• 多诺休不是公司开发团队成员,她没有回复置评请求

    Ms. Donoghue, who is not part of the company's development team, did not respond to requests for comment.


  • 公司开发生产销售完善的血液检测系统支持临床诊断管理

    Phadia develops, manufactures and markets complete blood test systems to support clinical diagnosis and management.


  • 公司开发研制电控气动举升操纵装备该公司各种平头自卸汽车上。

    Electronic control air-powered lifting control valves developed by the company have been used in various dumpers made by the company.


  • 现在已经24 4个国家销售公司开发操作系统,包括孟加拉国印度墨西哥

    Smartphones with its operating system (OS) are already on sale in 24 countries, including Bangladesh, India and Mexico, for as little as 33.


  • 公司开发一些车型为帮助他们渡过释放不久德国经济低迷多年坚持模式。

    The company developed a number of new models and stuck with those models for many years which helped them survive a downturn in the German economy shortly after their release.


  • 公司开发了一高科技空气清新剂。这种空气清新剂接电脑上,可以散发出与讯息有关的香味。

    It has developed a kind of hi-tech air freshener that plugs into a PC and sprays a smell linked to the message.


  • 公司开发一种新的模块化牙刷可以进行个性化定制,满足客户审美刷牙需求

    The company has developed a new kind of modular toothbrush with a choice of brush heads and handles that can be customised to match customers' aesthetic tastes and brushing needs.


  • Eden技术公司KTEC支持一个项目,该公司开发出了玉米不可食用部分提炼乙醇的技术。

    EdenTechnologies, one of Frahm's favorite KTEC investments, developed the technology to make ethanol out of the inedible parts of corn.


  • 公司开发开源hounder搜索引擎有时可以通过一些小事情来衡量:Flaptor足以超越竞争对手?

    From the company that developed the open source Hounder search engine, sometimes the little things count. Is that enough to bring this little app over its competition?


  • 动力公司公司开发微型计算机中,一卡,作品更多银行伙伴介绍自己的日程的电子卡。

    Dynamics Inc., the company that developed the minicomputers-in-a-card, said that it had more CARDS in the works and that its bank partners would introduce its electronic CARDS on their own schedules.


  • 微软公司周五承认计算机骇客已经取得公司开发程序之来源密码该公司代表们表示侵入并未看到现有产品的密码。

    Microsoft acknowledged Friday that hackers had accessed source code to programs in development, but company representatives said the intruders did not see code for existing products.


  • 荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)收购ArrowEnergy公司开发澳大利亚煤层气战略向前迈出重要一步

    Royal Dutch Shell's move on Arrow Energy is an important step forward in the company's development of Australia's coal bed methane.


  • BBN公司总裁语音语言技术首席科学家Premkumar Natarajan表示公司开发TransTalk的工作已经进行

    Premkumar Natarajan, BBN vice President and lead scientist for speech and language technologies, said the company has been developing TransTalk during the past six years.


  • 洛克希德马丁公司是美国的一家防务承包商(注1),该公司开发了一套可以使未受过任何专门训练士兵轻松就能进行无人机操控的软件明年该公司将进行软件最终测试

    Next year Lockheed Martin, an American defence contractor, begins final testing of software to make flying drones easier for troops with little training.


  • 公司正在开发其他细胞包括脑细胞细胞

    And the company is developing other cell types, including brain and liver cells.


  • 公司支持陆军研究开发工程指挥部红外平面阵列技术

    The company will support the Infrared Focal Plane Array Technology branch of the Army's Research Development and Engineering Command.


  • 公司提供概念系统开发技术支持以及系统集成测试

    The company also is providing technical support for concept and systems development, as well as systems integration and testing.


  • 公司同样从事房地产开发租赁

    The Company is also involved in the development and leasing of real estate.


  • 该公司TexasInstruments合作开发Audeo,它利用电极探测大脑发送声带神经信号

    Developed in conjunction with Texas Instruments, the Audeo USES electrodes to detect neuronal signals traveling from the brain to the vocal cords.


  • 为了更小的空间封装更多处理能力同时使功耗需求低于上限公司必须转而开发架构

    To pack more processing power into that smaller size without sending power requirements through the roof, the company had to turn to a new design.


  • 例如公司致力电信公司合作开发人员提供访问API

    For example, the company works with telecomnmunications companies to provide access to APIs for developers.


  • 举例来说公司表示开发CPU核心/小时可能会需要支付1012美分

    For instance, the company says developers should expect to pay 10 to 12 cents per CPU core-hour.


  • 公司希望开发一个浮动风力涡轮机相信这种设施的建设安装调试现行根植于海底的离岸模式更加省钱。

    It hopes to develop a floating wind turbine, which it believes would be cheaper to build and install than current offshore models, embedded in the sea floor.


  • 公司开发集成软件集成系统提供生活周期管理

    The CACI team will develop and integrate software and provide life-cycle management for the integrated systems.


  • 现在信实工业公司可能开发d - 6油田的其它领域公司可能使法院支持尚未被开发领域油气资源价格

    Reliance Industries is now likelier to develop other fields in the D-6 lease, which might have lain fallow had the court upheld the lower price.


  • 美国特拉·弗吉亚公司负责协助生产款军用飞行装甲车样车该公司成功开发出了商用飞行汽车

    Terrafugia, a company which has already pioneered a flying car for commercial use, has been drafted in to help produce a prototype armoured truck.


  • 莫斯科20个研发实验室组成全球网络依托该公司现正开发手机平板计算机市场扩展美国的业务。

    It is marketing its own mobile phones and tablet computer and is expanding in the United States, backed by a global network of 20 research and development LABS from Moscow to Silicon Valley.


  • 莫斯科20个研发实验室组成全球网络依托该公司现正开发手机平板计算机市场扩展美国的业务。

    It is marketing its own mobile phones and tablet computer and is expanding in the United States, backed by a global network of 20 research and development LABS from Moscow to Silicon Valley.


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