• 这个阶段发表评论并不恰当

    It would be improper to comment at this stage.


  • 调查现在处于初期阶段,不适宜进一步评论

    The inquiry is at a very early stage, and it would be inappropriate for us to comment further at present.


  • 他说:“目前阶段我们难以说明全国过渡委员会的想法以及他们作出什么评论。”

    At the present time it is very difficult for us to say what the TNC is thinking or what their comment is going to be.


  • 除了在线收集评论,2010年2月2010年6月第一阶段磋商过程中,世界银行集团还将召开一系列电视电话会议举办其他活动

    In addition to collecting comments online, the World Bank Group will hold a series of meetings, videoconferences, and other events in the first phase of consultations from February 2010 to June 2010.


  • 我们在Refinements讨论中贡献评论原型实现而且规范制定阶段继续一些模拟范例实现。

    We have been contributing comments and prototype implementations to the Refinements discussion, and will continue to mock up sample implementations as the specification progresses.


  • Epinions这样的网站收集用户评论推荐东西——而且有很多网络公司萧条阶段纷纷倒闭了。

    Websites like Epinions collected user reviews and recommendations, but they did not sell anythingand many collapsed during the dotcom crash.


  • 现在境况开始让人觉得我们似乎处在又一个重大的历史阶段之中,相对周期性熊市评论家们这个阶段称为长期性熊市。

    It is beginning to look as if we are in the middle of another of those great phases, what commentators call a secular, as opposed to a cyclical, bear market.


  • 第一阶段我们运用民族志学研究包括历时几个星期家庭式访谈家庭成员娱乐日志评论

    In the first phase, we used ethnographic studies involving in-home interviews and a review of entertainment diaries kept by household members over the course of several weeks.


  • 本文发表时C - RUP团队处于方案设计开发活动的最后阶段,接收着用户测试评论反馈

    At the time of this publication, the C-RUP team is finalizing the solution design and development activities, with feedback from user testing and reviews.


  • 但是评论认为阿森纳技术上他们对手优秀,但是他们相对年青或者会成为他们竞争冠军最后阶段阻碍

    But critics suggest that, while Arsenal are technically superior to their rivals, their relative youth may hinder them when the title race reaches its final lap.


  • 可以加入ProjectZero社区参与项目工作加入论坛,您可以论坛中对项目的每个开发阶段进行评论

    You can join the Project Zero community, contribute to the project, or join the discussion forum, where you can comment on the project through each stage of its development.


  • 实际上刚开始评论时我有意忽略anki缺陷因为认为还处于个月的初级研发阶段

    In fact, when I originally wrote this review, I was more likely to forgive Anki of its bugs since I thought it had only been in development for six months.


  • 洽谈矿场钢铁厂没有表示评论因为谈判秘密阶段

    To negotiate the mine and steel plant that have not comment because negotiations are still secret stage.


  • 当前阶段国际奥委会不会进行更多评论

    The IOC will not comment any further on the elements of the investigations at this stage.


  • 困难悲痛时刻,他的家人希望自己隐私得到尊重,近阶段不会发表进一步评论

    The family would ask that their privacy be respected at this difficult and emotional time. There will be no further comment at this stage.


  • 正在英语的兄弟篇短篇故事或者几个阶段对比它们之间区别评论形成区别的缘由

    Read a short story or a few paragraphs to a friend who is also studying English. Compare the differences and discuss what might be the reasons for the differences.


  • 时期中国园林正处于蓬勃发展阶段建立完善中国园林景观评论提高我国园林设计水平非常重要

    Chinese gardens flourish in new stage. It is important to build and perfect the Chinese gardening landscape reviewing for improvement of level of gardening design.


  • 结束时发挥奶奶两岸之间空间行动剧院阶段比赛结局评论事件实际上外面

    At the end of the play, Grandma will come to cross between the Spaces of the action and theater to stage the play's denouement and comment on the events literally from the outside.


  • 、清前期、清中期、晚清及近代等四阶段概括性地总结论述了元明清三代左传人物评论及其特点。

    This paper makes a brief discussion of the comments on the characters in "Zuozhuan" in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 文中阶段创始人的主要贡献作了介绍评论

    The major contributions of these theory-originators are critically reviewed.


  • 文中阶段创始人的主要贡献作了介绍评论

    The major contributions of these theory-originators are critically reviewed.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定