• 一举动加剧该州紧张局势。

    The move has heightened tension in the state.


  • 该州不得人心快餐销售税已经取消。

    The state's unpopular sales tax on snacks has ended.


  • 该州许多海滩达到最低清洁标准

    Many of the state's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness.


  • 该州一个可以投票姓名数据库

    The state maintains a database of names of people allowed to vote.


  • 根据该州法律在校园里拥有枪械一种轻罪

    Under state law, it is a misdemeanour to possess a firearm on school premises.


  • 该州提出一份认罪辩诉协议,保证不会入狱

    A plea bargain was offered by the state assuring her that she would not go to prison.


  • 该州苹果种植者们正在外来竞争进行艰难抗争

    The state's apple growers are fighting an uphill battle against foreign competition.


  • 该州高中仍旧教育封闭落后之所,辍学率上升

    The state's high schools remain an educational backwater where dropout rates are rising.


  • 科罗拉多汽车运输协会代表了该州450家卡车运输公司

    The Colorado Motor Carriers Association represents 450 trucking companies across the state.


  • 墨西哥总统取消得克萨斯之行抗议该州名墨西哥侨民的处决

    The Mexican president cancelled a trip to Texas in protest at the state's execution of a Mexican national.


  • 查尔斯·施瓦茨法官该州60解散合并路易斯安那4个高等教育委员会

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.


  • 该州糟糕空气并非局限南部

    Nor is the state's bad air restricted to its south.


  • 随着该州人口持续增长这个问题越来越严重

    The problem is growing as the population of the state continues to expand.


  • 除此之外,地反映该州地区气候

    With everything else, it should be a pretty good indicator of the climate in this part of the state.


  • 该州争辩说,法官很难评估日新月异技术影响

    It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.


  • 该州法医办公室已经判定格雷先生属于他杀

    She said the state medical examiner's office had ruled that Mr. Gray's death was a homicide.


  • 该州精炼厂已经生产饲料数量小型奶牛食用量的以上

    The state's refineries already churn out more than five times as much of the stuff as its small stock of dairy cattle can eat.


  • 该州提出森林计划旨在加倍努力部分森林中剪除幼树清除灌木丛

    The state's proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest.


  • 白宫认为亚利桑那州法律执法优先性相冲突尽管该州法律严格遵守联邦法规

    The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.


  • 密歇根州立法者正在争取增加该州学校拨款中获得的份额他们的目的促进这项立法通过

    Their aim was to spur passage of legislation Michigan lawmakers are debating to increase the state's share of school funding.


  • 阿拉斯加定期出售石油部分利润存入一个特别基金目的石油储备耗尽维持该州经济

    Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state's economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.


  • 该州将“触发法律”写入法律,如果最高法院韦德案进行翻案,条法律禁止大多数堕胎行为。

    The state already has a "trigger law" on the books, which would ban most abortions, if the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade.


  • 公司似乎已经得出结论认为自己佛蒙特州声誉已经受到严重损害,如果该州开战已经没有什么可以失去的。

    The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it has nothing left to lose by going to war with the state.


  • 加州计划2020年每年治理3.5万英亩森林2030年每年治理6万英亩森林,资金来自该州碳排放许可证拍卖收益

    California plans to treat 35,000 acres of forest a year by 2020, and 60,000 by 2030—financed from the proceeds of the state's emissions-permit auctions.


  • 这种合法出售,由卡车运出该州

    The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.


  • 无权撤销这项裁决。

    The governor does not have the authority to rescind the ruling.


  • 进一步同意所有政策宣布都首先议院进行

    The governor went further by agreeing that all policy announcements should be made first in the House.


  • 新的研究发现该州深层储备可能有助于解决本地的干旱危机

    New research has found deep water reserves under the state which could help solve their drought crisis.


  • 该州针对MemberWorks 公司的欺骗性销售,单独对其提起诉讼。

    The state sued MemberWorks separately for deceptive selling.


  • 该州针对MemberWorks 公司的欺骗性销售,单独对其提起诉讼。

    The state sued MemberWorks separately for deceptive selling.


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