议会会议室里得到了掌声,但包括苏打方请来的说客在内的法案反对者们对法案提出尖锐的批评承诺法庭上这项征税提出质疑

    While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court.


  • 赖希-夏皮罗其他研究人员提出建议增加男性领域代表性

    Reich-Shapiro and fellow researchers made several recommendations to increase male representation in the field.


  • 1933年,富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统上任时,提出首批措施农业调整法案》。法案后来国会获得通过

    One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress.


  • 虽然有争议理论提出可能性宇宙永恒可以自我更新的。

    While controversial, the ekpyrotic theory raises the possibility that the universe is ageless and self-renewing.


  • 为此目的,要求委员会提出核心指标,用以衡量妇幼健康

    To this end, the Commission is also being asked to propose a set of core indicators for measuring women's and children's health.


  • 方面将概述些在看来理论重大影响作者提出重要观点

    In each area I have summarized my view of the critical observations of a few authors who have shaped the theory.


  • 声明随后争议性的乐器提出明确批评

    The statement then continued with a clear criticism of the controversial instrument.


  • 现在先生不得不正在到来几年提出选举计划计划既缓和公众急躁情绪使中国感到恐慌

    Now Mr Tsang will have to come up with an electoral plan for the coming years that will placate public impatience but not alarm China.


  • 示例利用简单JMS应用程序提供提出请求客户端做出响应服务

    The example will make use of a simple JMS application to provide the requesting client and the responding service.


  • 他们提出应当举行秘密投票解决问题,信中,他们天真烂漫地写道:“首相强力支持者要支持此举亦无任何问题。”

    They advocated a secret ballot of their number to resolve it: "Strong supporters of the prime minister should have no difficulty in backing this approach," they innocently wrote.


  • 研究项目美国化学学会会议上提出的。

    The research was presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society.


  • 场景下客户提出应用的购买理由时会遇到麻烦,因为用户成本太高了,获得价值不足以抵消它。

    In the first scenario, customers have trouble making a case for the application, because the cost per user is very high, and the value obtained is not sufficient to offset those costs.


  • 脸谱最近开始引入允许用户使用网站朋友陌生人提出问题的所谓“脸谱问答”的功能

    Facebook recently began introducing a feature called Facebook questions that allows users to pose questions to friends and strangers using the site.


  • 这些故事虽然只是小报花边素材人们提出问题婚姻尽头,夫妻分手离婚还是携手面向未来

    These stories are tabloid fodder, but they also raise a provocative question. When a marriage is clearly on the skids, is it better to fold or fight for a future together?


  • 非法交易活动执法机关提出新的挑战尤其那些不太重视问题地区

    Trafficking represents a new challenge to law enforcement, especially in regions which have traditionally not thought of it as a major problem.


  • 如果了解过程有时会提出挑战的话,机构设定更加合理预期

    Knowing that the process can sometimes present challenges will allow you to better set expectations within your organization.


  • 据称位名为鲍尔·法雷利的议员提出一项问及禁制令议会令人尴尬那份文件计划开始神速般的土崩瓦解。

    But the plan began to unravel rather rapidly on Monday when it transpired that an MP, Paul Farrelly, had tabled a question about the injunction and the awkward document in parliament.


  • 四十年前,心理学研究者保罗·克曼博士年轻的精神病医生做培训演讲有人提出疑问自此忙于寻找问题的答案

    Forty years ago, the research psychologist Dr Paul Ekman was addressing a group of young psychiatrists in training when he was asked a question whose answer has kept him busy pretty much ever since.


  • 法国银行业说客们则就此协议提出复杂方案作为执行协议的基础

    A complex proposal advanced by the French banking lobby had been seen as a basis for such an agreement.


  • 预计周二巴马将签署命令,“购买美国货”的要求成为法律通过国会审议时,法案提出些要求已经降低了。

    The "Buy American" requirements in the package, which is expected to be signed into law by President Obama on Tuesday, were softened as the bill made its way through Congress.


  • 他们后来提出修补问题方法这家公司采纳了这种方法。

    They later proposed a way to fix the problem, which the company adopted.


  • 学术研究提出那些银行)大亨运行对冲基金同时又提供基金的能力

    The hotshots who run hedge funds also have some skill to offer, academic research suggests.


  • 还有份阐述石油需求量上升的报告今日连同议题提出

    The issue's profile was raised today with a new report projectingincreased demand.


  • 还有份阐述石油需求量上升的报告今日连同议题提出

    The issue's profile was raised today with a new report projectingincreased demand.


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进来说说原因吧 确定