• 是的喜欢不同访问节目

    Yes. I enjoy listening to the different talk shows.


  • 本发明节目指南系统使用户将与录制节目相关信息存储数字存储装置目录中,从而容易访问节目信息。

    The program guide system of the invention can enable a user to easily access a program by storing information related to the recorded programs in a list of the digital storage device.


  • 事故发生的前一天,空中秀电视台一个访问节目中,里沃德信心满满的表示对赛事的期望,并暗示他的队伍接下来的几天中会飞行更快

    A day before the crash, in an interview from Airshow TV, Leeward expressed confidence about his prospects in the race — while hinting that his team would fly even faster in the days to come.


  • 访问英国做过几个访谈节目特邀嘉宾。

    She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain.


  • 欧洲亚洲部分电视节目访问看到我们个性化我们电视体验是多么落后了。

    And visitors to parts of Europe and Asia can see how far behind we are in personalizing our TV experience.


  • 访问德国硅谷技术车间时,我这么节目转换产品受困一个简单致命缺陷而震动:机顶盒老化

    As I visited technology workshops in Germany and Silicon Valley, I was struck by how many of these program-shifting products suffer from a simple but fatal flaw: set-top box fatigue.


  • 报纸当时正在报道最近BBC世界顶级汽车测评节目主持人杰里米克拉克森访问前英国财政大臣布朗不当行为,即使评论没有被发布出来

    The paper was reporting on the latest misdeed of Jeremy Clarkson, host of the BBC show Top Gear, who called Prime Minister Gordon Brown one, although the comment wasn't broadcast.


  • 今天每个星期有近三百万用户访问Netflix即时服务通过电脑客厅里的设备大约五百万部电影电视节目

    Today, nearly 3 million users access Netflix's instant streaming service, watching an estimated 5 million movies and TV shows every week on their PCs or living room sets.


  • NBCFox公司开办的Hulu网因为提供众多在线收看电视节目,2008年下半年网站访问提高57个百分点。

    Hulu, which was created by NBC and Fox, offers many TV shows online and had a 57 percent increase in viewership in the last six months of 2008.


  • 了“地球超级英雄”奖章之后,他接受行星队长[译注:美国一档动画环保电视节目的角色]的访问,他还开办了一个使用垃圾回收箱可再用型便携橄榄球训练营就是好的开始!”

    He gets visits from Captain Planet after receiving a "Superhero for the Earth" award, and runs a football camp with recycling bins and reusable totes " it's a start!"


  • 古蒂前往印度访问行为引起的反感道歉希望在“名人大哥大印度版“名人老大哥节目上的现身有助于做出弥补

    Goody visited India to apologise for the distress her actions had caused and had hoped her appearance on, Bigg Boss, the India version of Big Brother would also help to make amends.


  • 现在,康卡斯特(Comcast)时代华纳即将要对5000名有线电视用户进行一次实验,公司5000名用户访问网络电视访问权。

    Now, Comcast and Time Warner are about to start a trial with about 5, 000 cable customers that would give these households access to TV programs on the web.


  • 每逢乐队访问贾巴宫殿,在节目间隙经常能听到两个亚扎姆人用抑扬顿挫、近似音乐般的语言交谈

    The rhythmic and almost musical conversations of the two Yuzzums were often heard as intermezzos between performances of the bands that visited the palace.


  • 节目中,主持人访问人,讨论话题通常是时下最热门的话题。

    On this type of program one or a group of people are interviewed by the host or hostess.


  • 汤姆访问一位业界厉害的猎头。那个节目结束就问是否有兴趣转行。

    Tom: I was interviewing one of the top headhunters in the field and after the show, he asked me if I'd be interested in switching jobs.


  • 据说那天访问持续3小时但是电视播出的节目只有大约小时

    It is said that the interview lasted for 3 hours, but the program showed on television is just about half an hour.


  • 软件提供了完全彻底访问录制节目的权力。

    It gives you full and complete access to your library of recorded shows.


  • 访问英国做过几个访谈节目特邀嘉宾。

    She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain .


  • 此外通过在由停止代码指定随机访问存储介质能够瞬间地进行节目广播开始指引移动

    In addition, by random accessing the storage medium at a frame designated by the stop code, to cue up or to move to the broadcasting start point of the program can be performed instantaneously.


  • 透过兽医访问加上影片重现当时的情况,每一节目为您生动描述这些狗狗的故事

    Through interviews with the owners and Veterinarians plus dramatic recreations, MY DOG ATE WHAT?! brings each story to life in a weekly hour long program.


  • 节目访问可以使用密码防止未经授权访问受到限制。

    The access to the program can be restricted with a password in order to prevent unauthorized access.


  • 官方指南FSAFEDS节目中说,实行人事管理办公室提供联邦员工访问大使

    The Official Guide of the program FSAFEDS that the implementation of the Federal Office " of " Personnel Management employees to gain access to the ambassador.


  • 访问电台节目主持人梁文道。

    Interview with Mr Leung Man Tu, Raido Programme Host...


  • 乐队巴西取得巨大成功访问令人印象深刻的欧洲巡演领衔整个西班牙意大利法国在2005年2月欧洲南部节目

    The band made a hugely successful tour in Brazil and an impressive European tour, headlining shows in Southern Europe throughout Spain, Italy, and France in February of 2005.


  • 访问可以节目注解错过节目注册用户收到每周的关于节目信件

    Visitors can read and listen to programs, write comments, find shows they missed and sign up to receive programs by weekly email.


  • 他们可以访问火车站去乘车电台节目制作经验

    They can visit the station to get experience in radio production.


  • 他们可以访问火车站去乘车电台节目制作经验

    They can visit the station to get experience in radio production.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定