• 讲述一个有志青年试图超越其街头穷困生活故事

    It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.


  • 屡次试图超越辆车成功

    He tried to pass the car several times but it was no go.


  • 走得像是将会过任何试图超越你的人。

    Walk like you'll run over anyone who even attempts to hassle you.


  • 他们停止成长,停止锻炼自己,停止试图超越自己

    They stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to pushing themselves.


  • 激素首先巴西没有试图超越使一个错误

    LH: Firstly, in Brazil I didn't try to overtake him and make a mistake.


  • 看过不计其数组织试图超越这套工具实际上绕过它。

    I have observed countless organizations that tried to "move on" beyond the tools but were actually by-passing the tools instead.


  • 又一次,西班牙人试图超越马萨则不得不拼命防守

    Again and again the Spaniard tried to pass and Massa had to defend desperately.


  • 唤起他人良知,对试图超越法定限制伸展控制来说具诱惑的。

    To conjure up a conscience in others is tempting to anyone who wishes to extend his control beyond the legal limits.


  • 通过这次大会,我们试图超越我们以往做法,就是在这里那里成功地完成一个项目

    What we are trying to do at this conference is to go beyond what we've done so often in the past, which is to satisfactorily succeed in a project here or a project there.


  • 入侵者使用这种访问方式试图超越应用程序正常使用一些不正当事情

    The intruder uses this access to try to circumvent the normal application usage and to do inappropriate things.


  • 但是WebSphereMQ集群从来没有超越单个队列管理器集合的界限,试图超越该界限。

    But a WebSphere MQ cluster never rises to be more than a collection of individual queue managers, nor does it try to.


  • 接着受到一些慢车的阻挡,比赛逐渐远离你们令人沮丧的,所以我们必须使用策略并且试图超越

    Being stuck behind a slower car then, the race just ebbs away from you, it's frustrating and we have to use strategy to try and get past.


  • 一方面,人类则早首次古代奥运会之前一直各种不同的方式彼此竞赛打斗试图超越对方

    Humans, on the other hand, since even before the first Ancient Olympic Games, have been racing, fighting, and trying to top each other in all different kinds of ways.


  • 展览展出所有系列揭示这个艺术家对待艺术媒介姿态试图超越传统形式,让自己走出思维局限性。

    All the series introduced in the exhibition reveal the artist's unconventional attitude to media, his attempt to overstep it as well as to overstep himself and the limitations of thinking.


  • 现代不可知论试图超越主客二元分立认识方式基础上,强调主体世界的一元性,而走向一种彻底的不可知论。

    Post-Modern agnosticism stressed the monad of subject world by attempting to transcend the dichotomy of subject and object, which is an extreme agnosticism.


  • 训练日子里,村上春树先生苦苦思索这种试图超越年龄悲剧性的努力,这一切将无可避免地减少渐增的比赛次数

    As he trains for the race, Mr Murakami MUSES on his tragic efforts to outpace ageing, in a doomed bid to reduce his rising race times.


  • 我们能不能完全抛弃这种方式完全不同的方式来看问题——也就是试图超越解决它,克服它,或者逃避它?

    Can we abandon this approach completely and look at the problem entirely differently - that is, not try to go beyond it, or to resolve it, or to overcome it, or to escape from it?


  • 没有试图超越那些祖先留下来建筑奇迹但是我很希望超越自己以前的作品中国建筑景观注入点新鲜的血液。

    I don't have the attempt to exceed those ancient wonders left by our ancestors, but I'd like to exceed my own previous work and make a difference in Chinese architecture scene.


  • 不管他们如何努力试图超越自己无法抹去不可忽视依然他们人性,黑人传统和黑人文化永远是支撑他们生命

    No matter how hard they try to transcend themselves, they cannot erase or ignore their blackness, which is the root of their lives.


  • 这个展览上展出所有系列揭示了这个艺术家对待艺术媒介非传统姿态试图超越传统形式,让自己走出思维局限性。

    All the series introduced in the exhibition reveal the artist's unconventional attitude to media, his attempt to overstep it as well as to overstep himself and the limitations of thinking.


  • 通过支持无缝服务编排(orchestration)许多对于成功实现SOA必需模式这些编程模型试图超越简单的服务调用,并期望提供更多的功能。

    These programming models attempt to go beyond just service invocations by seamlessly incorporating service orchestration support and many of the patterns required for successful SOA implementation.


  • 尽管言辞简短,仍震惊于他镇静安详,当提到使他成名那些思想时,他颇有些不耐烦 :“写作这部书时起,我就一直试图超越历史终结》,但是不论我写了什么,每个人都提起。”

    "I've been trying to move beyond The End of History ever since I wrote the book," Fukuyama says with weary patience. "But no matter what I write, everyone wants to ask me about it.".


  • 世界是冷酷,成万上亿试图在竞争中超越他们一样。

    The world can be a tough place, and some of the billions of people out there will try to knock you down.


  • 然而现在英国统治的受害人甚至试图缔造一个超越大英帝国的王国。

    Now, the victim was trying to out-empire even the British.


  • 然而大多数情况下试图事务模型之间移动的时候,您不得不超越JTAJTS,把目光投得更远,在这里Web服务出现了

    In most cases, however, you have to look beyond JTA and JTS when trying to move between transactional models, which is where Web services come in.


  • 时间初,人类试图处理所有问题要么通过超越它们解决它们,克服他们或者逃避它们。

    From the beginning of time man has tried to deal with all his problems, either by going beyond them, resolving them, overcoming them or escaping from them.


  • 如果我们试图叙述性经文中寻找过多神学论题,我们很容易超越叙述文本身的观点造成严重错误

    If we try to find too much theology in narrative passages, we can easily go beyond the point of the narrative into serious errors.


  • 我们通常只是试图每次超越我们自己很自然使我们各个方面得到改进

    We just generally try to outdo ourselves each time out, and that naturally drives us to improve on all fronts.


  • 竞争对手,敌手:试图匹敌超越或者个人追求同一目标的人;竞争对手。

    One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.


  • 竞争对手,敌手:试图匹敌超越或者个人追求同一目标的人;竞争对手。

    One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.


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