• 为了识别风险我们需要明白规则了解事实

    To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts.


  • 事实婴儿出生后不久就识别母亲气味成年人通常通过气味识别自己孩子配偶

    In fact, infants recognise the odours of their mothers soon after birth and adults can often identify their children or spouses by scent.


  • 擅长识别那些有力然而也是很基本事实

    He is very good at identifying the potent elementary fact.


  • 既然理解维度事实处理就让我们真实世界例子探索如何业务需求识别维度和测度。

    Now that you understand the process for both the dimension and fact tables, let's look at a real world example to explore how to identify the dimension and measures from the business requirements.


  • 识别自动思维时,你需要到底什么:是假设,一个猜想?还是一个事实

    As you identify the automatic thought, you need to see it for what it is: a hypothesis, a guess — rather than a fact.


  • 作为一个添加额外给予的东西,可以得到打印识别指南事实帮助识别看到动植物——额外的灌木树篱配方一起

    As an added bonus, you can also get printable ID guides and fact sheets to help you identify what you see – along with the odd hedgerow tipple recipe.


  • 对象匹配功能依赖若干事实识别应用元素

    The object-matching function relies on several factors to recognize elements in the application under test.


  • 完全隐藏允许SSH访问事实要求根据特殊的“敲门序列识别有效用户

    Completely hiding the fact that you even allow SSH access and requiring a special "knock" sequence to be recognized as a possible user.


  • 但是专家们并不回避阅读英语非常需要能够识别混合读音事实

    There's no getting around the fact that reading English well requires being able to identify and blend sounds.


  • 无法如果大脑个人电脑那样组装起来的话识别一张面孔得花上四个小时事实我们能够非常迅速地完成某些事情

    And you can't... If the brain was wired up like a personal computer, it would take you four hours to recognize a face, but in fact, we could do things extremely quickly.


  • 迭代式开发虽然也认同事实帮助项目开发初期识别一些重要问题不是这些问题留在后期解决。

    Iterative development acknowledges this fact and helps you identify significant problems earlier in the project rather than leaving them all to be discovered at the end.


  • 事实对于卫星来说,识别这样一个区域通常可能的事情,但是NASA科学家们非常优秀,解决这个问题

    In fact, identifying such a small area would normally be impossible for a satellite, but NASA scientists are a smart bunch and they've overcome this problem.


  • 大部分支持来自体系架构识别解决方案重要组成要素以及它们之间依赖关系事实

    Much of this support is derived from the fact that the architecture identifies the significant components in the solution and the dependencies between them.


  • 事实,如果可以识别主机,这表示网络进行了配置,无法告诉主机是否经过授权。

    The fact that you can find a host indicates that it is configured on your network, but it doesn't tell you if it is authorized.


  • 事实这个项目使用的方式转变为“单流式新型科技驱使的,这些新型科技能够人类干预的情况下识别各种材料对它们进行分类

    In fact, the switch towards single-stream collection is being driven by new technologies that can identify and sort the various materials with little or no human intervention.


  • 块钱到哪里都一块钱,事实正是由于高度的同质性、可被分割性、易识别性才使市场优先选择了黄金作为货币

    Any one unit of money is as good as any other, and indeed it is precisely for its homogeneity, divisibility, and recognizability that the market chooses gold as money in the first place.


  • 事实识别条融合染色体要比想象容易

    It turns out it is much easier to recognize a fused chromosome than you might think.


  • 事实尽人皆知,安慰剂效果难以识别衡量以及清晰界定

    Indeed, the effect is famously difficult to identify, measure, and even coherently define.


  • 识别铭文中的词汇希伯来所特有,铭文的内容是针对着希伯来人文化,由此证明了这篇铭文事实用希伯来文书写的。

    He identified words particular to the Hebrew language and content specific to Hebrew culture to prove that the writing was, in fact, Hebrew.


  • 因为sales事实任何属性没有谓词,所以一步没有识别属性。

    Since there are no predicates on any attributes of sales facts, no attributes are identified in this step.


  • 因为sales事实包含联结引用,所以一步没有识别属性

    Since the sales facts contain no join references, no attributes are identified in this step.


  • 作为内科医生诊断根据一种疾病历史布道者识别这些差异,这有助于了解真相事实

    As a physician diagnoses the root cause or the history of a disease, preacher should identify these differences of man and help him to understand the truth and reality.


  • 事实我们无法界定然而生活什么样世界似乎定义识别的定义,一个谜语水平无法回答这一点。

    The fact is that We cannot be defined, yet that is what life in the world seems to be about, a definition, an identifiable definition, a puzzle unanswerable on that level.


  • 事实,现在笔迹识别方法非常完善一些特定解决方案识别率可以达到百分之九十九以上(如果排除一些零乱笔迹的话非常)。

    In fact, handwriting recognition is extremely good, with some specially tuned solutions achieving over 99% accuracy (pretty good, considering some of the messy handwriting that is out there).


  • 他们必须意识那些生物标记物可能只能识别一半事实

    They need to be aware that those biomarkers might be telling only half of the story.


  • 阅读怪诞小说实验组识别更多字符串事实表明他们的大脑受到了更多的激励对照组更热衷于寻找模式

    "The fact that the group who read the absurd story identified more letter strings suggests that they were more motivated to look for patterns than the others," Dr.


  • 研究人员表示事实识别人类面部表情的数量至少之前所认为倍之

    In fact, there may be at least three times more recognizable human facial expressions than previously thought, the researchers said.


  • 事实展示游戏的“病理上瘾分明、可识别、给儿童带来真实性、伤害影响这项研究是一个十分糟糕方法

    In fact, this study is a pretty terrible way of trying to show that "pathological" addiction to games is a distinct, identifiable disorder with real, harmful effects on children.


  • 请记得警觉识别所有你们读到听到关于任何银河存在的信息,你们存在相伴随,你们就会知道什么事实,什么是虚构

    Also remember vigilance and discernment of all you read and hear about regarding any galactic presence and go with your heart and presence and you will know what is fact and what is fiction.


  • 请记得警觉识别所有你们读到听到关于任何银河存在的信息,你们存在相伴随,你们就会知道什么事实,什么是虚构

    Also remember vigilance and discernment of all you read and hear about regarding any galactic presence and go with your heart and presence and you will know what is fact and what is fiction.


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