• 将帮助用户快速识别页面主要内容远远不够的。

    This helps a user to quickly identify the main content of the page, but it is not enough.


  • 页面需要这个标识符才能识别页面添加一部分。

    This is needed so that page group can identify the page and add it as part of its group.


  • 软件无法通过识别页面独特单词组合然后据此加载一个网址吗?

    Couldn't software recognize the unique combination of words on the page and load a URL based on that?


  • 当前HTML版本中,无法采用编程方式来识别页面元素功能作用

    With the current HTML version, the function or purpose of page elements can't be identified programmatically.


  • 每次刷新时看见显示Web页面realserver配置一个识别页面

    With each refresh, you should see that the Web page displayed is one of the self-identifying pages configured on the realservers.


  • 这个文件内容用于模块管理页面识别模块。

    The contents of this file identify the module in the module administration page.


  • 因为系统不能识别这些用户所以只能他们提供相同页面

    Because the system cannot identify these users, it serves the same page to all of them.


  • 能够使用工具知识更好地识别判断加载缓慢页面部分瓶颈

    You'll also have the tools and knowledge to better identify and judge slow-loading page segments and bottlenecks.


  • 除了这些任务之外,测试还包含新的测试概念—每个页面一个—它们只是识别正在测试页面

    In addition to these tasks, tests contains a new set of test concepts-one for each page-that simply identify that the page is being tested.


  • 另外,原本隐藏一些内容显示了出来这帮助访问者识别内容某些部分,其中包括一个直接跳到页面内容开头链接

    Some otherwise hidden content is displayed, helping the reader recognize certain sections of content, including a link to jump straight to the start of the main content in the page.


  • 帮助用户使用耳朵而不是眼睛来导航整个页面。它帮助识别用户界面中的所有元素及其关系

    It helps them navigate the whole page using their ears instead of their eyes, and it can also help to identify all elements and their relationships on the user interface.


  • 知道什么图像,什么不是图像之后,需要结构识别将要隐藏页面部分尤其是文本

    Once you know what's an image, and what's not, you need to identify structurally the parts of your page that will be hidden, in particular, text.


  • 作为提示安全页面可以容易地通过浏览器右下角(其他等效标记)来识别

    As a reminder, secure pages are easily recognizable by a lock (or other equivalent) in the lower right hand corner of the browser.


  • 否则某些浏览器可能不会页面识别HTML5页面并且可能会忽略缓存清单

    Otherwise, some browsers might not recognize the page as an HTML 5 page and might ignore the cache manifest.


  • rel -license就是例子允许我们表示链接,并且通过这个链接能识别页面内容用法许可

    An example is rel-license, which allows you to express that a link is identifying the usage license for the source page's contents.


  • Web会议页面创建一个附加小部件帮助团队成员自动识别说话者。

    Create an additional widget on your Web-conferencing page to help automatically identify speakers to new members of your team.


  • meter元素帮助浏览器其他客户机识别html页面中的数量

    The meter element helps browsers and other clients recognize amounts in HTML pages.


  • 为了Dojo页面主体识别控件跟踪鼠标移动必须主体命名

    To get Dojo to recognize the body of your page as a control and hence track mouse movements, you must give the body a name.


  • 如何识别必须路由哪些请求,哪些请求必须由亲自服务(就是说,标准web页面)?

    And how does it recognize which requests it must route and which it must service on its own (in other words, normal Web pages)?


  • DOM最初被当作Web浏览器识别处理页面元素方式 ――在 W3C介入之前的功能称为 “DOM Level0”。

    The DOM began as a way for Web browsers to identify and manipulate elements on a page -- functionality that predates the W3C's involvement and is referred to as "DOM Level 0".


  • 识别Ajax请求更新页面区域

    Identify the area of the page that will be updated by the Ajax request.


  • 但是即便到这一步后,我们还是清楚出ping . fm是否已经能正确识别专页或者这些设置是不是适用于你的个人用户页面

    Once there, it's not even clear if they've correctly identified your page or if those Settings refer to your user profile instead.


  • J2EE应用程序提供了一种方法使它可以识别多个页面请求的单个客户机以及数据存储那个客户机关联服务器上。

    It provides a way for J2EE applications to identify an individual client across more than one page request and to store data on the server that is associated with that client.


  • 对于用来识别HTML页面元素辅助技术来说,ID应该惟一的否则产生混乱,无法确定一个才是正确的元素。

    For assistive technology to identify the element on the HTML page, the id should be unique, or there will be confusion about which element is the correct one.


  • 通过关联百分点页面数据能够每个页面级别上集合识别那些关键百分点页面行为

    By associating the percentile with a page, data can be gathered at each page level to identify the page behavior at each of those key percentiles.


  • 页面可以执行可视警告帮助识别需要注意节点

    On the domain page, you can perform visual alerts to help you identify the nodes that need attention.


  • 神奇的是Google图片搜索可以识别人脸浏览器地址搜索结果页面网址后面添加“ &imgtype=face ” 确定Google过滤所有不是图片

    Google Image Search recognises faces... add &imgtype=face to the end of the returned URL in the location bar, then hit enter to filter out pictures that aren't people.


  • 编码后表单数据提交表单actionURL识别页面,使用的是特定的HTTPmethodJSF表单的情况下,此方法POST

    The form's encoded data is submitted to the page identified by the action URL of the form, using the specified HTTP method, which is POST in the case of a JSF form.


  • time元素可以帮助浏览器其他程序识别HTML页面中的时间

    The time element helps browsers and others recognize times in HTML pages.


  • 一代码页面风格进行信任授权以便不同浏览器能够有效识别,这样,页面信息传输就能够始终保持高速互动的工作状态了。

    This tells the browser to trust our stylesheet and keep the page in full zoom at all times.


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